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Thankful Thursday | Biology: done

New here? Thankful Thursday is our weekly community opportunity to hunt for the good in our lives. It’s free! It could perk up your day! And you get better at this if you practice, so I’d love for you to join in the comments.

This week, I am thankful:

that I’m done with biology!

I took my two final exams this week and I am D O N E.


Two pages of Punnett squares for biology.

I like test questions that involve Punnett squares because they don’t require memorization! You can just figure out the answer on paper.

I’m happy to say that I got a solid A in the class, despite having a very inexperienced professor.

So I think if I could get an A under these circumstances, I’m gonna make it through nursing school just fine.

And I’m pretty excited about all the free time I will have over the summer. Woohoo!

that test scores are so immediate

The last time I was in college was in 1997, and things have changed so much since then. One thing I like about now: usually when I take a quiz or an exam, I get to see my score right away.

And I got to see my final grade right away when I finished the class. Back in 1996/1997, I had to give my professor a self-addressed, stamped envelope if I wanted to get my class grade with any sort of speed!

So, I appreciate the immediacy of the current setup. 

that Sonia got a job

She’s going to be working at a clothing store (is anyone surprised??) and I think it’ll be a great fit for her fashion-loving self.

I think she’s going to have fun getting dressed up for work every shift too.

I love that Lisey is working at a lumber yard this summer and Sonia is working at a clothing store; these girls are such opposites, and I love that they are each doing something that fits their personalities.

that our freezer part is not too expensive

It needs a $100 board, which is not bad at all as appliance parts go. 

defrosting freezer coils in Kenmore freezer

that Zoe is getting vaccinated this week

And once she’s vaccinated, that’ll be 5/5 for our household occupants, cat excluded. 🙂

(I know vaccination is a topic we do not all agree on, and that’s ok. You are welcome here either way.)

that virus numbers are so much better here now

All of our metrics have been moving in a really positive direction, and restrictions are getting lifted. Yay for a trend toward normalcy!

for this beautiful peony bloom

A single pink peony flower.

This is a relatively new peony plant from Aldi; I planted four a year or two ago and most of them do not have any buds on them this year.

(Peonies require patience since they don’t bloom for a couple of years after planting!)

But this one has a big bloom on it, and I think it is so beautiful.

I do have one other peony plant that I bought at Aldi years and years ago; that one reliably produces multiple flowers every year.

Aldi peony

My original Aldi peony

So I know my other non-flowering ones will come through for me eventually too.

that I’ve been able to give away almost everything from my cousin’s house

I was busy helping her declutter before she had her baby, and we tackled her basement the last time, so I came home with a van full of random things.

And I have found homes for almost everything! The internet is amazing for matching items with people who want them, and I find it very satisfying to be a matchmaker of sorts. 

(It’s not that I’m opposed to donating to charities; it’s just that I often have items that would not make for good merchandise for Goodwill but could be used by someone who specifically needs them. For instance, I had a bunch of old darkroom equipment from my cousin; that would be a tough sell at Goodwill! But someone on Facebook wanted it.)

for my first watermelon of 2021

The first watermelon of the year is never objectively the best one.

A glass bowl of watermelon cubes.

But after a winter of no watermelon, it tastes so good! 

And honestly, as spring watermelons go, this one was surprisingly delicious. 

Half of a red watermelon, sitting on a counterop.

(Did I cover that watermelon half with my handy-dandy silicone lid? Why, yes, yes I did!)

that Sonia is almost ready for once-a-month allergy shots

In about six weeks, she starts on year four, which means that she only has to go once a month.

This is a huge improvement from the beginning of this adventure when she had to go in twice a week for shots.

After year four, she wants to start all over again for her cat/dog allergies, which is a testament to how much she loves animals.

(Unfortunately, there was not a way to fit her cat/dog allergy shots into the same serum as her pollen allergy shots.)

What are you thankful for this week?

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    Ruth T

    Friday 21st of May 2021

    Your peony bud is beautiful! Those are my favorite flowers. Our property had a number of peony bushes when we moved in (thankful for that!) and I just bought one from Aldi this spring. Good to know that it'll be a couple of years.

    I'm thankful: * that we slept well last night! We haven't put in our window a/c unit upstairs (our room is the only one upstairs) and it was 84 when we went to bed. I figured I might have to bail for the basement, but I actually got a good night of sleep. We have one set of sheets that make things feel cooler and I'm thankful for that!! The rest of the house now has central air and we will probably put the window unit in upstairs this weekend. * that my 7yo is starting to read on her own quite a bit. Earlier this week she read an entire chapter book start to finish in one sitting. We read a lot together and I've wondered if my kids will enjoy reading on their own when they can. I'm glad to see my oldest enjoying it!! * that our new-ish neighbors are nice. They moved in 6-7 months ago and are by far the most social neighbors we've had. That has been a big shift for us (the guy on the other side of us has said maybe 3 words to us in all of our 6 years here and avoids making eye contact) and it's been neat to have neighborly neighbors.


    Friday 21st of May 2021

    There's shots for cat/dog allergies?!? Cool!

    My 5 thankfulls are:

    - Long week for us here in Quebec, Canada. Yay for 4 days off for me (next shift is wednesday)

    - That my shouder is already much better today, after hurting it 2 days ago

    - That I have a backyard to hang out in, and a portable gazebo to shield me from the sun while I read my free-from-the-library books on my lounge chair (so... backyard, gazebo, chair and books)

    - That some restrictions will be lifted starting next week, and that in a month we will be allowed again to have people over in our home (with limitations, but still!). Already planning a game night with friends!

    - That my daughter is feeling so much better at the moment (she tends to have depressive/anxious episodes, but she's been feeling good for the past 3 weeks)


    Thursday 20th of May 2021

    I got home a little while ago from the first (and last) school band concert that both my kids played in. Super thankful for being able to attend a live concert! What a joy to see all the excited kids (and parents). I can't believe how well they played--I'm thankful for their amazing, fun, energetic band teacher who persevered through this past year. Thankful for the many neat friends both of my kids have made in their band classes. Thankful for the opportunity the band teacher was able to take to recognize the outgoing seniors (my son is one of them).

    Along similar lines, we were able to attend an awards ceremony this past Sunday for the senior class. My son received scholarships--while they won't cover the cost of college, we are grateful for the financial help and for the honor of him being awarded the scholarships. Mostly I'm thankful that we are starting to be able to participate in some normal activities--with it being my son's senior year, it is his last opportunity to do these things.

    Sarah G

    Thursday 20th of May 2021

    My heart is thankful for: - my amazing, beautiful, bright, spirited, healthy children - that my daughter's three friends actually came to her birthday party. We've been so disconnected from everything and everyone for the last year, I was afraid they would decide they had moved on. But they came and she felt so happy. - for our central air. The weather has been in the 90s this week and it makes me so miserable. If we didn't have central air I would be a total crank 24/7. I keep it at 77 but compared to the outside temperature it feels like a refrigerator (in a good way!). - for the big bin of summer hand-me-downs I unpacked for my three year old. Not only are they frugal, they bring back sweet memories of when my older girls wore them. <3 *sigh* - for my crockpot. I love putting things in there in the morning and having it ready at dinner time! What is it about the dinner hour that makes it so hard to get stuff done with kids around??


    Thursday 20th of May 2021

    Kudos to Lisey and Sonia -- and you guys for raising such independent young women who are not afraid to follow their passions! And Congrats on your solid A!!

    Thankful for Friday tomorrow and 3 more weeks of school. Not sure how everything will get done but it will.

    Um, really thankful for Friday :)


    Thursday 20th of May 2021

    When summer break is so close you can almost taste it....

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