I missed last week’s Thankful Thursday post because I’d just gotten back from our wedding trip, and I’d just taken Sonia to the ER.
So I have lots to say by now!
This week, I’m thankful:
that we got home from our trip just in time for Sonia’s asthma attack last week
That would have been much more difficult to deal with from afar, given that she’s a minor!
that ambulances are free in my county
Our ambulances and paramedics are paid for with our taxes, and I am thankful for that.
That’s not exactly free, of course, but you know what I mean. There’s no bill after an ambulance ride here, and I am thankful.
that we live near emergency help
An advantage of suburbia is that help:
a) is located nearby
b) can get here quickly.
If you’re too rural, help is far away. And if you live in a congested city area, even nearby help could take a while.
So, suburbia is a good place to be when you can’t breathe well.
for my new sister-in-law
She is such a good fit for my adventure-loving brother, and she is just a delightful person all-around.
(My dad says that if you don’t like her, there’s probably something wrong with you!)
I am so thankful to have her in our family.
for God’s faithfulness to my brother and his wife
When people get married in their 40s, there is a long, circuitous path leading up to the marriage, and I feel thankful that God brought them together.
We sang a song about God’s faithfulness during the ceremony, and I had to stop singing a few times because otherwise, I was going to burst into tears and ruin my makeup. Heh.
for my sister-in-law’s family
She comes from a family of Egyptian immigrants, and they were so fun to talk to. Much of her family was born in Egypt (and some in Gaza and Syria) and it was really interesting to hear their stories.
So often, I take our American religious freedoms for granted, and talking to my sister-in-law’s family reminded me to be thankful!
(Her family left Egypt because it was not a safe place for people who converted to Christianity.)
for the way different cultures meld through marriage
During the dancing, as my brother and his wife were held overhead on chairs by the wedding-goers (not a typical American wedding experience for me!*), I watched and thought about how beautiful it was to see different people groups come together in a family.
*edit: several Jewish readers pointed out that American Jewish weddings also have this tradition. And I’m sure other groups in America do too. I just hadn’t experienced it before; apologies for the clumsy wording.
And I felt…I’m struggling to find the word…maybe honored to get to experience the way another culture celebrates a wedding. It was such contagious joy!
It was the most fun wedding I’ve ever been to!
I also thought about how beautiful it is that people groups from the opposite sides of the globe can share a faith in Jesus.
that every single one of my June posts is updated
Over the course of the past month, I have manually gone through every post I’ve ever published in June!
(Which is no small task because I have been blogging since 2008.)
I got all the June posts done, just in time for the month’s end.
And I plan to tackle all the July posts next, and so on and so on, which means in a year, I’ll be done.
This means I am only 1/12 done with this project, but hey, 1/12 is better than 0/12.
(I am doing this because new web accessibility standards require, among other things, that every photo on a site comes with a text description included in the code for people who use screen readers. I applaud this change and also: it is a LOT of work for a one-person operation like myself.)
that my posts have comment links now
I hired a great WordPress guy on Fiverr and he added comment links to all the posts. Yay!
So now when you visit the homepage, you can see a comment count for each post, and there’s a link that takes you straight to the comments.
for cool showers
It’s been hot here, though not as hot as in the Pacific Northwest. Still, the heat is enough to make me very thankful for a cool shower after exercise.
for cool (ish) mornings
Yesterday afternoon we had a heat index of 106° F, but at 6:00 am, the temperature outside was tolerable for walking.
So, I am thankful for the relative cool of the morning.
What are you thankful for this week?
P.S. I know some of you are still experiencing comment issues; out of order comments, or duplicate comments. Most readers have been able to fix this by clearing their history/browser cache, or by trying a different browser. If you try that and the comment issues persist, can you email me a screenshot of what you see? That will help the support team try to figure this out.
Tuesday 17th of September 2024
your sister in law looked beautiful and you and the bridesmaids did as well. love the color of dresses and flowers
Friday 2nd of July 2021
That no one was injured in a severe storm that hit our part of the county with many snapped power poles & trees. First time in quite awhile they put a warning out way in advance for that beast.
We were without power for over a day but we have whole house generator so we were good, we threw a hose over to our neighbor as they have no water when power is out. We are lucky we have such nice neighbors and we are always happy to help them.
Thankful the trees that fell in our yard were way in back so no hurry to clean them up.
Produce is starting to come out of the garden.
My schedule changed at work so I leave an hour early the days I am in office, the difference in traffic between 4 pm and 5 pm is surprising. No cars at all when I leave at 4.
Friday 2nd of July 2021
Those wedding photos are stunning!
Ruth T
Thursday 1st of July 2021
Sounds like such a wonderful time for your family! This week I'm thankful: *for my garden. This year I've really grown to love gardening (even weeding!) and the sight of baby green beans this morning filled me with hope. *that we got to celebrate my youngest child's birthday. She turned 3 yesterday and is such a joy. It was an easy family celebration at home and it was wonderful. I love the joy that a simple Dollar Tree pack of balloons brings to kids. I'll try to stay in the thankful mode and not burst into tears over being done with babies and toddlers. ;) *that potty training is going super well! It's one of my least favorite parenting things and she's making it really easy on me. I'm grateful!! *for our big backyard and that it's mostly lined with trees on both sides. It makes a great place for the kids to play and gives a little bit of feeling like we live in the country even though we live in town.
Thursday 1st of July 2021
1. For a long lunch and chat with a friend today. 2. For a couple of days spent this week with my mom visiting some childhood friends and family members I haven’t seen in a long time. 3. That my family is feeling better now. We most likely had just regular colds last week but felt yucky for a few days. But now everyone is ok. 4. That today is July 1 and a local fast-food chain does fresh watermelon milkshakes during the months of July and August so I will be able to indulge in one of my favorite treats. 5. A very cool find at a second hand shop-I am a nurse and I collect old nursing textbooks dating all the way back to the 1930s and I found a great Red Cross Nursing handbook from 1951 this week. It is a small thing but fun to luck up and add one to my collection.
Monday 5th of July 2021
@Angel, yes!! I live in NC and it is Cook-out! I got my first one of the season last night lol. I always look forward to them all year! A simple thing that makes me happy. :)
Sunday 4th of July 2021
@Toni, Ooo, CookOut in North Carolina did fresh watermelon milkshakes and it was my favorite thing. I moved away 13 years ago and still miss them.