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Thankful Thursday | I have a stethoscope!

This week, I am thankful:

that I have a stethoscope

A dear reader who is a retired nurse sent me a stethoscope and I am pretty excited about that. 🙂

The only payment she requested was a picture, so I’ll share it with you guys too.

Kristen with a stethoscope.

I have no idea yet what I’m doing with this thing, but I am happy. 😉 Also, look, I have my official scrubs!

that almost all my health examinations are approved

For some reason, my Covid vaccination card hasn’t been accepted yet (it seems to be a glitch), and I’m also waiting for my second HepB vax to be approved.

But other than that, I’m good to go!

RN health check screen.

At the nursing orientation meeting, we got what felt like an overwhelming list of things to knock out before class, but I’ve got nearly all of them done now, and that makes me so happy.

for interesting little bugs to see

bug on leaf.

I’m not a bug enthusiast per se, but I do like looking at all the little colorful guys out there at this time of year.

yellow ladybug.

I like how full of life the summer months are!

red ladybug.

that Lisey is getting started at her job

She’s just doing training right now, but look! She’s doing stuff on planes! I’m so proud of her.

Lisey on a ladder by a plane.

She said to tell you that Island Air is no longer in business, but her company uses some of their equipment, such as this ladder.

that my lemon tree is finally putting out some new leaves

This little tree had a rough go of it when I brought it inside over the winter. It lost around 80% of its leaves, so it has been looking pretty naked for a while.

But happily, now that it’s out in the sunshine again, it’s sprouting tons of new leaves.

new leaves on a lemon tree.

Here’s hoping I can keep it happier indoors this coming winter! I think I figured out a better spot for it, so I have high hopes.

for all the berries on my trails

Right now, there are ripe blackberries, dewberries (which look a lot like blackberries), and wineberries out there for the picking.


These are dewberries, as far as I can tell.

berries in Kristen's hand.

for gifts from reader friends

I met up with a local reader and her two sisters-in-law for lunch last week!

And they brought me some lovely berries that they’d picked.

pint of berries.

Plus they brought me this cute little fern. Prisca said the eyes made her think immediately of me, since my children have often liked to put eyes on things. 🙂

fern in a pot with eyes.

I texted a photo to Lisey, and she said she thought we should name him Colin.

So, Colin it is. 😉

for the wineberry bushes in my backyard

I don’t have any blackberries growing here, but I DO have quite a few wineberry bushes.

wineberry bushes.

wineberry cluster.

My body composition is probably somewhere around 47% berries right now. 😉

What are you thankful for this week?

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    Sara B.

    Friday 7th of July 2023

    Speaking of freezer foods, those berries will all freeze great for smoothies, pies, baked French toast and a million other things!


    Friday 7th of July 2023

    I'm late, but I promised myself I was going to participate, so here I am! Job thankfulness 1. I am thankful that I like my coworkers. We all try to do the right thing and the best we can in helping students. I like that we go above and beyond when we are able to. 2. I am thankful that I am paid decently. When I divorced a few years ago, one of my biggest fears was not being able to support myself. I have been with the same university since then and I really appreciate that I don't make minimum wage. 3. I love, love, love walking around my campus. I like to walk and it's therapy for me, so I am so glad I have so much area to walk around in. Even a 15 minute break is amazing when you can take a quick stroll in greenery. 4. I mostly like what I do. No job is really 100% enjoyable, but I like a lot of the projects and data entry that I get to do. I have been in my new position for about 6 months and I'm getting the hang of it, which makes me enjoy it more. 5. I am so very thankful that I have an office. With a window. I was in cubeland (which was fine) for the first 13 years being here. I could not even see a window. Now I have a wall of windows and am able to decorate my office as I wish. And I can close the door and lower the blinds and do yoga! And a bonus 6. I was able to take a tour of our engineering and health campuses recently and I am amazed and proud of the ways our university allows students to get hands-on training in their fields. I had no idea of the projects the engineering students get to work on and the realistic medical "dummies" (they are not dumb!!) that the nurses and other health professionals get to practice on....WOW.


    Friday 7th of July 2023

    I’m amazed you have so many ripe berries! Strawberries and raspberries here too, but blackberries seem to need another month or so…?


    Thursday 6th of July 2023

    I am thankful for: My dad's house is now officially empty. 6 long months, so much stuff. We collectively have around 500 hours worked. Thank you to JunkLuggers, they worked hard and I was very thankful for their help.


    Thursday 6th of July 2023


    Lisey looks so rad at her job!

    47% berries sounds yummy!

    Today, I'm thankful for all the cornucopia of fruits that's been on sale locally!

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