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Thankful Thursday | a cooling

This week, I am thankful:

that we’ve had some thunderstorms

We are still pretty rain-deprived* here, so I am grateful whenever the sky opens up!

*I was gonna say “dry”, but given how humid the air has been, it feels weird to say it’s dry. 😉

raindrops on branch.

that the temps are down a bit

The storms last night brought in a “cold front”, which means our highs are in the 80s for a bit. And I’ll take that over highs in the upper 90s!

I think we’re gonna get some drier air too, which will be a blessing.

windows covered in condensation.

My front windows the other morning, when it hadn’t rained at all. That’s all just condensation from the humid air.

that I can see some exercise progress

The nice thing about doing workout routines multiple times is that….you can see progress. Some of the routines Ben assigned me were pretty bad when I first tried them, but as I kept working at them, I could definitely see myself getting stronger.

Progress is rewarding, so once you see a bit of that, it creates a cycle of motivation.

that my school accepted my work TB test

I just submitted the proof (from my hospital job hiring tests) that I got a tuberculosis test and woohoo, my school accepted it!


Thankfully, that’s the only test that needed to be renewed this year, so now my health records are all up to date.

Last year, there were SO many medical tests to do before school started. This year is much easier.

that I’m getting better at my job

I still spend plenty of time feeling out of my league (just from being a newbie) but with every shift, I get more and more competent.

Kristen in scrubs.

Last week, I even floated to another unit and still managed to get my feet under me.

for the confidence I feel looking forward to clinicals

After so many shifts working at the hospital, I think I am going to feel much less like a fish out of water during my upcoming clinicals.

Kristen in student scrubs.

Unfortunately, I will have to go back to my boxy student scrubs!

And luckily for me, my med-surg shifts this fall will be at the hospital where I already work! I’ll be on the oncology floor, but still, since it’s the same hospital, I’ll probably feel pretty comfortable.

that it’s easy for me to chat with people

I am feeling very lucky that I have a chatty personality because that makes it way easier to establish some quick rapport with patients when I meet them.

And once we’ve established that, the whole rest of the day is smoother and more fun.

that there are still five weeks left before school starts

I was feeling a little bit like, “OMG how is the summer flying by so fast?” but then I counted and realized I do still have five whole weeks left.

That’s a lot of time! I mean, that’s practically a whole winter break.

that I know the dread of a Thing is usually worse than The Thing

I do want to stay in nursing school, of course, but during a break from school, the upcoming semester start can feel a bit like impending doom.

homework papers.

And that’s particularly true because I hear that third and fourth semester are both really hard!

But over and over in life, I have learned that usually when I’m dreading something, the dreading is worse than the reality when that thing arrives.

(There have been some notable exceptions where The Thing actually was more terrible than the dread. But those situations are exceptions.)

So, I am reminding myself that I will get back into the groove.

nursing school textbooks.

Also, I am remembering that at the beginning of every semester, there are always doom and gloom prognostications about how hard that semester will be.  And so far, none of it has ever been too hard for me.

It will be fine.

I will be fine.

What are you thankful for this week?

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Saturday 20th of July 2024

You are SO ON TRACK with your nursing education and career! I am a retired nurse and I can see in your posts you are definitely doin’ it girl!! Don’t worry about getting back in the will see old classmates and the smell of the books and the lectures,it all comes back immediately.Right now just focus on your hospital shifts..what you’re doing this summer is the BEST EDUCATIONAL BOOST EVER… you are gaining that valluable experience and confidence that will help you through those final semesters and you have ALREADY PROVED to yourself that you know how to study and pass your tests. I was an “A” student in nursing school and I made it way too important ..I could have relaxed a bit and taken a B here and there.. but I know, it is important to always do what we feel is our best.Soo.. you have so much wiggle room!!

Take it form me, these next 2 semesters will fly by,try to savor them.

I love that you’re sharing your journey.. it brings back memories of my nursing school days which are so precious to me! And I love to see how you’re changing your life and meeting your goals!!!


Friday 19th of July 2024

I’m thankful that we kept the window a/c unit we bought to use while our home’s a/c needed repairs last summer. The home a/c stopped working again last night, but we were able to set up the window unit in our bedroom to able to sleep comfortably until we can get it repaired again (and we are starting a sinking fund to save for when it eventually needs to be replaced).


Friday 19th of July 2024

I’m thankful for …

1) Good health for our family. My brother in law was diagnosed recently with colon cancer which made me more aware of how blessed we are.

2) Cuddles with my husband and kids. Great for those in our family who love cuddles and hugs.

3) Fun free events and summer camps through the library and our community.

4) Missouri River that flows through our city. We’ve had water for use that never seems to end. Also gives us beautiful scenery to walk next to on trails or for kayaking/canoeing down in.

5) A chance at life each day and a new start each morning.

Ruth T

Thursday 18th of July 2024

This week I'm thankful: * that my kids had a great drama camp experience. My oldest two kids were just in a play where my oldest kid had one of the biggest speaking roles and my middle (after almost 3 years of speech therapy) had his own speaking role! The one with the big role got to be brave and work hard. And I'm so thankful that my speech kid enjoyed being on stage and that you could understand every word he said. It was a big deal and a joy to watch. * that my younger two kids get along so well. My oldest is away at summer camp now and the younger two are having a blast together. They take care of each other well, too. * for the book I picked up on a whim a few weeks ago. I had never heard of the book or the author, but I just finished it and I absolutely loved it! * that we had cooler temps today as well.


Thursday 18th of July 2024

From yesterday Remember beans are incomplete protein Please also eat a complement to complete the protein such as rice or corn

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