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Thankful Thursday | I have a chest freezer!

This week, I am thankful:

for my new chest freezer

Last Friday night, I was sitting at dinner with the girls and I said, “You know what? I am really tired of not having a chest freezer. After dinner, I’m gonna go buy one.”

(Why yes, I doooo know how to party hard on Friday nights!)

I did a minimum of research (mainly checking if Home Depot had one in stock) and I went over and picked one up.

Home Depot Christmas trees.

in unrelated news, it is Christmas at Home Depot right now

It actually worked pretty well to go on a Friday night; apparently, that is not a hot time to be at Home Depot so there were plenty of employees available to help me and to get the freezer down from the super high rack where it was stored.

Friday night freezer shopping: 10/10. 

I considered getting this upright, manual defrost freezer because it takes less floor space.

upright freezer.

But it was $100 more, and I didn’t like that there were no big compartments.

So, I opted for the cheaper chest-style option.

I got a 7 cubic foot freezer, which feels very small and cute compared to the freezer I had at my other house.

But it’s a perfectly fine size for the girls and me, and I am so happy to have a place to store things on a longer-term basis. 

(Because someone asked about this last week: a self-defrosting freezer goes through thawing and freezing cycles to prevent frost build-up. This thaw/freeze cycle causes freezer burn on food over time, so it’s not good for long-term storage of frozen food.)

My new freezer fits perfectly in my unfinished laundry room, and since it’s fairly small and light, I can take it with me wherever I live next. 


that my two exams are done

I had my first chemistry exam and my first microbiology lab exam on Tuesday of this week, and I also had a bunch of notes due for microbiology lecture on the same day. 

I personally think that is TOO MUCH science for a single day, so I am very, very thankful that day is over.

Cat by the laptop.

She was trying to come to chemistry class with me

Now I just have a psychology exam on Monday and a microbiology lecture on Tuesday, and then I have a little breather from exams. Yay!

for cat snuggles

Always and forever on my thankful list. 😉

Kristen and her cat.

She’s been very into sitting on my lap lately, which is cute. She stayed there for my whole online chemistry class this week. 

Kristen's cat on her lap.

that Zoe and I did not catch whatever Lisey had

Lisey came down with some kind of bug last week (not Covid! we checked.) and I thought for sure Zoe and I would catch it, especially me since I share a bathroom with Lisey.

But it’s been over a week and a half since she got sick, and Zoe and I are both fine. Whew.

for sunny, temperate weather

We’ve had a lot of lovely sunny days in the upper 60s and I think that is very perfect October weather.

bee on backpack.

that Lisey is coming back tomorrow

Lisey's bed

She’s been at my aunt and uncle’s house this week, taking care of their chickens while they are away.

But tomorrow she’s coming back home, and Zoe and I are going to be so happy to see her!

for this extra year of time with Lisey

When she moved out last fall, I figured that was the end of having Lisey at home.

But a silver lining of all this family upheaval is that she decided to take a summer break, and then she decided to keep staying here with Zoe and me through the school year.

So, we get a bonus year with Lisey and I am thankful. 

What are you thankful for this week? 

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Friday 14th of October 2022

A chest freezer is such an advantageous tool!

Iโ€™m thankful for a gorgeous fall and lots of places to enjoy it here in my new home. And for a wet snow this morning, which seems to be part of fall here. And for the cool temperatures which give lots of reasons for baking (currently having bread doing an initial rise and bread doing a pre bake ride right now) and for all the excitement my kids and dogs have in the snow.

Also thankful that after having my stuff for 4 weeks the house is pulled together enough for guests to come over! Of course Iโ€™ll always be tinkering and organizing and improving, but the move in process is basically done.


Friday 14th of October 2022

Yay for a chest freezer! I have the same sized chest freezer and it has been very helpful!

Right now I have a lot of tomatoes from the garden in it, which I washed and cored and threw in the freezer when I was sick and couldn't do anything else - those need to get taken care of! I also have 3 goose carcasses to make into broth (I got those free from someone who raised geese for meat and didn't want the carcasses, they don't have meat on them but I've used two for broth and it was very delicious!). And then of course I have other random stuff. It is harder to organize that a bigger chest freezer but that is ok! I'm glad I have it.


Friday 14th of October 2022

I'm thankful that my child doesn't have appendicitis. They ended up in the ER for 4.5 hours with pain right around the appendix, which turned out to be swollen lymph nodes. I'm also thankful for the beautiful fall foliage where I live.


Thursday 13th of October 2022

Super thankful for our local chimney repair company. They came out 2yrs ago to fix a leak around one of our chimneys unfortunately it started leaking again the last time it rained hard. They came out today and the supervisor was not happy with the way it fixed last time. He said it was their fault and didn't charge us for fixing it this time. They made sure they came out before it could leak again and it didn't cost us anything.


Thursday 13th of October 2022

Thankful my son had a business trip that was part way to my other son's house and decided to up drive to visit. It was so nice to see him and the grands!

We were not able to see dad for 11 days while he had covid, sadly enough now he does not appear to know us, or acknowledge us. His care at that facility was horrible. So the thankful part...our hospice got him pulled into another home in record time. 2 hours and he is at a smaller home with smaller patient/caregiver ratio. So far so good, the care there is much better. He's comfortable.

For our hospice team. Most awesome group ever. They continued to see dad while he had covid so they were our eyes and ears.

For all my sibs who were (eventually) able to agree that dad should be moved. But my sister and I did all the work..girls rule!

Thankful for my boss who is so understanding when I have to miss work last minute.

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