Hey everyone! I didn’t post yesterday because I spent the day studying for and taking my last regular exam (#8!). I got both the lecture and the lab portion done, so now all that’s left is my cumulative final on Monday. Sweet.
I’m going to dive back into studying today, but first, a blog post. 😉
This week, I’m thankful:
that I got to hang with my sister-in-law this week
I’ll probably tell you more about this in a future post, but my brother bought an abandoned house that is chock full of old, dirty stuff. He’s going to clear it out and renovate it, but my sister-in-law invited me to come treasure-hunting with her first.
That is totally up my alley, so we donned masks (the air quality in there is not top-notch!) and we sorted through some of the mess. I found quite a few things that were salvageable (and of course, some things that Sonia was delighted to have.)
We’ll probably have some more treasure-hunting missions in the future; there’s just so much stuff, we could not possibly get through it in a single night.
I love that my new family member is interested in rescuing old stuff; a kindred spirit!
that A&P builds on itself

Obviously not a current photo; we do not have “hello spring” on our chalkboard right now!
A cumulative exam is still a lot of information to review, but I don’t think it will be too bad because it’s all related information.
Like, we learned about feedback loops in one of the first units, and then we’ve kept on seeing them in different body systems over the semester.
We learned about bone anatomy, which then fed into muscle anatomy and nerve anatomy.
We learned about events at the neuromuscular junction, but then the events at neuron synapses were pretty similar.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve been getting review on common concepts in many different modules, and I think that will help.
for a good professor
On yesterday’s exam, there were some technical errors (like, part of a question was missing, and one question had duplicated answers), so I texted her through our group app and she got back to me the same day and gave me credit for the questions that had issues.
I love that she has made herself available via text because it makes it so easy to ask a question, like when I’ve been stumped about a homework question.
I left a rave review for her on the student opinion form. 🙂
I would totally try to take from her next semester, but sadly, she does not teach A&P 2. Boo.
that I do not have to get a very good grade on my final
I played around with the “what-if” feature, just to see, and apparently, I can pretty much bomb my final exam without changing my letter grade.
So, that takes some pressure off of me; no need to sweat over Monday’s exam.
that Lisey’s electrical classes have been going better
She was having a rough time at first, but something seems to have clicked and she is routinely getting A’s on her exams now. Yay Lisey!
The good news is that the next three semesters are lots of practical rather than all the bookwork she’s had this semester. And the hands-on stuff comes easier for her, so it should be smooth sailing from here on out.
for lots of sunny days
Sometimes, we get an awful lot of cloudy days over the fall/winter, but we’ve had quite a few sunny ones of late.
The days are short, yes, but it helps if there’s cheerful sunshine in the daylight hours.
that there are only 12 more days until the shortest day of the year
We’re almost there, guys! The days will start to lengthen super soon.
(Sorry, Lindsey in Alaska; I know you dread the winter solstice!)
Haleigh G
Sunday 12th of December 2021
I SO wish I could post pictures here, but link below in case anyone wants to see our kitchen before and after... I think that format will work here. 3 years ago my husband and I bought a house in shambles. We were wearing masks WAAAY before it was cool (to feel safe walking into our new home haha). Luckily most rooms didn't need much more a clean out, heavy scrubdown, and some killz primer before their fresh coat of paint. But the kitchen was a disaster so we demoed it down to the studs before fully rebuilding into our own little dream kitchen. The experience isn't for everyone but if your brother and SIL are willing to put into the work, the ability to see the "bones" of something and turn it into an opportunity to create just what they want is awesome!
Loretta Ann Moore
Saturday 11th of December 2021
I heard Amazon was having some cloud problems and it messed up robot vacuums and some kind of computerized cat litter boxes.
Friday 10th of December 2021
Good luck on the exam!
And I second the requests for pictures (old house)!!
My 5 : * A great family doctor. They are hard to get where I love (fam. doc), so to have one and that she's great? Double lucky!
* For personnal space at work, and to have good working conditions
* For my 2 amazing daughters. Even tho they might both be on the autism spectrum (we will find out on tuesday for sure for one of them. The other one we are pretty much convinced, but it's harder to have her tested) are both doing well and have a sure potential for a happy productive life
* For being married to a great guy
* For being able to go back to school in january to switch career (eventually).
Friday 10th of December 2021
@Isa, * where I LIVE, not where I LOVE. But now that I think of it... it is also where I love, aha
Charlotte Wood
Friday 10th of December 2021
I'm so glad that you are going back to school. I am also going back to school as a 40 year old mom. It's a much different experience for me than the first time I went to college twenty years ago. My goal is to learn as much as possible, instead of just eeking out a passing grade. I'm really enjoying it. It's nice to have something that is not just taking care of kids and home.
Mary Kay
Friday 10th of December 2021
I'm thankful there are a lot of recipes that use very ripe bananas. We had a few and my daughter had a bunch (literally and figuratively) so I made muffins yesterday and will make bread and/or cookies today.
I'm thankful for Covid boosters and the ready availability of good masks. It may be two steps forward and one step back but things are better than they were one year ago. I'm also thankful that masking is common place, if not required, the places I go. Yesterday I was able to tell a friend about a local walk-in vaccine providing pharmacy after her daughter's appointment was cancelled by a large chain pharmacy. She has a very busy life and had arranged everything so that it was a good time for her to be getting her booster.
Like Kristen, I'm thankful that the winter solstice is almost here. I love more daylight and I'm thankful it begins right before the holidays.
I'm thankful we have not had snow or ice yet this year. I like being able to get out of the house every day.
I am thankful for modern HVAC, a home that keeps out cold, bugs and the like. Also a big shout out to electricity, modern plumbing, refrigeration, and other household appliances.