This week, I am thankful:
that my dad added leaf latches to my table
You all have seen my abandoned-house table, which my dad helped me rehab.
Oddly, it didn’t have any latches to keep the pieces together, and this was starting to get a little bit annoying…the tabletop pieces would slowly slide apart a bit, and then we had gaps where food could get stuck.
So, my dad bought me a little set of latches and his gift came with his installation services included. 😉
for the cute little bottle Lisey brought me
I like that it is cute, that it has a cat, and that it has an encouraging message on it.
for some warm days
After a string of unusual cold, we are now in a period of unusual warmth. In fact, I wore flip-flops to the grocery store last night.
for the bottle-opener on my can opener
Last night I was wanting to open a bottle of clam juice for the clam chowder I was making, but I saw it had one of those lids that does not unscrew.
And then I was like, “Crap! My bottle opener is at my old house.”
But then I realized that my can opener (which was a hand-me-down from a neighbor when I moved here) has a bottle opener on it. Yay!
that it is so easy to get a Christmas tree out of this house
My other house is a split foyer and MAN it is hard to get a dry Christmas tree out of that style of house. There’s no good way to avoid squishing it through a narrow space, and then all the needles go flying.
At my current house, I just had to scoot the tree over by the front door and then scoot it right out.
No narrow stairways to deal with!
that Lisey and I managed to navigate our way to our concert
We went to one of those candlelight concerts (I saw them advertised all over Facebook in December), and it was in a big nearby city. We took the train in and walked to the venue, and it was actually pretty easy overall.
I generally avoid big cities like the plague, so I am always relieved when I manage to get to and from a city event successfully!
that Zoe’s back from her puppy-sitting job
We’re glad to have her back, and our cat is ESPECIALLY glad to have her back! The cat was getting very lonely without Zoe here.
for all of you that shared in yesterday’s comments
In part of yesterday’s post, I mentioned that we tend not to talk about grief and the really hard things in our lives…but so many of you did in the comments, and I am so glad you felt comfortable enough to do that.
Friday 6th of January 2023
This week's thankfuls That my cataract procedure went well and that I can take it easy at my job for a few days to let my eyes adjust. That I was able to help someone by lending them some gear that was out of stock. That our cats, though getting on, are still with us in good feline health. So thankful that there are many medical interventions and procedures available to us that we give little thought. Once upon a time they were only a groundbreaking idea in someone's head and over time the idea was explored and perfected.
Friday 6th of January 2023
I hope your eyes are all recovered soon! My dad had this surgery and his eyesight was way better afterward.
Central Calif. Artist
Thursday 5th of January 2023
So much to be thankful for: 1. Yesterday's blog post, which I sent to a friend in a very similar situation; she appreciated the wisdom so much—thank you, Kristen! I just haven't known how to encourage her, so your post was very timely. 2. Two places that sell my art said they will be able to sell the cards that I mistakenly ordered (flat instead of folded). I was stunned when they said people buy these types of cards for $2 each! (obviously those customers aren't followers of this blog. . .) 3. So much needed rain, just storm after storm, making it so green here. 4. A farmer friend brought me 6 bags of oranges today. SIX! I have so much to share with other friends, which is great fun. 5. The world's best Honda/Toyota mechanic, who has kept our vehicles going for many miles (350,000 Husband's 1986 Toyota, 240,000 my 1996 Accord) There is so much confidence knowing a great mechanic who has become a very dear friend through all those miles. (I probably hand out more of his business cards than my own.)
P.S. Cities are SO STRESSFUL. And flipflops in January. . . I particularly enjoyed seeing unpainted toenails, because I thought I was the last one left who just doesn't/won't. Is that a frugal thing??
Friday 6th of January 2023
I do actually have a few remnants of last September's nail polish on there. I'm a lazy toenail painter, though. I typically only do it a few times in the summer, and then I just let it slowly wear off as the cold months go by.
Thursday 5th of January 2023
I'm thankful for the opportunity for a possible new job, even though I am not completely qualified at this time. I have not worked outside home for business in over 12 years since taking care of my family & not as young as others. I have been given chance to go in new direction & learn some new skills.
I'm grateful that I have been able to spend down time with my teen son over winter/holiday break. Though nothing exciting, it has been good just relaxing, being together. We have been able to find farm fresh eggs locally but disappointed that priced increased $1-$2/dozen since Jan 1st now all varieties same increased price. Grateful that my teen son will adleast be eating fresh healthy food (six times today). And especially grateful for my attorney, who has been understanding & getting me through this most difficult past year. Only few more possible obstacles left that my Ex can try to continue to try & not do what legally responsible for.
New year goal of seeing & expressing more gratitude in our life while counting our blessings as small or big as they are.
Thursday 5th of January 2023
I'm thankful that all the little problems I need to solve at my new job fall into the annoying but not actually a big deal category, which was not always the case at previous places of employment.
I'm also thankful that my current cold symptoms are very mild and my COVID tests have all been negative despite others being out with COVID at work right now. And, I'm thankful no one else in my household seems to have caught my cold...knock on wood...
Thursday 5th of January 2023
I am delighted for you that this new job is working out so well!
Thursday 5th of January 2023
Right now? I'm very thankful the holidays are over and we are in a quiet time of pre-winter here in Austin... Thankful for my job which distracts me Thankful for a work bestie who "gets" me Thankful for the oven on, cooking me a nice fat baked potato after a long day Thankful my daughter lent me books to read (currently working on three by Jeannette Walls. I need to make out a new list for my own blog...
Central Calif. Artist
Thursday 5th of January 2023
@gina, I loved The Glass Castle, both in book form and especially audio. Really liked Half Broke Horses, and enjoyed Silver Star. Is there more by her? What a fantastic storyteller, and such a good person too. I looked her up on the internet and found several interview articles about her life.