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Thankful Thursday | the heat can leave, please

This morning I was thinking about how thankful I am to live in a place where this hot and humid weather is a temporary experience, not a year-round or most-of-the-year experience. I’m sweaty, but at least I know some cooler air is coming eventually! 

This week, I am thankful:

for a little flower/card drop off

flowers in a glass jar.

Reader Kim lives in my area, and she kindly dropped off flowers and a little encouraging card on my front bench this week. 

that I’m more on top of my game this week

Now that the first week is over, I’m getting a better idea of where everything is (mostly online stuff to log into) and I’m getting a better system for keeping track of everything.


I understand the convenience of school readings/assignments being online, but this online world does make it a little harder to keep track of assignments and readings.

They’re in so many different places online, it’s easy to forget to check everything.

for the way pre-reqs ease you into school

I am really grateful I had a few years to slowly work through my pre-reqs. If I’d had to re-enter college life by diving right into the nursing program, I’d be struggling way more!


My previous semesters helped me learn a lot of these online systems, which are so different than the way college was done back when I originally enrolled (1996/1997).

that I’ve worked online during my mothering years

I have noticed that some of the adult returning students really struggle with the tech aspect of school; figuring out how to access things, log onto things, download things, and so on. 

But I think since I’ve been working online for so long as a blogger, some of this stuff is a little less challenging for me. 

for the way life experience is easing my way

I know it’s early, but some of the stuff we’ve been going over so far feels like common sense to me at this point in my life.

The study habits/time management stuff definitely feels familiar to me. And a lot of the soft skills we’re learning about things (like communication)…those are things that are somewhat second nature to me at this age. 

I know my actual practical nursing skills are non-existent at this point, but I am grateful that some of the other necessary skills are things I already have in my toolbelt. 

that temperatures are going down

We’ve had a tremendously hot week, but starting this weekend, things will cool back down a bit. 


It will still be humid, but at least we won’t be in the upper 90s! 

This has been a week where I have opted NOT to walk to school; I’d arrive drenched in sweat if I tried that. 

sunrise through trees.

Maybe next week will be more walk-to-school-friendly weather. 

that my flu shot got approved

I submitted the record through the school app and I just saw it got approved. Sweet!

kristen's arm with a band aid.

Now I just need my November hepatitis shot and all of my health to-dos will be crossed off. 

for the places I find Chiquita

She is everywhere, all the time. 😉 

chiquita in a bin.

Yesterday, I got up from my chair for about 30 seconds and poof, there she was, taking my spot.

chiquita in a chair.

So, like a good softie, what did I do? I took the empty chair instead of making Chiquita move.

I have nothing to say for myself. 😉

Also…you know how we have a rule that she’s not allowed on the table?

Well. I came out one morning and found a placemat looking like this:

cat hair on placemat.

Which leads me to believe perhaps Chiquita is having a little bit of rebellious fun while I am sleeping.

for the flowers and plants I see

We are moving toward fall, and after fall comes a season of brown, dead scenery.

So, right now I’m feeling especially appreciative of the flowers and green leaves I see as I walk.

white flower.

What are you thankful for this week?

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    L bryant

    Wednesday 13th of September 2023

    Just saw the last picture of the flower. It looks like Hemlock. Do not pick. Hood luck with nursing school. Our daughter finished nursing school in May and had job offers all through the last year. Loves her work!!!


    Friday 8th of September 2023

    I'm a day late but: I'm thankful that I got to the podiatrist when my popped blister on my big toe really started to hurt. That was the Monday after we got home from vacation. I was put on antibiotics and told to clean it daily, neosporin and bandaid. I'm a diabetic so it's taking a while to heal. It's officially a "wound". Saw podiatrist this week and will see him again next week. I'm thankful for podiatrist prescribing me the yeast infection pill cause, yeah, at 62 I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics. Thankful that hubby's been playing golf all week with a long time friend and others from his former work place. It's like having another vacation with the house to myself. Thankful we have that second car as hubby took my CRV to golf today as he had to transport 3 passengers and 3 golf bags. I drove the Altima to do errands and it was hard to get used to. What's with these cars that have a fob but no key. I was terrified I would lose the fob. Thankful for the rain and hopefully cooler temps next week. Poor kids started school on Tuesday in the awful heat. Some towns in NJ had half days because of the heat. The schools weren't air conditioned when I was in them but I wonder if they have changed? Thankful for a good little library in my little town. I was able to take out 3 books today to start my reading again.


    Friday 8th of September 2023

    I'm so thankful for.... 1. The pottery class I'm auditing at my local state college. 2. My free calligraphy course is reaping benefits. 3. My medication was refilled as soon as it finished. 4. My free YourTube embroidery classes. 5. Virgin River is back on Netflix!

    Anita Isaac

    Friday 8th of September 2023

    you have more practical skills than you think. Helping your family through various illnesses counts in my book. hope you continue to adjust well to school.


    Thursday 7th of September 2023

    You will be fine, Kristen. Adult students have better life skills than traditional young students, and they are helpful for you, as examples for younger students, and for your patients now and later. You have earned a gold star!

    My thankfuls: 1/ for my beautiful, efficient kitchen, remodeled in 2004 and going strong. 2/ for air conditioning in the house. Our Ohio summer is very hot and humid for weeks at a time. 3/ for our public library, consistently offering the most wonderful books and DVDs. 4/ for the young man who detailed my car, the first time I've had it done. It makes an old car feel new! And squeaky clean! 5/ for my new exercise class, a welcome change from sitting too much.

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