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Thankful Thursday

New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; an exercise to help us hunt the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.

This week I am thankful:

for a kid who drives.

Yesterday I realized we were out of both peanut butter and milk, and Lisey volunteered to run to the store for me while I was cooking dinner. Yay!

Lisey holding a cat and wearing Bert socks

that my parents have a pool

I am thankful for this most years, but I am particularly thankful this year since public swimming options are a little limited.

that Mr. FG could finally get his braces off

He was due to get his Invisalign buttons removed (and move on to a retainer) jusssst after everything closed down. So, he’s been patiently waiting months for the orthodontist office to open and then work through their backlog of more pressing patients before getting to him.

Yesterday was the day! The buttons are off and the retainer is ordered.

for air conditioning

I put this in last week’s list, but it’s here again.

We’ve had consistent days in the 90s here, with high humidity, and I am so grateful I do not have to get through this without climate control. 🙂

for the stuffed animals sitting on my couch

Chick and bear on leather loveseat

When I walked into the living room and found the bear sitting next to the enormous chick, I had to laugh.

I love the funny things my kids do!

(The huge chick is Lisey’s, and she named him Pachick…you know, like Patrick except Pachick, since he’s a chick. Pachick sometimes goes on road trips with Lisey, sitting in the passenger seat of her car, and he even got patted down at customs when she went to Canada.)

that my PT was able to find some things that are wrong

I’m not exactly happy things are messed up in my neck/shoulder, but I am very pleased that she was able to locate some problems at my evaluation.

That’s so much better than hearing, “Hmmm, I really don’t know why you are in pain.”

A located problem is more fixable than a mystery problem!

that no more estimated taxes are due until September

I’ve got 2/4 payments knocked out now. 

The first two end up being in pretty close succession, but the last two are spread out more; September and January are the next two due dates.

our local health stats are holding steady

Our positivity rate is good, and our hospital numbers are slowly getting better. Here’s hoping this continues!

What are you thankful for today?

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Friday 10th of July 2020

1. Iโ€™m really thankful for our pool. There have been multiple kids here everyday for these last couple of weeks. The pool has kept them all entertained for hours racecourse 2. Iโ€™m thankful for the nice warm weather that has let us enjoy that the pool. 3. Iโ€™m thankful that I made it on time for my doctorโ€™s appointment and didnโ€™t have to reschedule the appointment. My husband and I were heading to my doctorโ€™s appointment for my routine colonoscopy when I had a tire start to come apart. Thankfully it didnโ€™t blow out and I made it in time for the procedure. I would have hated to have had to do the prep for it a second time. 4. Iโ€™m thankful that the results were good and I donโ€™t need another one for 10 years. 5, My grandson worked odd jobs to buy his girlfriend a little Pygmy goat. Iโ€™m thankful for family that gave him jobs to help him meet this goal. It was a good life lesson.


Friday 10th of July 2020

My pool, itโ€™s small but dipping in it is so refreshing and relaxing. Grocery pickup which I tried for the first time this week. Spending time with my twin grandsons. Technology that keeps all the family connected, especially while travel is restricted. My cool and comfortable home.

Ruth T

Thursday 9th of July 2020

* I'm thankful that my husband is so talented and can do so much with our house. * I'm thankful that my kids tolerate masks way better than I expected. My 3yo is happy to wear his, my 6yo tolerates it, and my just-turned-2yo can even handle one for around 20 minutes. * I'm thankful for air conditioning, too! We turned ours off from 2-6 this afternoon to get another credit towards our bill and it was so good to turn it back on after dinner! * I'm thankful for the awesome selection of books our church has added to its library for kids this year! * I'm thankful for my church life group and how we're staying connected even when we can't all be together. * I'm thankful that my mom's cancelled travel plans for this summer mean that she can help me with the kids more (when they have dentist appts and such) since my normal childcare option is gone. * I'm thankful for children's books. I love children's books! I love ones that are just for fun and ones that teach and spark good conversations. When my kids are grown I'll have to find other kids to read to. :)

Heidi Louise

Thursday 9th of July 2020

Today I am thankful for people who are kind and who care for others. And for shared laughter.

And air conditioning, but that kind of goes without saying if you know me in person at all.


Thursday 9th of July 2020

1. Funny you mentioned PT as I just had my last session this week for my back. I am even more thankful it could all be done via virtual sessions so I didn't have to wait long to get started. My therapist was wonderful! She helped me develop an exercise plan to continue on my own and I feel so much better. 2. Definitely air conditioning! Humidity makes me very cranky and I'm already a bit stressed due to it being my busy season at work, but at least I don't have to travel to the office in this weather yet. 3. Grateful to still have a job. My husband lost his but since he just worked part-time and we live simply we are able to manage and still donate a bit to others when we can. 4. It's corn on the cob season! Bust out the cornholders and the butter! 5. Friends and family who call, write, text, Skype, etc... It really warms my heart when someone says, "I just wanted to see how you were doing..." It's like a virtual hug.

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