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Thankful Thursday | Glad to be a leftie

This week, I am thankful:

that I’m left-handed

A green pen on a lined notebook page.

As I was taking notes on my anatomy and physiology chapter this week, I was thinking how nice it is that I write with my left hand.

I do so much mousing with my right hand, it’s nice to give that hand a break and use the other one instead!

for my physical textbook

I am feeling 100% happy with my decision to buy a paper textbook.

Anatomy and Physiology textbook with a green cover.

So much of college is online these days: assessments, videos, quizzes, and more. So, I really appreciate having some part that doesn’t need to happen on a screen.

Also, a physical book is so much easier to flip through when I want to look back at something.

Totally worth the $36 I spent on eBay!

(Judging from the stickers on the front of my book, this used to be an Amazon book. But I really did buy it on eBay.)

that my first exam went well

It wasn’t as in-depth as I’d expected, so I sailed on through. Yay!

I always feel a little nervous before the first exam with a new professor because I do not know what to expect. So, from here on out I will have a better idea of what’s coming my way.

that I made a friend in my class

She has two cats, so we bonded over our common love of cats.

that cool mornings are a thing

After a brief foray into lovely fall weather, this week we have had a string of days that have reached 90 degrees.

I am not delighted about this (!), but I am thankful that September mornings and evenings are at least cooler than their July versions.

a view of a dock in morning sun.

for all the summer peaches I’ve been eating

I know peach season is winding down soon, which makes me extra appreciative of the peaches I’m eating now.

that fresh produce is so available and affordable

Sometimes when I read books like Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House books, I think about just how limited their fresh produce access was, particularly in the winter.

And that makes me realize how blessed we are to have not just basic fresh produce, but really interesting produce (like starfruits) available to us all year.

(Related: it seems rather impressive that the human race even survived all of those produce-lite years! Human bodies are rather resilient.)

for knowledge at my fingertips via the internet

Zoe and I saw an ambulance and fire truck go by as we were driving to an appointment this week, and we both were like, “Why does a fire truck always come along with an ambulance? It seems unnecessary for lots of 911 calls.”

I said, “I should google that!” (I have since!), and I was reminded again how easy it is to get information now that we have the internet.

If I’d wondered something like this when I was a kid, it would have been so much more difficult to get an answer. And remembering that makes me really thankful for the ease of googling things now.

What are you thankful for this week?

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Thursday 23rd of September 2021

Thankful for the September weather. It really is marvelous.

Thankful for my sonโ€™s school and teacher. He seems to really like it.

Thankful for more vacation time for my husband. Heโ€™s gotten to take some days off to go golfing and some days off to be home with us and Iโ€™m grateful he has more weeks of vacation time now than he did when we first started working.

Thankful for my parents watching our kids when I work. They are such wonderful grandparents.

Thankful we live close to school and can walk. It would really be awful to have to sit in that car line every day instead of enjoying the fresh air.


Monday 20th of September 2021

So nice to hear I have a fellow left-handed blogger! (Yes, I'm 'that,' too.)

Ironically, two of my longest friends in Colorado are both left-handed, as well. Almost unheard-of.


Friday 17th of September 2021

I am thankful that the cooler weather is staying with us at present. I severely dislike our hot and sticky summers and it will be here soon.

I am thankful for two little granddaughters who lill my days with love and giggles.

I am thankful for mandarins..They are my food obsession.

I am thankful for sleep and wish I coudl have a little more of the stuff.

I am thankful for a washing machine as it makes a long and devious chore so easy.


Thursday 16th of September 2021

So fun to find out you are a leftie too! I write with my left, but I also too, use the mouse with my right hand. I play most sports right-side dominant. I put this down to being shown the right-hand way of doing most things and following. I just had a tattoo done on my left wrist to honour my beloved Grandpa, who was the only other left-handed member in our families. Yay for lefties! So very grateful for the sunshine in our region in BC today-I have loved running after work by Okanagan Lake in the beautiful temps of late, without the thick smoke that was very present for most of the summer. Also so thankful for beautiful local grown apples, healthy adult kids, and a job I absolute love! And my hubby is super great to come home too :) Love your blog-been following you from Canada for almost a decade.


Thursday 16th of September 2021

* Cooler weather. I run 3x/week at 5h30 am, and it`s much more comfortable now. * Medication * My kids and husband * Books * A paid-for house

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