You know how yesterday I was talking about the Guardian article on the topic of joy? And how one of the challenges was to take a tough circumstance and find the good in it?
Well, my oil-fueled boiler that heats my house has been out of commission this week (a week that has delivered some of the coldest weather we’ve had in a long time!)
It’s a long story that is not quite over (and it includes the fire department being called because of a semi-explosion in the boiler!), but the Cliff’s notes version is that the boiler is still not entirely fixed (maybe by the end of the day tomorrow).
(Also, spoiler: Zoe and the cats and I are all fine.)
Anyway…I’m gonna find the good in a not-that-fantastic situation.
This week, I am thankful:
for kind people who let us borrow space heaters
I already had one from my Buy Nothing group, but I also got to borrow one from my landlord and two from neighbors.
The four of those heaters have kept us from freezing over this last week and I am thankful!
that I am not responsible for home repair bills
While I was in Hawaii a branch fell onto my roof and poked a hole.
And then there’s been these big problems with the boiler this week.
All of that has reminded me to be thankful that my housing costs are pretty fixed as a renter. Yay!
for good neighbors
I wasn’t home the second time the smoke alarms went off, but my dear neighbors helped Zoe while I rushed home.
for some warmer weather
We are officially out of the deep freeze that’s been here since my return from Hawaii. Tomorrow it’s gonna be almost 65! We barely even need a functioning heating system on a day like that.
that my house smells fine now
After the second major smoke issue, my house smelled terrible, even after the fire department did their thing (and don’t worry, they checked for carbon monoxide).
But happily, after some airing out, some odor-absorbing products, and a very thorough cleaning from top to bottom, it smells regular in here again. Whew.
that I started the semester with a VERY clean house
I did not intend to spend the entire day before the first day of school cleaning my house.
But the upside is that at least I’m starting semester two with a super duper clean and tidy house.
that our issue provided training for the firefighters
Even though our heater smoke problem didn’t even involve an actual fire, there ended up being something like six trucks here.
As it turns out, they were having the young firefighters come in and see this problem….there aren’t a lot of houses with old boilers like mine, and they wanted to give everyone a chance to see how to deal with a situation like this.
So, hey, at least these firefighters got to learn something new!
that I don’t mind the cold very much
I would have had a WAY harder time making it for a week with a broken A/C unit. I’m pretty sure a crabby attitude would have surfaced around day two. Ha.
that we got an electric water heater last year
Last winter, my landlords switched our hot water from an oil-powered boiler to an electric water heater, and boy was I thankful for that this week. Otherwise, we’d have been without hot water for this whole week.
that we had power
Losing power in the cold is terrible. I hate that so, so much.
Losing central heat is not great, but at least if you have power, you can run space heaters, you can take hot showers, you can bake things in the oven, and you have lights/internet, etc.
Power made this way more tolerable!
for the fun of returning to nursing school
I have been so happy this week to go back and see all my school friends. My friend Brittany was like, “I missed you guys so much!” and I said, “I KNOWWWW. Me too!” I love my nursing pals.
The extrovert part of my ambivert personality was very satisfied with this week. 😉
for life experience with women’s health/OB
I’m already finding that my life experience is proving to be an advantage.

Sonia and me, circa 2004
Coming into the class, I already knew a lot about the female body and about pregnancy-related topics, so I’m not having to absorb a lot of new material.
Friday 26th of January 2024
Oh my, what a week for your boiler to go out! Thank goodness for kind neighbors and space heaters!
We have a very old coal converted oil fired boiler and it hiccupped for the first time in a while, about 2 weeks ago, just before the deep freeze. That timing is my 1st thankful thing!
2. I'm thankful for PTO at my job. My husband and I both took off work today and cleaned out our attic. We are tired but glad that the job is almost finished...and now we still have a weekend to look forward to. Yay!
3. I'm thankful that we have a place to burn and get rid of trash on our farm. Our old farm truck isn't good for much, but we filled it twice with things to go to the burn pile today.
4. I'm thankful that we had snow for the first time in a while! Although the roads were really treacherous for a bit, it sure was beautiful!
5. I'm thankful that our household seems to be healthy again after having nagging coughs that just wouldn't quit! Mine lasted about e weeks and hubby's even longer. It's so easy to take our health for granted!
Anita Isaac
Friday 26th of January 2024
so glad you are ok. what a nightmare right before school starts. u r going to be the best nurse ever.
Friday 26th of January 2024
Good that the boiler problem got the attention it needed and that everyone is safe.
I am thankful for: 1. having unemployment insurance while I look for a new job 2. that since I am home this afternoon I can help my brother (he's always helping me out) 3. it is Friday and my husband is treating us to take-out for dinner 4. I have a few good friends I can talk about stuff with
Kristen, it is wonderful how you and the other nursing students get along and enjoy each other's company. When you are graduates looking for work, you can help each other out then too. I am not at all surprised that your life experience is helping you in nursing school. Nursing is going to be a really good career for you.
Rebekah in SoCal
Friday 26th of January 2024
I am thankful for an approaching deadline . . . because then the project will finally be done.
I am thankful for sunny days when I can take a walk during lunch.
I am thankful that the cold virus that hit our household was mercifully short lived.
I am thankful for morning coffee.
I am thankful for a weekend to rest a little and play with my daughter.
Hawaii Planner
Friday 26th of January 2024
1) Thankful to be back from a business trip. I miss my family & just being home so much. 2) That I generally enjoy my coworkers I was with. We're dealing with some pretty sizable challenges, but the group approached the discussions with maturity. 3) That my flights both ways were not delayed. Spending 8ish hours in transit (travel time to airport + airport time + flight time) is already a really big commitment, so it's always a treat when no additional time is added in. 4) I wasn't feeling great, but I did manage three workouts while I was gone. 5) I don't really have big plans for the weekend, and I'm so grateful I'll get a chance to relax a bit!