This week, I am thankful:
for my dad’s air compressor
Several of you suggested that I might want to blow out my second-hand fans, so I stopped by my dad’s garage and went at it.

the Facebook Marketplace fans
As soon as I pointed the compressor inside the fan, chunks of dust began to fly out.
So satisfying! Right up there with power-washing in terms of immediate gratification.
Unbeknownst to me, my mom took a picture of me doing this. For your readers, she said. 😉
for the fact that humidity does not last forever
I’ve been trying to go for walks super early, and it’s still pretty miserable.
And the other night I tried going for a walk late enough that the street lights were starting to come on when I got home.
And it was still pretty miserable.
So, I have concluded that the best strategy is to just be thankful this is a temporary circumstance. I don’t live in a place where it’s hot and humid all year long, and I am super grateful for that!
always for interesting things to see in nature
It’s humid, yes, but there are still always new-to-me things to observe on my walks.
Like this mushroom that looks kind of like a fried egg.
And this very oddly-patterned spider web, which looks like someone turned to the zig-zag setting on their sewing machine.
for the customer support people at Chewy
I’d ordered a litter mat for Chiquita, since we have one for Shelly and we love it. But when the box arrived, it just had a few toys I’d ordered, and no mat.
I got on the customer service chat, and the guy who was helping me asked about my pet. So, I told him about Chiquita and sent him a photo. My litter mat arrived in a few days, but then a few days later, another package also arrived.
Inside was a little note and a set of three toy balls for Chiquita. Aww!
I like that Chewy does things like this; it’s such a unique customer service strategy, and it does make you sit up and take notice!
for the funny things Chiquita does
Guys, she figured out how to open the cabinet underneath the sink, and once she gets in there, she climbs behind the drawers.
I’m gonna have to get some cabinet locks to keep her out.
Good thing she’s so cute.
for technology
Zoe was cat-sitting recently, and we were still needing to work through the last few lessons of her algebra book.
So, we had some Snapchat video calls to do that, filters and all.

It’s not often I get to do algebra with Spiderman
Speaking of, I’m grateful…
that we are ALL done with algebra
We finished it up this week, which means I am well and truly done teaching math. My 17-year career as a math teacher has come to a close, and I am so so delighted.
This career has made me very competent when it comes to math, and I appreciate that.
But it has not made me love math.
(Sorry to all you mathematicians out there. I will forever be a words-over-numbers person.)
I’m actually, factually done homeschooling now and I can hardly believe it.
The timing has all worked out perfectly since I am becoming a full-time student myself this fall. I’m ready to be just a student and not a teacher. 🙂
And to answer a reader’s question, yes, this means that Zoe has graduated from high school! My last student! Yay!
Her high school years have been chock full of challenges she didn’t ask for, but she made it and I’m so proud of her.
that my algebra books sold already
I listed them promptly on eBay since I know homeschool moms are shopping for books right now.
I got a low offer, sent a counteroffer back that was within $5 of my asking price, and the buyer accepted. Woohoo!
For the first time since 2004, my house has no math books on the bookshelves. And that’s kinda wild because I used to have a whole Saxon library here.

a small sampling of my previous collection
Here’s how I sell books on eBay, in case you want to try it yourself!
What are you thankful for this week?
Sunday 23rd of July 2023
1) My husband who seems to be endlessly able to deal with my messed up body.
2) Our new cat for brightening my day with her antics.
3) An older cat we have who has decided to brave the walk to the couch and sit with me even when the dog isn't in her crate.
4) That we don't need me to be making an income because I can't do that right now.
5) 50 oz water bottles that help me to make sure I get the water I need every day.
Friday 21st of July 2023
Chewey really does go above and beyond with customer service. A few years ago, I was doing a sponsored blog post for them, and my daddy passed away. I emailed them to inform them that the post would be a few days late. They sent me a sympathy card in the mail, and it was so touching.
Congratulations to Zoe! Graduating high school is such a special time, although I'm sure it's a little bittersweet for you.
Friday 21st of July 2023
I had a spider web just like that at my house with a beautiful “common garden spider”. Even though the name called them common, they were beautiful. If you’re freaked out by spiders you won’t think so but I’m not so……
Friday 21st of July 2023
Outdoor spiders are no problem by me. I don't like it when they come inside and crawl in my bed, but outdoors is totally fine. lol
Friday 21st of July 2023
Yay Zoe! Congratulations! Great job on homeschooling, Kristen! We have been having a lot of humid days as well...ick...ick...ick! Very thankful for AC, even though I get a little chilled from it sometimes. Chiquita is the cutest thing!
Kathy M
Friday 21st of July 2023
I have long list but it's Friday and I'm late to the game.
The things that have been making me smile and feel good are brief encounters with strangers and meeting new people at church.
I met a man on the elevator. I told him how dapper he looked, like a real Southern gentleman (I'm in Savannah) He had on seersucker pants, a navy jacket and a yellow tie. We talked briefly and I mentioned I have been here 30 years. As he walked a way with a bounce in his step, he turned around and said "well, I've been here 88!"
Then I was sitting on a bench at the same location. A lovely woman asked if I was from here. Similar conversation. She told me she was from Texas. My chatty self had to tell her about my kids in Texas and so on. She told me she was born and raised in Tyler. I said "Wow, the rose capital of Texas". She was delighted that I knew.
I had another brief encounter a couple of weeks ago. A man was sitting in the square (park) in front of my church. We said hello. He had the brightest smile. I had to turn around and ask if I could take a photo. It turns out that we were neighbors a couple of years ago. These connections make me happy for hours, even longer when they come to mind.
(Grammar police, please go easy on me!)