This week, I’m thankful:
that Lisey’s friend gave her a fridge
not a permanent part of our living room decor
One of her friends just graduated from college, and she gave her dorm fridge to Lisey. This will be lovely to bring with her to the room she’s renting.
You know, for those late-night times you want a cold drink or some berries.
(Lisey loves fruit, and I am probably going to have to adjust my fruit-buying habits when she moves out!)
that some cooler weather is on the way
I see some days in the low 80s coming up soon.
that I was able to get rid of some more clutter
Zoe’s biology books from last year sold (eBay again), plus I gave away a table and some laminated school review sheets.
for air-conditioning
Hi. Still thankful for A/C.
I will never not be thankful for it.
for the shady parking spot at an appointment
It is way more pleasant to get into a car that’s been in the shade rather than the sun for the past hour.
for all the book recommendations from readers
Whenever I do a social media post about one of my medical memoirs, you all come through with a whole slew of other recommendations for me.
So, I am very rich in interesting medical memoirs right now, mostly from the library.
Speaking of which, I’m thankful….
for the library
Free entertainment (and education) for the win!
I feel so wealthy when I have a stack of great books to read.
for interlibrary loans
A book Zoe wanted was unavailable at our library.
But I was able to get it for her by going through the library’s process that allows you to borrow books from other library systems.
that Zoe found a dance class that’s a good fit
It’s a little nerve-wracking to join a new dance school after several years away from dance, but the class/teacher she tried this week felt good for her. Yay!
Zoe is really good at dancing, and I am thrilled she has a place to do that again.
that Zoe and Sonia get to go to my uncle’s cabin
They’re heading out tomorrow to spend a week at my uncle’s cabin with some of their cousins. I’m so happy that they get to go!
that Mr. FG got up out of bed last night to take the trash cans around
We’d gotten settled into bed and then Mr. FG remembered the trash cans needed to go by the street for pickup.
And I felt grateful that he took care of it while I stayed in bed. Heh.
for oat milk
When I first started experimenting with dairy and nut-free milks for Sonia, I mostly used coconut milk.
While this works fine in some applications, Sonia hated it on cereal, and it also gave a weird texture to some breakfast foods (like pancakes or crepes).
But I am happy to say that overall, oat milk has been a huge improvement!
She can happily eat cereal again, and I can make Swedish pancakes that are very much like the kind with milk.
What are you thankful for this week?
P.S. The gardening bundle that includes the Orta seed starter pot is currently live for today and tomorrow only, so go snag yours if you wanted one.
Saturday 31st of July 2021
Late to posting this week but feeling a great need to do my list.
1. For good neighbors. 2. For being able to sit at the bedside of a sick friend. 3. For my health, and my family’s health. 4. That my 15-year old daughter is excited to go back to school next month after remote learning for the past year and a half. 5. For photographs and the memories that go along with them.
Saturday 31st of July 2021
Extra creamy oat milk has been a game changer for me!
Friday 30th of July 2021
Thankful that....
* starting next week I won't be obligated to wear a face shield and get Covid tested weekly for work (health care worker) since I'm fully vaccinated. Try communicating through a mask AND a faceshield with seniors with dementia.... yeah.....
* Having a reliable car to take a 12 hours ride this weekend.
* That my husband takes care of all things gardening, otherwise we would not have all those wonderful organic vegetables at the moment
* To have friends at work with whom I can have lunch
* Library books!! Books in general actually.
Thursday 29th of July 2021
Thankful for my husband who took the day off work to finish getting our son moved out of his college house.
Thankful that we were able to cram part of our son's belongings into our formal living room and dining room after we filled up the storage unit. We way underestimated how much stuff he had so I'm glad we don't have to pay to rent a larger unit.
Thankful that our son finally won a bid on a house that is 5 minutes away from us and our daughter. The housing market here is insane and he lost many offers to cash bids for way over asking price.
Thankful that our son closes on the house in less than a month so he won't be living with us long. We enjoy being empty nesters!
Very thankful for air conditioning!
Thursday 29th of July 2021
Thankful for: 1. several days of hard rain, meaning I did not have to water the garden. 2. peas! I love fresh peas and suddenly they are ripe and we are eating them twice a day. They looked mangy for weeks and I was afraid that part of the garden was going to be a loss. 3. raspberries! One meal I had consisted of just buttered peas and raspberries. I try to remember these things in early spring, when I am complaining about the work involved in setting up the garden. 4. My rose bush. Roses do not survive the winters here so I have them in giant containers that I drag (wheel) in for the winter and then out for the summer. This one has lasted for several years and this summer is producing so many roses that I can actually have vases full of roses. They are deep yellow and tipped with red and have a wonderful perfume. 5. a pile of old letters I found that my father had written to me the year I turned 14. I was in boarding school and we were not allowed to use the phone more than once a week (it was in the hallway and monitored) and he was alone and raising the other 5 kids (I was the oldest) and wrote long letters to me. He was 17 when I was born so he was about 31 when he wrote these letters. He sounded so vulnerable in those letters; it is weird to get that kind of window into your parents. (I am amazed that I kept the letters and dragged them all over the world with me when I moved from place to place, along with journals I have kept since I was 11.)