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Thankful Thursday | I signed a lease!

This week, I am thankful:

that I have a signed lease!

I did all the paperwork yesterday, and I should be able to move in in about a week and a half. Whew.

Of course I will share pictures and such once we get settled in. 🙂

a corner of a room with wood floors.

that my brother and his wife could come over for my birthday

My brother’s birthday is the day after mine, so we usually do celebrate together, and I’m grateful he could be here this year.

for a free birthday coffee

Thanks, Starbucks!

Kristen holding a starbucks cup.

that my brother found the missing leaf for my table

You know how I’ve been working on this round table:

A partially stained tabletop.

Well, in his efforts to clean out the flooded basement of the house, my brother found the leaf that goes in the middle of this table (it slides apart to accommodate the leaf).

It’s in pretty bad shape, but I think with my dad’s help (and me using his belt sander!), we might be able to resurrect it.

Stay tuned. 😉 

that I only have two more exams after today

The renal system exam is today, then I have an endocrine exam in two weeks, and a cumulative final a few days after that.

I am almost done with anatomy and physiology! 

for the sunshine on my birthday yesterday

It was unseasonably cold, but at least it was sunny. I will take that over warm + cloudy every time.

for my new glasses

I picked up the new ones this week and my goodness, the updated prescription is wonderful.

When I walked outside of the eye doctor’s office, I noticed how well I could see things at a distance. So nice!

that I remembered Zoe’s checkup just in time

Somehow, she and I had both forgotten that she had a checkup this week. I rather randomly searched in my email and realized that her appointment was in about 45 minutes. So…we did actually make it, but barely.

Good thing I checked when I did!

that feelings come and go

Of course, I sort of wish happy feelings could stay forever. But when I am having a hard day, I am grateful that unpleasant feelings aren’t permanent. 

My current situation is like riding a feelings roller coaster…lots of ups and downs. But at least there are usually ups after the downs. Life is always a mixture!

for a dental appointment today

I hate going to the dentist, but I am grateful for good dental care. And I am grateful that my teeth are not usually too problematic. 

What are you thankful for this week? 

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    Tuesday 3rd of May 2022

    So happy you found a place to call your own and to be able to take the time you need in this season of life.


    Monday 2nd of May 2022

    Good luck with the new place :)


    Friday 29th of April 2022


    Happy Birthday and Congrats on signing your new lease. I love your positive attitude! Looking forward to see what your table looks like when it is done!


    Friday 29th of April 2022

    Happy belated birthday!!

    Today I’m grateful for: * Medication * A job where I can just call in sick and be replaced, without it being a big deal *A house in a quiet neighborhood * 2 daughters that perform exceptionally well in school despite neurological conditions affecting them both *Being officially accepted in Social Work (bachelor) and having the financial means and support at home to go back to school full time for the next 3 to 5 years


    Friday 29th of April 2022

    All things in His time... the previous properties were not where He wanted you to be! I am thankful for... 1. That I have the ability to work from home while my sister is recuperating from some mystery, non-covid, non-flu, virus. She usually cares for my mom while I am at work but this virus attacked her muscles and joints and she was in severe pain, barely able to walk. All blood work, tests, etc. were normal. So I am grateful I can work from home and care for Mama while my sister is recovering. 2. That the mystery virus my sister has seems to be running its course and she is slowly recovering. 3. The beautiful day we are having! I love me some sunshine and warm weather! 4. That, at 85 years old, my Mama's health is actually very good! While mobility is problematic and the forgetfulness and confusion is both frustrating and amusing, she is healthy as a horse internally. Heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, cholesterol, etc., etc. are all in great shape! I am hopeful that will translate to several more years with her! 5. For my 3 year old granddaughter. At three she has such a big personality! She makes my heart smile!

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