This week, I am thankful:
that we are not in dire need of gas
We have some gas in the tanks of all of our cars, and none of us needs to do a whole bunch of driving right now anyway.
So, we can sit tight and wait for the panic-buying to stop (the panic-buying is more of a problem than a supply chain here, apparently. Very reminiscent of the toilet paper issue a year ago.)
for a pretty cool May forecast
Sometimes, it can get pretty hot here in May, but the forecast for the rest of the month looks like it won’t require much A/C at all!
And mainly I’m happy about that because it means the weather will be pleasant for being outdoors. I’m always grateful when we have a long spring rather than jumping immediately into hot summer weather.
that my ear is clear again
Remember how I bought Debrox to try to clear my ears out? Well, I got one cleared out on my own but the other was very stubborn.
I started to wonder if I had some kind of ear infection, so I finally went to the doctor. No infection! Apparently I just needed the high-powered ear-cleaning syringe they have.
I am so, so happy to have un-muffled hearing again. Whew.

the only ear picture I could find in my files, from when I had pink highlights
And hey, we already met our in-network insurance deductible so I think my ear visit will be $0 out of pocket.
that I’m done with my regular semester work
I finished my last chapter assignments early so now I’ve been working on studying for my two exams for next week (one cumulative, one not).
My current strategy is to do super well on the non-cumulative exam so that I have oodles of wiggle room on the cumulative one. Ha.
that I need fewer pre-requisites than I thought
It turns out that I’d misread my course work! So it looks like I only need to do:
- Anatomy and Physiology 1 & 2
- Microbiology
- Developmental Psychology
And that’s everything that I can possibly get done before hopping into the nursing program.
There’s some question over whether my 1996 math credit still will apply, but if not, that’s ok.
I figure I would have no problem getting through college algebra, given that I’ve been swimming in homeschool-mom algebra for the last 8 years or so.
that some friends helped me find a professor
I asked around for some recommendations for an anatomy & physiology professor for the fall, and I think I’ve landed on one that will be good.
And I think one of my current biology mom friends is going to take the same class with me, which will be fun.
that Sonia’s got some job interviews lined up
Summer job, here we come!
I think Sonia’s extroverted self is going to enjoy having a job.
that Lisey had minimal side effects
Shot #2 happened this week, and she really didn’t feel too bad after it. Yay!
This is kind of surprising because poor girl, she usually gets every side effect in the book for every medical experience.
for our super affordable mortgage payment
Yesterday I was listening to a podcast about the current housing market and I was reminded again how thankful I am that we already own a home with an affordable mortgage payment.
If we were just getting into the housing market here, we’d pay an awful lot more to live in this same house!
that mortgage payments don’t go up
Our current mortgage payment was a stretch for us back in 2005, but since then, our income has gone up a lot and our mortgage has not.
That’s a nice situation to be in because it equals more budgetary wiggle room. Whew!
that Sonia made a thoughtful gift for Lisey
Lisey’s been working on accumulating items for the apartment she’ll live in while she’s at airplane mechanic school (she starts there this fall), and Sonia knitted a bunch of dishcloths for her.
As any parent knows, it’s a happy thing when you see your kids doing unprompted thoughtful things for others!
Ruth T
Friday 14th of May 2021
Your last one makes me smile. :)
This week I'm really thankful for these flexible days with my preschoolers. Heading into the school year it was hard to have my husband back at work and my oldest back at school and still have no sense of our usual normal for the 3 of us at home, but I'm so thankful for how the Lord has provided during this time! Yesterday was especially enjoyable - we took a walk, played at the playground, went to some yard sales, stopped to thank some people who are redoing some sidewalks near our house... It was leisurely and enjoyable and I was able to really treasure the time together. The days aren't all sunshine and rainbows, but I'm thankful that I've come to appreciate all of the really neat things we have because things are "different" right now instead of getting stuck over what we don't have.
Rebecca in MD
Friday 14th of May 2021
If the school you are attending doesn't except your prior math credits, you may be able to test out instead of sitting through a whole semester of a class. There is usually a nominal fee to take the test, which is much less expensive than tuition for a course.
Friday 14th of May 2021
Yep, that's true; I could always CLEP out of it.
Friday 14th of May 2021
1. Our youngest son comes home from college tomorrow. He's had a rough year because of all the unexpected COVID restrictions and he's eager to come home. And I'm eager to have him here! 2. Next week, we are going to visit our son and DIL in Dallas. I am so excited to see them for a few days. 3. PER CDC: no more masks for vaccinated individuals. Our state has been relatively easy with restrictions compared to some, but it's been so nice to go into stores, etc with NO MASK. I think I may have a mask-burning party! Happy Weekend
Thursday 13th of May 2021
1. Thankful this week that we are able to have a family vacation in a place that we love. We have had wonderful weather and kept expenses down enjoying the beach, homemade meals and snacks with some planned for treats. 2. For amazing weather while we have been here, for no pain in my shoulder even though I have been swimming and hauling stuff to the beach. 3. For the fact that gas shortages haven’t affected Florida as badly as they have Georgia so God willing we will be able to find gas on our trip home. 4. For finding a photographer willing to take family photos at the beach for us while we were down here. 5. Thankful for the wonder in my little boy’s eyes as he gets to play on the beach, jump in the pool, find shells, make new friends. He never meets a stranger and is just a people person. I so appreciate that quality in him and hope it serves him well throughout life.
Thursday 13th of May 2021
Every time you write about the weather I am like that is so similar to mine in NC. What state do you live in? I know, the gas thing. I had to get some but when I did I got only as much as I needed. It reminded me of it's a wonderful life and when the people only take the money that they absolutely need for the week so that the building and loan can survive.