This week, I am thankful:
for Mint Mobile
I am seriously reveling in having so much cellular data available each month. I feel positively rich in data!
Even though it feels to me like I am using SO MUCH DATA, I am barely scratching the surface of the 4 gigs I get each month.
And it’s only $15/month, which is amazing.
(We used to be with Ting, and you have to keep your data super low with Ting in order to keep your bill down. That’s why I feel rich now!)
for the window light by my desk
I am seriously still so delighted to have all this light when I am at my computer!
that I do not have to choose nursing based on salary
One of my classmates was telling me this week that she wants to do lip injections as an R.N. after she graduates because you can make a lot of money doing that.
And that made me think how glad I am that I have the privilege of choosing what I want to do without considering pay so heavily. Mr. FG and I will probably be empty-nesters by the time I graduate, and God-willing, he will still have his job with all the associated benefits.
Plus, we are solidly in the middle of adult life, so we already own cars and a home and such.
Basically, this means that I can choose a nursing path that feels important and fulfilling to me even if it earns me less money; I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing cosmetic work, but I would not be motivated to do all of this school if lip injecting was what I had to do at the end!
that I hear from Lisey so regularly
I’m happy we get to text and call pretty often!
for Lisey’s volunteer hangar gig
My aunt and uncle introduced her to someone local that runs a mission that rehabs old planes, and she’s now volunteering there. I’m not clear on the details, but this mission is somehow involved with Russia, and some people that work there speak Russian!
You may remember that prior to aviation mechanic school, Lisey was pursuing a degree in Russian, so the fact that there is a local place that combines her love for airplanes with her interest in the Russian language is just….wild.
And I am thankful that my aunt and uncle were so kind to think of this for her.
that I am feeling better about my muscle assignments
I have another exam on Monday, this time on muscles and muscle movements. I spent a bunch of time yesterday reviewing, filling out worksheets, and making flashcards, and I am feeling more confident now.
Identifying the muscles is not the hard part; it’s remembering all the various movements!
But after another few days of review, I think I should be all right going into Monday’s exam.
that the kitten Lisey rescued is doing well
She and a friend found a bedraggled little kitten on the side of the road.
He definitely needed medical care, so they brought him to a no-kill shelter, and apparently he is doing much better now.

This was from the day they dropped him off. Poor little guy!
that I’ve made friends with lots of classmates
On the first day of class, it seemed like this was a class of 100% quiet people.
But, I’ve initiated conversations with quite a few of them now as we wait in the hall for the lab to open up each week.
And it’s also helped that our professor has broken us into smaller groups; I think it’s way easier to get to know people that way.
Since literally every other student in this class is young enough to be one of my kids, I felt a little out of place at first. But apparently, you can bond over long lists of anatomy terminology regardless of your age, so, yay!
for the sun today
Two days of zero sun come afterward, so I am making sure to appreciate the sunlight today.
And tomorrow I will try to appreciate the coziness of a rainy day. 😉
that Mr. FG can always fix my computer problems
I’m sure I could figure this stuff out if I absolutely had to. But I am not remotely interested in learning how, and since I am married to him, I can stay blissfully ignorant of how to fix broken CPU fans and such.
I will stick to learning how to fix broken human bodies.
(which is a topic that he is not remotely interested in!)
Erika JS
Friday 29th of October 2021
Kristen, A number of super TT things in your list but the image of the bedraggled kitty and Lisey's help for him/her tugs at my heart. It kinda makes my day because in this time of so many grumpy, outspoken people I look for people who remind me that quiet kindness still exists.
Friday 29th of October 2021
I'm so happy that she was able to help him too! She's going to try to go visit him today to see how he's doing, and I'm hoping she will send me a photo. :)
Friday 29th of October 2021
I’m thankful for your blog! Truly, I enjoy listening to your perspective on life and even though we live different lives day-to-day, I really value your wisdom. You’re a great role model for your children and others that it’s never “too late” to learn something new.
Friday 29th of October 2021
Aww, I am so very happy to hear that my blog brings joy into your life. Thank you for taking the time to tell me!
Fawcett Julie
Friday 29th of October 2021
Oh yay! I was headed back to school like you when my triplets were 2 yo. The younger students realize you are the steady one and it’s like your the school mom friend! Making friends in nursing school is a lifelong relationship. And necessary. I felt just like you at community college and soon enough, I was chatting up with groups all the time. My hubs is in IT so we are in a similar boat. Also, if you are going into nursing to make “bank” you will easily be burned out and fizzle out. You have to have a passion behind it. Or it’s all for naught. I’m proud of you!!
Kimberley Puthoff
Thursday 28th of October 2021
Grateful for life today! I'm a hospice nurse practitioner and see many said circumstances!
Thursday 28th of October 2021
Thankful for: The guy who flagged down our car as husband and I were pulling out of the parking lot, to hand us my husabnd's wallet that had fallen out of his pocket as he climbedinto the car.
Our attached garage, so our vehicle is always warm these days when we have freezing temperatures every night and snow on the ground.
A new book by one of my favorite authors came out so I have hours of delightful reading in front of me.
My recliner, which my husabnd purchased when I was at my sickest and which includes a heated seat feature that I just love on cold evenings.
The norhtern lights, still out almost every night.