Things are hard in the world right now for multiple reasons, so we’ve been doing weekly thankful posts around here. Even in the midst of hard times, there is always something to be grateful for if we hunt hard enough, and this weekly post is our chance to hunt together.
Sonia got her learner’s permit.

I always end up taking a window self-portrait while I wait for a kid to take the written test!
Multiple things to be grateful for here:
- the DMV opened up by appointment (they were closed for a long time!)
- now we can spend some of Sonia’s free time this summer working on completing the required driving hours
- now that she has a picture ID, I can register her for fall college classes
And in related gratefulness, Sonia starts virtual driver’s ed next week.
Sonia likes driving!
I’m not going to have to drag her out to practice; she might be the one dragging me out. 😉
I have been having fun kayaking.
We’ve lived by the water for 15 years but have never had any type of boat.
We can afford kayaks now, though (so not true when we moved here!), and we’ve been enjoying being OUT on the water instead of just looking at it from land.
Sonia & Zoe are really enjoying seeing friends.
We are still being pretty conservative, but now that restrictions have loosened a bit, they’ve been seeing a friend here and there and I am so happy for them.
Not being able to see friends at all for so long really makes you appreciate them!
Our mortgage hit a nice tipping point.
We’ve now paid enough extra principal so that our regular payment is made up of slightly more principal than interest.
And every month from here on out, that ratio will get better and better!
I’m not gonna lie; the mortgage is still a depressing amount to think of paying off. But we have knocked many, many years off of it by paying extra principal from the start of the loan.
So, I’m going to focus on that. 😉
One of my affiliates started paying me again!
Because of the pandemic, a lot of blogging affiliates stopped working with bloggers (either because they had no business, or because they had so much business, they didn’t need bloggers to help them).
I send this particular company a lot of traffic from an older post that people find via Google, and I am delighted that they are paying me again now.
We haven’t needed heat or cooling this week.
It’s been a week of perfect weather in the 70s, which is seriously unusual for June.
Some 90s are coming next week, but this week has been unbelievably cool.
Saturday 20th of June 2020
This week I am thankful: That I love my home-since we are there most of the time now! That I am very easily amused, and so is my kid For neighbors who like to trade plants That my MILs cancer is operable That none of us have gotten COVID That I like to cook That I have enough projects. To keep me and DH busy for several pandemics! Lol That DH goes along with all my crazy plans.
MB in MN
Friday 19th of June 2020
Things for which I am especially thankful this time around:
- Got a haircut for the first time since February. (I was beginning to look like one of those troll dolls from my childhood.) - Had a meal inside a lovely local restaurant with my husband for the first time in months. Real dishes, utensils and glasses. Delicious food. I nearly wept with gratitude. - Bought the clematis plant I wanted for the garden. - Preparing for a baby shower for my out-of-state niece. So eager to see her and her growing baby even if we can't get too close.
Friday 19th of June 2020
One thing I think that is interesting about this period of time living through this pandemic is how all the people I know are reacting to it. Some people never missed a beat, got together with family and friends and as soon as the restaurants opened up they were there.
Some people are living in a bubble. They will not leave their house, order everything (including groceries) online. And state they will not be coming out until there is a vaccine.
And then some are a blend. I just think it is so interesting. I wonder what makes people react the way they do.
I am grateful for my health and my family's health. The lovely Spring weather which made staying at home so much more bearable. My community garden. Lovely group of people volunteer there. A husband who is my best friend. That my children are independent. All that gripping by them about how strict we were did pay off in the end.
Thursday 18th of June 2020
It's been a little (lot) difficult--being stuck in for 3 mos., and then the Minneapolis and Atlanta issues and having a family member in law enforcement, it is strained and stressed. After letting all of the emotions out in the backyard the other day, I
cleaned out the basement and took a lot to the transfer station went to my daughter's and son-in-law's for lunch and took a walk with my 17-mth-old grandson. next week I will be returning to help care for him, which will help the parents because both are working from home now. I'll get in some exercise because we take a walk all around town. have decided to get my bike tuned up and I'll go out on some area bike trails by myself. the vegetable garden is looking good. I am experimenting with growing corn. I was able to get a starter tray and I am trying the 3-sisters method--corn, bean (although I did peas) and squash. I have 3 plants in 2 raised containers, one with mulch and the other with a growing medium (no dirt). We'll see what happens. There are a lot of strawberries but we are fighting with the slugs.
Everyone: Be well.
Thursday 18th of June 2020
Even in the midst of the darkest days, there are always things to be thankful for. Let's see... I am thankful for my son who is always a joy. He is 17 and will start his senior year in high school in a few months, so I am soaking up every moment with him this summer. I am thankful my family and I are healthy. Texas has seen a big jump in COVID cases, so we continue to be on high alert. I am grateful for unemployment benefits (furloughed since April 3rd), a few rainy days recently and a comfortable, happy home. Stay safe, everyone!