This week, I am thankful:
that a new water heater is on the way
The old oil boiler here is doing a good job of heating the house, but it is not doing a fantastic job of providing consistently hot water for our showers.
We have all been getting pretty good at taking super quick showers. 😉
Happily, my landlords are installing a new electric water heater for us soon, and we are looking forward to showers that are hotter than lukewarm.
Lukewarm = VERY COLD when it’s winter!
for my kind neighbor who lets me borrow her lawn equipment
She likes to tinker with small engines, so she has a whole array of lawn machines that she’s rehabbed, and she is always so kind to let me borrow them.
for a warm-ish day to take care of my leafy yard
If you wait until January to clean up your leaves, a temperate day is by no means a guarantee! So I am grateful that we had a couple of dry days followed by a not-too-cold day…perfect for yard work.
for my sunny bedroom
I am forever grateful for the south sun it gets, especially in the winter.
for the manicure my sister-in-law gave me
She got a gel nail kit for Christmas, so while my brother was busy with their kids, she and I had a little manicure session. 🙂
for slightly longer days
I am definitely noticing the change now. It’s so minuscule at first, but this many weeks after the winter solstice, it’s starting to become noticeable.
I like that we are at least moving in the direction of longer days now!
Sonia and I were both feeling the winter blues last night, and I was like, “Ok, Sonia. There are two more weeks until February. February is a short month. And then in March, things get a little better.”
I know, by looking at my morning walk photos from last year, that I saw my first little green leaves in the brush on March 5th:

March 5th of last year
So I know a green tinge will soon begin to spread over this gray and brown world.
for financial provision
I am so thankful that all of my needs have been met this past year; we have had food and shelter and so much more. I know that this is often not the case for women when they first leave a marriage, so I do not take it for granted.
for my neighborhood that feels so good
The other day I had to drive past my current neighborhood on the way from one errand to another.
I thought about how I must have driven on the highway past this neighborhood hundreds and hundreds of times over the years, barely even noticing that it existed.
But that day as I drove by, I felt a warm sense of affection…like, “this is my peaceful harbor.”
And I am grateful for that feeling.
Ginger Bruce
Saturday 21st of January 2023
I'm thankful for a new job. It has some challenges but it's a good fit for me right now and I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful for a group that I'm part of and the support I get from that. I'm grateful for a car that allows me to travel for my job. I'm grateful for Landshark's onion rings. Best onion rings I've ever had. It's a local place near Amarillo. I'm glad this new job gives me the weekends off. Grateful for my landlord/roommate and her ability to take care of my dogs while I'm out of town.
Becca C
Saturday 21st of January 2023
Roasted red pepper and cheese tart with apple slices
Borscht and focaccia
Sweet potato gnocchi, cabbage and kale slaw, fococcia and cheese
Leftover soup
Chik fil a
Spaghetti casserole and salad
Roasted chicken legs, potatoes, and cauliflower with a citrus side salad
Saturday 21st of January 2023
The two beautiful teapots that my daughter gave me (small & medium size), and delicious tea to steep in them.
A healthy family.
That my son is enjoying learning carpentry. After years in food service, it's so good to see him happy and interested in a new field.
Very thankful for good jobs that supply not only fulfillment, but also what we need and want; being able to buy food is a huge plus. Reminds me that I want to drop off food donations at our local food pantry.
And yes, the new heat pump hot water heater that my husband and other son installed early this winter! Cold showers, and no hot water to do laundry or run the dishwasher were really pushing my unhappy button.
Saturday 21st of January 2023
Interviewing for jobs, getting offers but now I landed the opportunity to interview for my dream job! Time to practice, rework my resume and highlight some specific talents and shoot for the moon! Having some possible job options that aren’t in a classroom as a traditional teacher. When you let your teaching license lapse it is hard to get back into a regular classroom and as you watch the news and read the paper of what happens at schools it is hard to want to return to a regular classroom job, am I right?
Central Calif. Artist
Friday 20th of January 2023
Thankfuls: 1. Just learned an Aldi is coming to my county, a place that old Trader Joe has been snubbing for years in spite of repeated requests. Many people around here drive 45-90 miles to go there, and maybe Aldi's will scratch that itch. 2. A friend recommended a new tea, sent me one tea bag, and yuck, I'm thankful for the sample so I didn't waste money on a whole box. 3. Today has been a sunny day after weeks of gray and wet (but no one in Central California will EVER complain about the rain). 4. My awesome neighbor is bringing a Costco rotisserie chicken to us tonight for dinner. 5. Daffodil shoots are appearing above the soil!