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Summer Bucket List Update (#2!)

Every summer I make a bucket list; a plan for how I want to spend my time before summer kicks the bucket. And every month I share an update to let you know how I’m doing at knocking things off my list.

It’s not quite August yet, but it’s close enough for a bucket list update, I thought.

summer bucket list


1. Declutter my house.

Decluttered so far:

-the linen closet

-the coat closet

-Sonia and Zoe’s room

-our schoolbook bookshelf

-the office.

craft desk decluttering

Which was a GIANORMOUS undertaking and I got rid of so many papers and craft supplies and books and photos, and I’m actually hopeful that this room will stay kind of clean now.

decluttering papers

(Also, I found some pretty, um, awesome old photos, which you’ve already seen if you follow me on Instagram.)

Kristen @thefrugalgirl

I’m being pretty ruthless with the decluttering (ALL THE THINGS MUST GO.), so hopefully that’ll pay dividends in the long run.

2. Make a Travelwee photo book.

Yup.   Shoo-Bop’s California adventures are all documented in a photo book, due to arrive on August 10th.   Woohoo!

shoo bop

(Shoo-Bop is a travelwee that Lisey made, and he went with Mr. FG and Joshua to California this past spring.)

3. Paint Sonia and Zoe’s room.

You all know how this one is going!   We tried sample after sample, finally hit up another paint store, and found a happy middle ground.   Phew.

(Summer usually brings painting projects for me. Last summer I painted Joshua’s room and his craigslist bed, and the summer before, I did Lisey’s room plus my kitchen cabinets.)

4. Teach my kids to cook meals.

Yep, I’m doing pretty well at this. We haven’t quite hit once a week, but I’m close.

Lisey making pizza

5. Say yes to swimming/water play twice a week.

Most weeks I’ve hit this goal, except when impeded by bad weather, or a bout of decluttering.



6. Eat outside.

I did not do this in July unless you count a few lunches at the pool.   Whoops.

7. Grab small moments to do fun things.

This isn’t super measurable, but I’m seeing progress here.


  8. Initiate/say yes to playdates/sleepovers.

Yep! July held a number of sleepovers and playdates.

9. Clean out our shed.


shed cleanout

This was, um, BEFORE the cleanout.

10. Finish odds and ends left from the wood floor project.

Erm, nope. We discovered that the stain we were using on the railings/steps is too red, so now we have to resand and restain everything we did so far.

Womp, womp.

stain stairs

We still haven’t gotten off our duffs and done this.     Oof.

11. Landscape the front borders.

Yep.   They’re landscaped AND mulched now.   Woohoo!

12. Go to the beach once.

Yes!   The kids and I took a trip to the ocean with my sister and one of my brothers.

beach day

13. Plan for the next school year.


14. Keep the library basket full.

Yep! Much reading has been going on.

keep the library basket full

15. Teach my girls how to use the sewing machine.


(Please note: Sonia and Lisey have asked how to use the sewing machine.   Joshua and Zoe have not, but I’d teach them if they were interested.   So, this isn’t a sexist item on my bucket list as many of you have worried, but rather an item based off of my children’s desires.)

16. Redo chore lists.


framed chore lists

(I hang their chore lists on their walls.)

17. Go see a cheap movie once a month.

Yes! We’ve been to two $1 Regal movies so far this summer.

regal summer movie

18. Write to my grandpa once a month.

Yep! I wrote him a letter this month and also emailed my dad a bunch of photos to bring on his laptop for my grandpa.

(The lack of internet at his house requires some creativity!)


How’s your summer going? Have you been spending your summer days in ways that are meaningful to you? Let me know in the comments.


P.S. In case you like looking at bucket lists, here’s my 2014 bucket list, my 2013 bucket list, and my 2012 bucket list.

P.P.S. I do random updates on my bucket list progress on Instagram, so if that sort of thing interests you, follow me! It’s a pretty fun place over there.   😉   I’m thefrugalgirl.   Of course.

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    Laura Vanderkam

    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    Yay, progress! A new item on the summer bucket list: get our broken AC fixed. Ugh...


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    Oh heavens. So sorry! It's been so hot here on the East Coast this week too.


    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I'm curious, what do you do with the stuff you get rid of... donate it, give it away, or craigslist it? By the way, you've done a great job on your summer bucket list!!


    Thursday 30th of July 2015

    I do a combo of things, trying to make sure my stuff goes to places it can be best used. Here's a post I wrote about the ways I declutter without creating trash:

    sheila p

    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I remember seeing a summer list every summer but do you do a fall, winter or spring one? I doesn't remember that but would enjoy seeing that too if you do.


    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I haven't, mainly because summer is the season of the year when we have more free time (no homeschooling!), so that's when I make big, ambitious plans. ;)

    I have made a list like this around Christmastime, though, because that's another time of year when we have a break from school and some special seasonal things I want to do. I don't know that I've ever posted a Christmas bucket list, though. I'll try to remember to do that this year.


    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    I love the idea of a seasonal bucket list. I may have to take some time and figure one out for our family. Thanks!


    Wednesday 29th of July 2015

    The people who worried about sexism in regard to sewing lessons,they truly need to un-knot their undergarments!

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