This will be a bit short because I need to leave for an exam. I wanted to get this up so you guys could participate, though!
This week, I am thankful:
for little green leaves
I’m starting to see them when I go for my walks! Yay!!
that daylight saving time is coming up
It’s only a week from Sunday! Sweet.
That will temporarily make early morning walks a challenge, but the days will get longer pretty quickly, and it’ll be light out at a decent hour again soon.
And more importantly: it won’t be getting dark as early in the evening. I love that!
for the fun I am having in school
This week, I had two all-day sim labs at school, and honestly, they were a lot of fun. I learned so much, and I just always have fun interacting with my classmates and professors.
for the ease of wearing scrubs
Both days I had sim lab, I woke and thought, “Hmm, what should I wear?” And then I had the happy realization that I did not need to waste a single moment picking out something to wear.
Scrubs are simple.
for how much Chiquita likes to be with me
It IS annoying when she wants to be in the way of me typing, but most of the time it’s charming how she hangs around me wherever I go.

This is what happens if I shut my bedroom door while I’m getting dressed
for bright sunshine
I always, always appreciate this.
for trails by the water
Again…always full of appreciation for this!
for how easy it is to sit down and play the piano
A lot of other instruments require set-up, tuning, plugging in, installing reeds, and so on….but with a piano, you can just sit down and play any ol’ time you want. I love that!
for real-life OB experience
As soon as I publish this post, I’m heading off for my second OB/Women’s Health exam, and I am thinking that my personal experience with having babies is going to help me out here. We shall see!
Tuesday 5th of March 2024
What is a sim lab?
Myndie from California
Sunday 3rd of March 2024
I am thankful for this little corner of the internet! As a single mom by choice who lives in a ridiculously high cost of living area, it can be easy to get bogged down in feeling discouraged. Thanks to all of you (and especially Kristen!) for reminding me that there are always bright spots. I just have to remember to look for them.
Rebekah in SoCal
Friday 1st of March 2024
I am thankful that my daughter was only "kicked out" of daycare for one day. (pink eye)
I am thankful for in home laundry! (We washed seven loads in one day to hopefully prevent the spread of pink eye throughout the family.)
I am thankful that we discovered an amazingly efficient Urgent Care. (We walked in without preregistering and got home with our perscription in one hour flat,)
I am thankful that my husband was able to flex his work schedule and help with childcare.
I am thankful that I had some accrued sick leave and was able to spend time with my daughter when she was home with pink eye.
Friday 1st of March 2024
@Rebekah in SoCal, in and out of Urgent Care with or without preregistering is a win-win. I'd dealt with pink eye (conjunctivitis) with my grandparents' cat - he got it TWICE when I was cat sitting for him. I remember my sister having it - she got the few weird disease stuff or a worse case of regular stuff. I had five "pox" when I had chicken pox, she was covered from scalp to between her toes. My mom got her revenge when both my kids were covered in pox lol...
Martha O.
Friday 1st of March 2024
I’m thankful for longer daylight. I really need that sunshine!
I’m thankful for a good ophthalmologist and a good exam yesterday. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 18 months old and have had many eye exams through the years. I’m always nervous that something “bad” will be found but always SO thankful when all is well. And it is!
I’m grateful to have a “new” used car again. I was sharing my car with my daughter since she totaled her car a few months ago. But now she’s keeping my 12-year old car we were sharing and I’m driving a “new” used car that I really like. I’m also grateful for how short an adjustment time I needed to feel comfortable with the car.
I’m grateful for monthly breakfasts with close friends. It’s always so refreshing to catch up with each other and leave feeling so encouraged.
Friday 1st of March 2024
Yay for your own car again! It is so nice to have your own transportation. :)
Thursday 29th of February 2024
While not missing a blizzard, large snow dump, ice/sleet/"wintry mix", and/or bitter cold, it is JUST too early for seeing green. Or robins - they are back way too early. The ones here and at my parents have cover but a lot places don't. Good luck on your exam. Thankful for having the discretionary funds to hire out the restoration of the property we bought. Phase one is done and it looks so much better.