This week I am thankful:
that my OB/women’s health class is allllll done
I got a really high A on the final, and I ended that class with a 97% overall. Woohoo!
I feel like I had a definite advantage in that class because of being a woman and being a mom. If I were a childless dude, I’d definitely have had to work harder.
that after today, my med surg class will be done
I have my final at 9:00 am today, so I might even be done by the time you read this.
I am very very happy that my final is in the morning, because then I do not even have the option of spending the day studying. I will just wake up, go test, and be done, done, DONE.
that I met a new friend named Kristen
At our orientation yesterday, someone new in the front was asking a lot of questions, and my friend Rachel leaned over to me and said, “Hey look, it’s another Kristen.”
(Because I raise my hand a lot and ask a lot of questions.)
Well, I happened to see that this new classmate’s coffee cup actually did say, “Kristen”, spelled exactly like my name! Ha.
I introduced myself after orientation and found out that she had to take two semesters off because of pregnancy, and that’s why she’s just joining us now.
So from here on out, there will be two question-asking Kristens in class. 😉
that my interview went well
Yesterday I had a job interview for a student nurse/patient care technician job on the floor when I did my med-surg rotation.

she always attends my meetings
I haven’t interviewed for a job since 1997 (!!!), and even then, I think I only did three interviews.
So I am woefully under-practiced at interviewing, but I think it went pretty well. And if nothing else, I got some interview experience under my belt.
for a lot of rain recently
I remember that last spring, we had a pretty long dry period; I started to wonder if all the wild blackberries and wineberries were going to be ok!

baby wineberries
But we have had a lot of soaking rain recently, so even though I don’t love rain clouds, I am grateful to not be in a drought.
that Sonia’s cat is doing better
He’s been in the hospital with some health issues, poor guy.

Isn’t he so cute??
But he started eating again yesterday, so hopefully he can come home soon!
for a lovely painting from Sonia
For Mother’s Day, she made me a painting of Miss Chiquita! Isn’t it so good?
for the usefulness of my Buy Nothing blazer
I am not a person who wears blazers on the regular, so I am very happy that I was able to get this one for free.
I used it for my presentation last week, and then for my interview this week!
I don’t mind paying for clothes that I am going to use all the time, but a blazer definitely does not fall into that category for me. 😉
for all the friendships I have made in nursing school
I always made friends in my prereq classes, but my nursing school class is SO BIG, I have really, really socialized this school year.
I can barely turn around in my building without seeing someone I know, and I love it!
I am obviously happy for a break from school, but I know I’m gonna seriously miss all my pals over the summer.
Thursday 16th of May 2024
So glad to hear that your semester is ending for a bit and you're taking a well deserved break this summer.
I'm thankful for ... 1) My church and local library for giving me a chance to serve them. I'm so grateful to have served besides them and to see their love in action for each other and the community. 2) My kids' teachers and all the staff members who gave them a wonderful school year. 3) The beautiful flowering trees we have in our front yard. They bloom every spring and remind me so much of cherry blossoms, which are one of my favorite trees. 4) The amazing northern lights I saw for the first time last weekend with my husband and oldest girl. 5) For feeling so loved on Mother's Day. My husband cooked biscuit and gravy and gave me flowers and chocolates on behalf of our girls. Also received some thoughtful handmade gifts and small trinkets from them.
Thursday 16th of May 2024
1. A very encouraging message from someone. 2. Old cards I looked through today. 3. Fun talks 4. For all three of the above things that helped me after a discouraging day.
Thursday 16th of May 2024
Love the painting! Such a wonderful Mother's Day present :)
Thankful for: 1) My son getting 4th place in long jump at his last meet (1.40 m) One of the other teens said: "Wow! That's higher than him. You bouncy bro!" HAHA He is only 5'2" - much shorter than the other high jumpers in the top 8 or so 2) Being around teenagers and listening to them interact with each other. Always makes me smile :) 3) For the abundance of sunshine in recent days 4) Being able to run by the river on a sunny spring day. Pure joy! 5) My daughter is coming home for midterm break tomorrow. Can't wait to pick her up at the ferry terminal!
Thursday 16th of May 2024
There is something so delicious about the last day of school for the year! Treat yourself to something--ice cream always hits the spot. This time next year, that delicious feeling will be replaced by a new feeling of awe because you "did it"! And I have no doubt that you will.
I'm certain you will get the job, any hospital would snap you up. You come with good grades, maturity, enthusiasm for the job, and practicality. You are exactly what they are looking for. The experience will be invaluable to you.
Be sure to take some time for yourself this summer, too. Recharge those batteries, it takes some endurance to work through the "senioritis".
Thursday 16th of May 2024
Just came to say Sonias painting is so good! She’s really talented