New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; an exercise to help us hunt the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.
Well, it seems I forgot to do one of these last week.
(Update: I looked back and I did a Stitch Fix post instead. Whoops.)
Here are mine, and you can add yours in the comments!
Today I am thankful:
for my iced coffee
which I am drinking as I type this!
for friends who offer listening ears
I know listening ears do not technically solve anything, but they do make me feel better, and then I am more equipped to face life.
So, it’s sort of an indirect help.
for air-conditioning
I know this is on my list every week, but it is true: I am thankful for this every single day of the summer. Thank you, Lord, that I have A/C in my house.
for so many readers’ responses to my survey
I’ve been reading through all the hundreds of responses, one by one, and I’m feeling so thankful for all the helpful feedback.
I know it takes more effort to type short answers than it does to click on multiple-choice buttons, so I am especially appreciate of everyone answering!
for the ability to blog
One of the themes I’m seeing in the survey feedback is that a lot of you read my blog because it feels comforting, calm, and familiar, and that that feels especially good right now.
I kept tearing up yesterday as I read that because it makes me so happy that this small thing I do, this typing-words-on-a-screen thing, is doing something real and helpful in the world.
for Sonia and Zoe’s friends
We haven’t been out and about much at all, but there are three friends that we’ve been having over/meeting at my parents’ pool, and I am so happy for my girls, because I am happy when they are happy!
All the other COVID restrictions feel so much more manageable when there is a little bit of social interaction available.
that grocery shopping is not considered to be very risky
I was initially trying to go only every two weeks, but boy, I hated that.
So I was very happy to see that grocery shopping is considered to be quite low-risk.

Most stores prohibit reusable bags right now, but since you self-bag at Aldi, you can still use cloth bags.
Since it doesn’t seem like I am likely to cause harm to myself or others by going to the grocery store, I am just crossing that off my list of things to stress over, and I am going as necessary.
And I am not freezing milk gallons anymore. Yay!
(Of course, I am wearing my mask whenever I am in a store.)
that my PT appointments have helped my neck
I had lots of painful massages and several dry needling sessions, but it’s been worth it because my shoulder misalignment is better now and my range of motion has improved as well.
I’ve got exercises and stretches as well, and hopefully if I keep up with those, I’ll be able to maintain my progress.
Sunday 2nd of August 2020
1. I have been Covid positive since 4 July. I am considered high risk due to several other serious health ailments. It’s been a slow recovery but it beats being in ICU, ER or dying. 2. My job allows me to telecommute so I am thankful for no loss of income. 3. My rescue dog. She’s a 2 yr old GSD and the love of my life. She was dumped at the pound when they were done backyard breeding her; I am so thankful I found her after losing my prev dog at 16.5 years old. 4. I am thankful for good friends who, despite my Covid, have offered if I need groceries, food, etc. 5. A/C! It’s been hot here in Nor California! So thankful for A/C.
Sunday 2nd of August 2020
I am thankful for air conditioning also, especially as all the lakes and rivers by us are very crowded right now and I'm not willing to brave crowds. I am also thankful for the time we have had with my eldest daughter because of covid-19, she had to move home after her third year of university to await the start of her internship which was delayed until September. I am most thankful for the time that I've had to think about life, what's really important and what I'd like to do in the future. Slowing down has given me so much clarity. I also feel indebted to my governments handling of the pandemic, in that our numbers are low, hot spots and outbreaks few.
Heidi Louise
Saturday 1st of August 2020
I am thankful for people like you who are "doing something real and helpful in the world."
And I am thankful for road construction, after it is done.
Friday 31st of July 2020
Thankful that our new neighbors are the sweetest couple ever.
We had enough garden veggies to share with them.
I had a slight work break and enough time to read a couple of books. Miracle!
Hubs got free produce from a local stand.
Went to Goodwill to drop a couple things off, they were having .25 baby toys & clothes. Spent $2 and got baby some toys and a pink retro hat with a peace sign on it. There were only 5 people in GW and all wore masks, also at the grocery store 100% masks.
I will continue to do the shop online for regular boxed groceries but when it comes to meat & produce I need to go in. I am too picky. I hope it is offered long past this situation.
Friday 31st of July 2020
I am thankful
That our daughter's speech therapy is going well. And that she is not starting kindergarten until next year. Instead of fears about missing kindergarten entirely, we are blessed with a year to do speech therapy and phonetical awareness to get her closer to on par with her peers.
That there is a job for me to apply to. I am supposed to go on the academic job market this fall; a market that basically won't exist this year. So having any job to apply to fills me with gratitude. Even if I don't get it.
That I have a wonderful husband. We have been married for seventeen fantastic years now. I am just continuously amazed at how kind, loving, and supportive he is. We're starting a big house project right now that will require us to work closely together. It is a true joy to plan and execute a project with him.
That I have one more month of childcare to finish as much as possible of my dissertation. I'll be homeschooling all four kids in the fall. It is the best decision for us from financial, health, and well-being standpoints. But boy will it be hard. I am so thankful for this time to focus on my own work so I won't have the added strain on me of worrying about what needs to be done for my career. I expect homeschooling will be extremely difficult at moments, but I'm preparing to be able to completely focus on the kids and my own mental health to give us the best chance of success.