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Thankful Thursday | another scholarship!

This week, I am thankful:

that Lisey got a tool scholarship at school

She applied for this months ago, and she just recently found out that she was one of the people chosen for it.

Lisey standing next to a small airplane.

This means that she only has to buy a few tools for her time at aviation mechanic school, so yay!

And since some aviation mechanic jobs do not require you to buy your own tools, it’s nice to be able to wait until after school and then buy exactly what you actually need for your job.

for a no-cavity checkup

I had to have my every-six-month cleaning this week, and I am very happy to say that I have no cavities.

This is a happy thing because:

a) having a dental filling is zero fun

b) dental fillings cost money

for good dental care

I don’t love going to the dentist.

In fact, I kind of hate it.

But I feel very thankful to live in a time when dental care is so good; it has most definitely not been this way for a lot of history.

I really like having a full mouth of healthy teeth.

Kristen in a black shirt with wavy hair, smiling.

There are quite a few fillings in the back of that mouth! Hyperemesis is responsible for a whole slew of ’em.

for my anatomy and physiology professor

She is miles better than my biology professor, and I am so thankful.

And as proof that she is awesome, she sent out a survey asking us all for our feedback about how she could be even more helpful.

(I honestly couldn’t think of anything!)

Last semester, class sessions felt like a complete waste of time, but this semester, I feel like I am actually benefitting from attending the class.

that we are able to be in person part-time

My class is hybrid, so we are only in-person one day a week. But I am super grateful for that day because it means we can do labs in person and use the body part models that are in the classroom.

my physical textbook

Anatomy and Physiology textbook with a green cover.

I know I’m repeating this from last week but MY WORD I love having a paper textbook. It’s so much easier to flip back and forth to review information this way.

So, so worth the money for me.

for changing seasons

October is almost here and it looks like the 90 degree days are truly behind us. Yay!

for my education

I am currently reading The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks (lots of you recommended it and my goodness it is such a good book!)

There is a whole heck of a lot to say about this whole true story, but as I was reading it, I thought about what a privilege it is to have access to an education. Henrietta barely got to stay in school through sixth grade, if memory serves me right, and a lot of her family members got even fewer years of school.

Without an education, everything in life is harder.

And with an education, many things are easier. 

for progress in medicine

I’ve been binge-listening to the archives of the Sawbones podcast, a medical podcast that’s mostly about missteps in history (but with some modern stuff mixed in as well).

I know that current medicine has its faults, but my goodness, we have made a whole ton of progress in the last 100 years.

And compared with the ancient past, we have made even more progress.

Sometimes the medical ideas in the past are hilariously wrong-headed; in one episode, the doctors were treating a Swiss patient who had a case of nostalgia (a.k.a. homesickness) and they put him up high on a ladder, based on the idea that he just needed an altitude adjustment. 

That seriously hit my funny bone.

(Spoiler alert: this treatment did not, in fact, cure his nostalgia.)

for all the interesting things I’ve done in my 43 years

The other day as I was writing a blog post over on Kristen Prompted, I was looking through old photos and I just had this feeling of thankfulness wash over me as I thought about all the things I have gotten to do in my lifetime.

For instance, I’ve done a fair bit of traveling, I’ve had a bunch of varied work experiences, I’ve homeschooled for years, raised kids, done a bunch of volunteering, helped people in various ways, played lots of music, and now I’m going back to college myself.

Hopefully, there’s still a lot of years until I kick the bucket, but I feel like I have already lived a very full life and I am grateful. 

What are you thankful for this week? 

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    Saturday 25th of September 2021

    Thankful for a full week of seeing my students, the covid cases are far and few between right now and we're all getting in the groove of safety/hygiene protocols. Thankful for the joy of students loving learning together. Thankful for my quiet back porch and comfortable weather. Thankful for food prep that is making my life easier. Coffee!

    Rebekah in SoCal

    Friday 24th of September 2021

    I am thankful for the start of Fall! I love a new season and in my faith we believe that the regular changing of the seasons is a sign to remind us of the faithfulness of God.

    I am thankful that my small group Bible study is running for another few months. I know that the ladies are very busy but I am glad to be able to meet with them a bit longer.

    That I found pork shoulder on sale. It's maybe my favorite cut of meat for it's versatility and I always feel rich when I have some in the freezer, especially when it was cheap.

    That hiking weather has begun again. It is pleasant to have a nice hike without having to wake up at 6:00 am to beat the heat.

