This week, I am thankful:
that we finally got our clinical assignments
We all have been anxiously waiting to see our clinical fates for the semester and at last, we got our assignments two weeks before the first day of class.
I am grateful I’m not trying to arrange childcare or anything; I can only imagine how hard the last-minute style of this is for my fellow students with young kids!
that I got 2/3 of the things I wanted for clinical
Ideally, I wanted:
- a day shift
- clinicals at the hospital where I work
- weekday assignments
I did get the day shift.
I did get assigned to the hospital where I work (woohooo for a ten-minute commute!).
But (womp womp) I got weekends.
However, I figure 2/3 wishes is pretty good! I am so so so so thankful I don’t have to drive into the big city and also so thankful I don’t have to do clinical late at night.
I’ll be on the heart and vascular unit (so not the med surg unit where I work), but I’m delighted to be at “my” hospital where I feel so at home!
that a weekend assignment is not a big deal at my stage of life
For 10 weeks straight, my weekends will be taken up by clinicals.
But honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. My sole housemate (Zoe, obv!) often works weekends anyway. I’ll adjust to having days off midweek, and all will be well.
(Though I will say that this is going to make symphony adventures a bit challenging…)
for the snow
I know some people hate it, but I love it when we get snow. It is so so so much more beautiful than the drab gray/brown that we deal with almost all winter long.
We will be having cold temperatures for quite a few days now too, so the snow is sticking around instead of melting right away.
for how bright the snow makes my house
The light reflects off the snow and into my windows and it makes SUCH a big difference in how bright my house is. I love it.
for our cute kitties
that a classmate got a job on my hospital floor
One of my nursing school besties got a job on the unit where I work! I’m delighted.
for the extra minute before sunset each day
Right now, the sun sets about one minute later each day. That’s not a very noticeable gain, but like I always say, at least we are moving in a direction that I like. 🙂
that I found some cottage cheese in my fridge
I thought I was out, so I stopped in at two nearby Aldis only to come up empty-handed.
My best guess is that everyone has made a New Year’s resolution to eat more cottage cheese. This feels like the dietary equivalent of having a very crowded gym in January. Ha.
Happily, when I got home I found one more unopened cottage cheese container in the back of my fridge. Woohoo!
Thursday 9th of January 2025
I am happy that I don't have to work weekends and haven't for almost 20 years now. I used to work Sundays from 4pm to Midnight so I could at least still go to church (though at that point in my life I was trying to find a denomination.)
I'm thankful that I don't have to go out in this freezing cold weather. I hate the cold with a passion (give me summer 100%!)
Thursday 9th of January 2025
If I had a significant other with a regular work schedule, this weekend thing could pose a problem. But as a single pringle, it's no big deal. ;)
Elizabeth M
Thursday 9th of January 2025
This week I'm thankful: - for snow, for all the same reasons Kristen gave. Snow is rare where I live, but it's so pretty when we do get it and it actually sticks around for a little while. - for a safe, warm house and the ability to stay in when it's cold out. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere. - for shoes that make walking more comfortable than it has been for some time. I didn't even realize how tired I was just from standing and walking without proper support.
Rebekah in SoCal
Thursday 9th of January 2025
I am thankful that my power is on. I live in an area of Socal (far from current fires) that often has fires and many homes and businesses nearby have had their power turned off for public safety. (High winds and very dry foothills are not a good combination.) For some reason our street and my daughter's daycare have been spared.
I am thankful for my morning coffee.
I am thankful for friends who helped watch my daughter last week when her daycare was closed for the Holiday break.
I am thankful for increasing sunlight.
Kristina M.
Thursday 9th of January 2025
I am also thankful for the snow and how it brightens up the environment, but also that the storm had passed by the time my son was traveling. I was able to drive him to the airport on fairly clear roads.
I'm thankful we are safe and snug in our house, thinking of people across the country who have faced so much destruction this year.
Thankful the cold I had last week passed quickly and hasn't lingered, as I usually get allergy- and asthma-related symptoms from upper respiratory illnesses.
After a few days at home, thankful to send my boys back to school :)
And last, thankful that my mother is on a mend after some frightening health scares over the holidays.
Fru-gal Lisa
Thursday 9th of January 2025
I am very thankful: 1. That I am substitute teaching so that when it gets this horribly cold, I simply don't sign up for a gig and I get to stay home. Having to be at a school at 7:20 on a cold winter morning is the pits! Thankful I can opt out! 2. The egomaniac pastor at my former church is on his way out. (Resigned, asked to resign, fired...who knows?) Hopefully, they'll soon get a humble servant of the Lord and things will be better there. Not sure whether I'll return, but glad to know things will be on a more even keel for my many friends who stayed. Maybe the church can reinstate all the ministry programs Rev. Egomaniac ended because they were not programs he started, and hopefully the church can get out of the massive debt he ran up. (The church was debt free when he first took over, but not any more.) 3. Even though it was horribly cold, I got to visit my (and my mother's) friend A. on the occasion of Mom's 100th birthday. Didn't go out to the cemetery due to the weather but we got to share lunch and old memories and it kept me from crying and being too depressed. 4. That A. has a place to live where she is being well taken care of. She has many, many friends who are coming by to visit and to take her to church and take her shopping. 5. That it didn't sleet, snow or rain this week when I had my retail store shifts. We so seldom get icy roads, people here don't know how to safely drive on them. Glad I didn't have to brave a winter "demolition derby" going to and from work.