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Thankful Thursday | I did not owe taxes!

New here? Thankful Thursday is our weekly effort to hunt for the good in our lives; a free mood-booster!

This week, I am thankful:

that I owed no taxes this year

I am exceedingly happy about this, which is why it’s first on the list.

jars of coins

Last year, my estimated tax payments were way off, so I ended up owing $10,000 when I filed.

(Fortunately, I had enough saved to cover it.)

Plus, my new, larger estimated tax payments began immediately after that, so I spent a lot of 2020 feeling like I was playing serious catch-up. 

two jars of coins

I am happy to say that my estimated tax payments last year were more than enough, though. Not only did I not owe $10,000, I actually got a refund of over $1000.

Of course, I turned right around and sent that money out to pay my next estimated taxes.

Anyway, I am very happy to not face an underpayment penalty and a big tax bill. Yay!!

that I got to go into the library

Our libraries have been closed to in-person pickup for months and months now (curbside only).

The frustrating thing about that is that the curbside hours were sort of inconvenient and I kept thinking, “I should go pick up my holds!” only to remember that the library wasn’t open for pickup at that time.

Anyway! You can pop by any time now to pick up holds and my heart was so happy doing that yesterday for the first time.

that things are so much better this spring

Sonia and I were remembering how last April, you couldn’t even do curbside pickup at the library; there was no library access at all.

What a huge improvement this spring is over last, in so many ways.

that Mr. FG and Lisey did not have to go to a mass vax site

I am grateful for mass sites, of course. But they ARE kind of a headache.

So I am happy for Mr. FG and Lisey that they just got to go to a local pharmacy for their shots.

the promise of green leaves

A green tinge is spreading over the bare trees here, and it’s especially noticeable if you see the trees from a distance.

Also, the oak trees are full of brownish yellow flowers, and while I know the immediate effect will be nasty yellow dust, I also know what follows the dust: beautiful green leaves.

So, I’m going to focus on being thankful for that.

for over-the-counter allergy eye drops

I don’t have terrible spring allergies, but I definitely struggle with itchy eyes sometimes. So I am thankful for eye drops that help with that.

that I can plant some seeds soon

I’m not a big gardener but there are a few things I grow!

Pretty soon the ground will be warm enough for the purple bean hyacinths I grow every year. 

purple bean hyacinth around mailbox

(More about the purple hyacinths here.)

Plus I have a bunch of saved marigold flower seeds from last year, which I will probably just plant directly in the soil.

dried marigold seeds

I love how hardy marigolds are and also how easy it is to save their seeds.

fall marigolds

I ordered a free factory second self-watering pot from Orta (one of the gardening bundle bonuses), and I will start some basil plants in that.

orta seed starter pot.

for reliable cars

I can’t even remember the last time that we had a car problem that wasn’t just normal maintenance (or squirrel damage. Ha.)

That’s a serious blessing!

for my anti-squirrel device

Speaking of squirrel damage…I have this electronic rodent deterrent device, and I put it into my engine compartment during squirrel nesting season every year.

You guys, it is MAGIC. I used to face expensive repairs every winter, and I have had zero squirrel nest issues since I started doing this.

squirrel repellant nesting in engine

The device costs under $25, it’s pesticide free, and it lasts for years.

It is so, so nice to get into my car without wondering, “Will it start this time? Will there be a mess of sticks and leaves in my engine compartment?”

(One time I found three baby squirrels inside there!)

Anyway, this thing gets a one-million-star rating from me.

What are you thankful for this week? 

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    Monday 19th of April 2021

    1. Thankful for being able to help out with my grandaughter's online math class. 2. For the chance to watch the grandsons' baseball games for the first time since 2019. 3. For the new patio pavers and being able to pay for them. Took the money from savings but I know it will be replaced quickly. 4. Our COVID first shots. 5. The beautiful weather.


    Friday 16th of April 2021

    We purchased these and they really, really work! Before this, we had a rodent that died in my car and the smell was horrible for months! This device works well and we now have them in each vehicle. Thank you for recommending them.

    a curious reader

    Thursday 15th of April 2021

    That I will be eligible to book an appointment for my covid vaccine from my next Friday! They will now be available to all over 16. I should be fully vaccinated within 6 weeks. I'm holding back happy tears as I type this - while it will not be immediately possible, I'm one step closer to getting on a plane and visiting my family that I haven't seen in 2.5 years.

    That my boyfriend and I don't bicker! Bickering really stresses me out and I'm happy we're not doing it.

    That I managed to shop for and cook delicious homemade meals all week. I always feel a bit crabby when I eat (and spend a lot of money on) takeout.


    Thursday 15th of April 2021

    For a covid vaccination, for all that it's making me not only tired but extremely irritable. The side effects will pass quickly, the immunization will not.

    For good negotiating tactics. It took three hours for Apple to troubleshoot, and fail to fix my old phone. get my new phone going, and transfer data from my old phone. (One hour for all three would be reasonable.) For this trouble I also received complementary wall wart, leather case, and Belkin screen cover. The phone was $420; the complementary items $110.

    That the person who bought my papasan did not flake out of me. (Also for the $125 I sold it for.)

    That my helpful neighbors bombarded me with offers of a bundt pan within a half hour of my asking to borrow one.


    Thursday 15th of April 2021

    I don’t think I cannot overstate the joy I got from resumed access to the library. I LOVE being able to browse the shelves to make up my mind. I’m definitely a book window shopper and my teenage kids are too.

    I’m glad you finally have access and cannot imagine waiting so long. (Bless your heart)


    Thursday 15th of April 2021

    I did not expect to feel as happy as I did, walking in there to pick up my holds!

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