    I am thankful for my little apartment. It is easy to clean and the kitchen is just big enough that I can cook without having to use the table as extra counter space.


    Friday 24th of September 2021

    Wow, great news about the scholarship! Yay for money that she/you didn't have to earn, first. 1. I am thankful to have had a very very rare day with my newly college graduated daughter today. She drove from her home in the big city so that we could go shoe shopping in my very small town (believe it or not, we have a PRIMO shoe store, with another decent one a block away). After high-school and University taking their toll on her wardrobe, plus COVID classes online ensuring she didn't need new clothes, suddenly she is looking for employment in the real world, and requires grownup shoes and clothes. 2. Thankful that she found a cute pair of shoes that have personality yet are professional. Then we went to store # 2 and she got a ROCKING pair of doc-martin style boots that are all flocked and flowery velvet. GORGEOUS shoes. I, of course, ended up with some sandals and boots that were seriously on sale, which meant that I am 3. Thankful that I keep myself up to date with the programs at these stores. I had purchased enough that we got another $43 off the cost of the new shoes, so everyone saved even more. 4. Thankful Maggie needed a chest of drawers, and we found a lovely solid wood one at my local thrift store; since we came to town in my truck we could pick it up, too!. The woman who runs it knows me and got all excited because she had a 5. 4 wheeled walker for me! in excellent shape. I am getting a new hip on Monday and need one - the Red Cross doesn't lend the 4 wheelers, but my buddy saved it for me! 6. Thankful that my daughter returned a phone call during our errands and was ****** GIVEN A JOB OFFER ****** for the company she really wants to work for (and the first/only company she has applied to since school ended mid August). Decent salary, not doing exactly what she wants to do but a foot in the door - and we both know they want HER, are just putting her in a job opening until they can manufacture the job that better utilizes her education, skills and talents. It is a bus ride away from her new living arrangements, and eventually she will be able to do at least some of her work at home. SOOOOO exciting! Benefits and stock options, even! 7. Grateful that AA has online meetings, as I will be able to attend even when I am homebound after my surgery. I have just reached my 2 years of sobriety and know that the fellowship is central to me staying well and clear headed. In addition, I need the joy and laughter that the groups bring me! 8 Thankful the biopsy I had taken a week ago came back all clear!!! 9. thankful for Canadian Medical care. I don't pay for any of the surgery, hospital care, meds while I am there, nor for the equipment I am borrowing from the Red Cross, nor for 3 physiotherapy appointments at the hospital afterwards. I didn't pay for the hospital visit for the unrelated biopsy last week, either.


    Friday 24th of September 2021

    Oh, such congratulations on two years sober. Yay you!!

    MB in MN

    Friday 24th of September 2021

    @ecoteri, your comments are brimming with optimism - so great. Special congrats on 2 years of sobriety! Huge milestone. Best wishes on your upcoming surgery!

    Ann W.

    Friday 24th of September 2021

    ?? Some Questions ??? since I’m somewhat new (Started a month ago but have been following for a couple years now. Love your blog :)) to commenting here. 1. Is there a way to edit your own comments later after you post them (Sometimes wanting to add more or change something I wrote) and 2. How would you know if someone commented on your comment without having to scroll though and find your’s or continuously looking back? Do I need to set up an account here for that or would I get an email notification. Thanks in advance!


    Wednesday 29th of September 2021

    @Kristen, I would like to subscribe to comments also please.


    Friday 24th of September 2021

    Unfortunately, there is not a way to edit comments. My apologies; I know that can be frustrating when you see a typo after you submit!

    I can look into comment notifications; I just switched my theme to a new one recently, and so the option to subscribe to comments may have disappeared.

    Ann W.

    Thursday 23rd of September 2021

    That's wonderful and such a blessing that Lisey got another scholarship!

    I'm thankful ...

    1) That my husband is a wonderful father to our 3 girls. They really adore him and love playing with him.

    2) To live in a safe neighborhood. I can freely walk and bike ride with my girls and not have to worry much.

    3) For the sights of fall like the yellow leaves falling from the trees, bright orange pumpkins decorated in front of our neighbors' houses and the apples trees filled with abundance.

    4) For taste buds so I can enjoy yummy foods. Been eating lots of dumplings lately. Really been loving the crispy shells and the nice sauce to dunk them in.

    5) That I can find almost anything or any answer online. Everything is at the touch of my fingers.

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