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Thankful Thursday | And now it’s April!

This week, I am thankful:

that we are halfway through the spring semester

I am enjoying my biology class and lab, but those two classes are definitely eating up a lot of my time. So I’m glad to be halfway through. 

Kristen with a pH experiment


that I’m doing well in my classes 

I had some trepidation about this after such a long college break, so I’m thankful it turns out I can still keep up with all the young people. 🙂

that my lab professor is so lovely

She has such enthusiasm for her subject, which makes her a very engaging teacher. 

Also, she does a very good job of teaching online (and online teaching is a special art!)

that Sonia and I can laugh together about funny things in class

One of our lab classmates is always doing something unpredictable in class…like, two weeks ago, he was at the gym, riding a stationary bike and then walking on a treadmill, and the sight of him bouncing up and down in the camera was so funny.

You’d have to see it to appreciate it, which is why it’s fun to have Sonia in class with me…she did see it! 🙂

for promised sun

Our yard was SO soggy yesterday from all the rain. But the forecast promises a bunch of sun in the next week.

that there are buds everywhere

The world is going to be green soon! And I am excited about that.

that Sonia’s spring allergies are not as bad now

She’s been getting allergy shots for the last few years and that has definitely eased her spring allergy symptoms.

that I’m going to be able to go to my brother’s wedding in Boston

He’s getting married in June, and when he first got engaged, I wondered what the traveling situation would be like. But I’m definitely going to be able to go, and Mr. FG should be vaccinated by then as well.

that this spring feels so much more cheerful

I know I said this in previous Thankful Thursday post, but it bears repeating:

as I see the signs of spring in the world, I keep remembering back to last year at this time and I keep thinking how glad I am to be in the spring of 2021 vs the spring of 2020.

for Zoe’s hugs

She gives me very sincere hugs and I really like that!

that Sonia will be able to get her driver’s license soon

This process has taken much longer than it would under normal circumstances, but in May, she’s finally scheduled for a test. Yay!

for funny cats each week at the shelter

Sonia and I always find ourselves laughing at their antics. The really vocal cats especially crack us up.

for a good night’s sleep

I was really, really tired when I went to bed last night, and I slept like a rock.

Thinking back to the years when my kids were little and I was up at night a lot really makes me appreciate the fact that I get to sleep without interruptions now! 

And now I have to run to my online biology class.

What are you thankful for this week? 

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Saturday 3rd of April 2021

Spring has spring in WA and Iโ€™m noticing every little change.

Mountain views from my porch that lift me up if Iโ€™m feeling discouraged.

My 2nd Covid shot courtesy of a lovely pharmacist who called me when they had a cancelled appointment. Moving state between the 1st and 2nd shots complicated things and this pharmacist really helped me out.

The gf vegan birthday cake I made for my adult daughter smells and looks edible!

Being able to celebrate my daughterโ€™s birthday in person instead of from thousands of miles away.


Friday 2nd of April 2021

This morning is in the 30โ€™s; it will be warmer than usual to walk the dogs. Our 22 month old labradane is starting to calm down - baby steps, right. There are a few signs of spring here, some crocuses are blooming. We have been watching more AARP free videos and learning lots.


Friday 2nd of April 2021

A few unexpected events made the week awesome! We received a rebate from our health insurance company from 2017! Long story about the fact that they did not meet federal guidelines for payment on peopleโ€™s claims and so they had to refund all policy holders a % of premiums paid! A nice surprise. And our car needs new tires soon,so......

We also got bumped to head of the wait list for a small plot in our community garden ! Yippee! I was thinking I might have to wait up to 6 months! We start May 1!!!

Am several weeks past SECOND SHOT and so I am able to meet with my 3 card playing buddies again, and also my art studio group. (Small group) Yay!

I am grateful for the warmth, the sun, and my back yard where I can relax and read, plan my garden, and listen to the waterfall. This past year has brought us all back home in a big way..though I ALWAYS spend a lot of time in my own backyard,I have a new appreciation for just how well this house warms my Soul and provides safety and security for me and my husband.

Grateful for family coming on Easter.


Friday 2nd of April 2021

Oh, Thankful Thursday!

1. My forsythia bush is blooming - its yellow is nearly fluorescent!

2. We've found THREE buckeye tree seedlings in our yard this week. We lost our buckeye tree last year in a storm - basically a tornado that did NOT touch down, but took out our tree and our neighbors' tree at the same time. We searched the yard last summer and found ONE seedling that I transplanted into our garden for safekeeping, and rabbits promptly nibbled it to the ground, so we're glad to have found some replacement babies from our old tree.

3. That Man's knee appears to NOT have any more infection in it (after 2 years of fighting it).

4. We both have had our first COVID vaccinations.

5. We found out just today that we are getting a tax refund!


Thursday 1st of April 2021

This is our Spring Break and I've had 1 kid get his wisdom teeth out and I got a bad cold. BUT, for the fisrt year every, our co-school is taking 2 weeks off, so I don't have to feel we "wasted" the whole week, we still have next week. My younger two keep doing chores for more game time. While I don't like all game time, the house is way cleaner then it usually is when I'm sick. Our furnace went out and again, while not ideal (its gettting down in the mid-20s right now in Indy & our house has been at 57 all day), the part is coming in the mail tomorrow and my husband can fix it, and it'll be warming up. I'm SUPER thankful it didn't go out in our super cold few weeks of winter.


Friday 2nd of April 2021

I live in Noblesville - hi neighbor! It was SO COLD lat night; I hope you were warm enough.

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