This week I am thankful:
that Lisey has been having fun adventures in Hawaii
She’s been doing some exploring while she waits for her job to start, and I am so happy for her!
that I got signed up for all the nursing class slots I wanted
Apparently it’s kind of a feeding frenzy once registration opens up, so I put all the sections I wanted in my cart beforehand, and logged on as soon as it opened up.
And I’m happy to say I got all the early morning slots I wanted.
I know I keep saying it but…guys! I’m really doing this! I’m going to nursing school!
Sometimes, I can hardly believe it, and the struggles to get here make this all the sweeter.
And that’s why I almost cried when I tried on the sample student scrubs.
I’m so thankful.
By the way, lots of you commented on the lovely blue color.
But alas, that’s just the sample color. My student scrubs will be a white top with navy blue pants.
That’s ok, though; it’s way better than the all-white my college’s students used to wear!
that haze is the only problem we’re having from the fires
Yesterday I was thinking, “Man, I really don’t like these hazy skies!”
But then I looked at the pictures in New York, and wow, the air down here isn’t nearly so bad.
And of course, none of these hazy skies are nearly as terrible as actually living by the fires.
A string of hazy days is a small thing by comparison, so then I felt a little like, “ok, I’m not gonna be over here complaining!”
that I’m getting PRETTY close to having all my nursing school prep done
I have a physical this week, and a one-day CPR course the Saturday following, and then I think the only thing left to do is buy my books.
Yay me!
No, wait. I also need to buy shoes (white. leather. no mesh. no holes.)
And a watch with second hands, because alas, my lovely Withings watch does not have a second hand.
Then I can just chill for the rest of the summer.
(Who are we kidding? I’m not going to chill! I’m going to get things done. We all know how I am.)
that my big toenail is (mostly) back
Last year when I moved to this house, I stubbed my toe REALLY hard on my ottoman.

A photo from a time in the distant past, when my toenails were all intact.
In August, the toenail came off, and a new one started growing in, and it is only just now that the new nail is jussssst about 3/4 of the correct size.
When the toenail came off last year, I googled to see how long a new one would take to grow.
Google said, “One year.”
I said, “Hahahah, no way that’s right.”
Well. I’m here to tell you that Google was right. A big toenail actually DOES take about a year to grow back.
And not having a proper toenail for a year will make you appreciate it when you do have one. Even if it’s only 75% regrown. 😉
for a mild start to June
I have mostly not been super sweaty yet so far this year, and I am thankful.
I always try to appreciate this when it happens; I soak up the not-sweaty memories and store them in my brain.
Then in August, when I am dying of heat, I can remember that the world is not always like a humid oven.
for chocolate ice cream
Chocolate is the elite flavor, in my opinion.
I just wish I could find a really good dark chocolate ice cream at the grocery store. I’ve had a few dark chocolate versions at ice cream shops, but usually grocery stores just carry regular chocolate ice cream.
If you have suggestions, I’m all ears. 😉
Saturday 17th of June 2023
Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream is delicious! Be careful though, it's REALLY delicious!
Julie F
Wednesday 14th of June 2023
Tips for nursing school: put tank top under your scrub top. They just aren’t long enough to prevent you bootie from popping out and when we bend over, patients can see down our tops. Nude colored tanks/bras actually blend better than white under those tops. I found it easier to have 2 sets. Invest in decent shoes, you’ll be able to use them your whole time in nursing school and beyond if you like. Clinical will have you running! You could check out a variety at uniform stores and then price check them. A watch with a silicone band is good because you can really clean it. Stethoscope: See if any instructors have any to try out before you buy so you can decide what you like. I like the Littmann ones- Classic SE II or Classic III. Get the bell and the tubing laser engraved and don’t buy black… always the color most likely to get stolen.
Niugini Kate
Monday 12th of June 2023
Parts of the world are like a humid oven year round. I just visited one of them, and there wasn't even any chocolate ice cream to cool off with.
Anita Isaac
Saturday 10th of June 2023
thanks so much for the hawaii photos. am thankful libraries have free covid tests. Hubby and my daughter Zoe tested positive today. My kids will miss their concert from Third Street Music School. They are taking it ok. I am upset for them but that is how life goes. one thing i forgot to mention about new furniture, mine is now so old it can almost be an antique. I don't get new stuff every five minutes. so glad your dreams are coming to fruition.
Carolyn J
Saturday 10th of June 2023
Love that you are going to nursing school. I'm retired, but I worked as a clinical psychologist in a psychiatric facility. Working with multidisciplinary treatment teams was a big win. Phenomenal nurses ( a few not so much), but it is a great profession, valuable in so many different areas of health care. If you haven't bought shoes, I recommend SAS Freetime. Not cheap, but very comfortable, sturdy and durable. That's the shoe I wore for work, but in black instead of white. The only requirement where I worked was no open toe shoes, so I saw a variety of footwear. Wishing you great success in your new journey,