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Thankful Thursday | almost there

This week, I am thankful:

that next Thankful Thursday, I will be done with the semester!

I have finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, and then the semester will be over and I can apply to the nursing program!

Most importantly: chemistry class will be over. 😉

Kristen wearing a backpack

Remember when I was at the beginning of the semester and chemistry had not yet sucked the life out of me?

that I only need to get a 75% on each of my science final exams

I played around with the “what-if” scores on the Canvas app, and even if I get a 75% on my chemistry and microbiology finals, I will still maintain my A letter grade.

All of my regular exams have been 92% or above all semester in both science classes, so even on a cumulative test, I still think I can definitely manage a 75 or better.

I always love it when I can have a lot of margin going into a final exam!

that my last microbiology unit is on immunology

We covered immunology in Anatomy and Physiology 2 last spring, so I think that’s gonna help make this last module a little easier for me.

for the pine trees in my yard

I probably have already said this, but: there are two evergreen trees in my yard here, and I love them! I’ve never had pine trees in my yard before, so this feels fun and different.

pine needles.

I like walking on all the fallen pine needles, I love seeing the raindrops on the pine needles, I love the smell…and ooh, I really hope we get some snow this winter because I want to see the pine trees covered in snow!

for my cozy living room

I put batteries in all my little Ikea tea lights, and now all my Christmas candleholders automatically light up around in the late afternoon when it starts to get dark.

LIving room built in shelves with candles.

I worked on my microbiology Quizlets in there the other night and it was very cozy. 🙂

for mashed potatoes

Man, I really like mashed potatoes.

mashed potatoes with fried eggs.

My girls are not big fans, but that’s no problem because it’s very easy to make a small batch for myself; I sometimes do that for lunch and then top them with fried eggs.

for my potato ricer

I think this would be annoying to use if you were making potatoes for 18 people, but for just me, it works great! I boil a small pot of potatoes, run them through the ricer, and mix in my butter, cream, salt, and pepper.

I have this ricer, which is surprisingly quick and easy to clean.

for smoked cheese

I bought some smoked gouda from Aldi the other week, and as I was adding it to my potatoes, I was reminded how much I appreciate smoked cheese. SO GOOD.

that Lisey was so happy when I made squash rolls

I needed to use up some butternut squash, so I made a batch of butternut squash rolls and Lisey was SUPER happy. I didn’t realize how much she liked these, but I was delighted that she was so happy.

rolls on a cooling rack.

These look a little more appealing in better lighting:

Butternut squash rolls

for the cat. always for the cat. 😉

black tuxedo cat.

for my rehabbed table

The finished table.

Last night, the girls and I were hanging out at the table, and I was thinking about all the good times we’ve had around it since we moved here.

dinner table.

from when we carved pumpkins

I know it’s just a piece of furniture, but it means more to me and it’s sort of hard to put that into words.

I guess it feels like there’s something beautiful about how it’s been rescued from the abandoned house and rehabbed, and now it’s part of my new start in life.

Tabletop midway through sanding.

I’m gonna probably keep this table for the rest of my life. 😉

What are you thankful for this week?

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Friday 9th of December 2022

How many thankfuls are we "allowed" to do? "Three Thankfuls" is alliterative, but there are way more than that in my life! 1. Rain last week, with more coming this weekend. (Too much drought in Central California to be taking rainfall for granted.) 2. Finished 2 difficult oil painting commissions today, such a relief after losing 2 weeks of work to The Plague. 3. Brilliant yellow leaves on the fruitless mulberry tree 4. Husband keeping the wood stove burning for a warm house all day 5. Three cats, with distinct personalities

Becca C

Friday 9th of December 2022

Iโ€™m thankful for snow! This is only the second time it has snowed yet this year and it is so pretty and I love playing with the kiddos and sledding in the snow. It is so much fun.

Thankful for wiggle room in our finances. Our couch finally broke for good (it was broken but usable before, but now it is really gone) and we need to buy a new one. Thankfully we had the money saved up and we could pick out a nice leather one that will hopefully last a long time.

Thankful for the library. Access to so much free entertainment and free parenting books is really a blessing in our lives.

Thankful my friend is going to be in town over the holidays and I will get to hang out with her. I havenโ€™t seen her in several years as she lives across the country and my kiddos are too little for planes or long car rides right now. So I am excited she is visiting and will have time to get together.

Thankful for frozen pizza. I know I bought yeast but couldnโ€™t find it in time to make the dough before I had to pick my son up from preschool. So I am grateful for frozen pizza to pick up my slack.

Robin Schmidt

Friday 9th of December 2022

I love that you put candles in your fireplace! I would do that before we converted our fireplace to gas. Wood burning fireplaces are beautiful but when we had a fire, our family room would be toasty but it pulled so much air out of the house that our upstairs would be very cold.


Friday 9th of December 2022

The decision was sort of made for me because the fireplace is not operational! Ha.


Friday 9th of December 2022

This has been a much calmer week for me, both at work and otherwise. I still cannot get my Christmas lights to work on the timer, but I am thankful that this is the type of problem I have right now, if you know what I mean. I am also thankful for: *my flannel sheets which help me sleep like a baby. *my calm and clean home. It is my sanctuary. *the fact that I finally got my backyard tree pruned and the big project of "take care of my trees" is DONE, and well ahead of winter. *I am done with Christmas shopping and can focus on relaxing in my spare time. Happy end of semester - I know it will be a welcome relief!


Thursday 8th of December 2022

1. Finding the perfect mittens for my mom's arthritic hands, her Christmas gift. They are recycled wool, lined with fleece and have a suede strip across the palm for gripping the steering wheel on her car. The unicorn of mittens. Warm and lightweight. 2. Being able to afford to buy two pairs of work socks for my dad for Christmas. Easy purchase. 3. My happy jaunty little dog, best walking companion ever. 4. A warm blanket to sit under. 5. Good chili for supper.


Thursday 8th of December 2022

@Mitzie, I love your name. One of my favorite grown ups when I was a kid, was Mitzi, our church secretary and family friend. ;) She was so kind.

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