This week, I am thankful:
for our cats
We’ll start with them just so I don’t accidentally leave them out!
that my piano finally got tuned
My tuner had a family crisis that postponed my tuning for a while, but this week, he came over and got me all fixed up. Sweet!
I don’t have the most sensitive ear in the world, but when it’s been too long between tunings, I definitely can hear the funky mismatch when I play octaves.
He keeps a little record of tunings in a notebook inside my piano, and we noticed that the first date in the book was in November 1999. He and my piano have a very long-standing relationship!
that my clinical site is so close
I would apologize for repeating this so often, but I’m probably gonna say it over and over again until the semester is over:
I love, love, love not having to drive into the big city to do clinical days!
When I have to do that, a clinical day pretty much eats up the entire day.
But as you saw with my day in the life post, a nearby clinical day still leaves room for other things, and that is true even when it’s a full 8 hours.
that we only have two more modules of material left
I’m getting tested on Module 2 on Monday, and then we only have Module 3 and Module 4 to get through.
This is a cheerful thought indeed. I’ve already worked hard to absorb two module’s worth of material, and I only have to do that with two more modules. Yay!
I can do this.
that I’ve made it through six weeks of the semester
It’s a 16-week semester, and we’re nearly at the end of week six. So, pretty soon we’ll be halfway through.
(Can you tell I am needing to pep-talk myself a lot this semester??)
for some warmer days
We have had a rather cold winter here in the Mid-Atlantic (cold for us at least!!), but this week, we’ve had some air that has a hint of spring in it.
I even opened my windows for a bit yesterday.
Also, I know from previous years of photos that at the beginning of March, I usually see the first tiny green leaves peeking through in the woods.
March starts on Saturday so…I should see some green soon!
for fuzzy green mosses
I am always appreciative of the green they offer in otherwise-brown conditions.
that eggs are at least still available
They’re currently about $5/dozen even at Aldi, but I do prefer this over times past when it’s been tough to even find any eggs at the store.
What are you thankful for this week?
P.S. I’m working a 7:00 am-7:30 pm tech shift today so my apologies if I don’t respond to comments promptly!
Monday 3rd of March 2025
SO thankful for good Medicare Advantage health insurance. I have to have a hip replacement (!!!) and will have small amount of copays for all of it, nothing horrific. We have an HSA from our working days to cover those small amounts.
Am also grateful that we have an incredible local surgeon who is highly trained in the least invasive, quick recovery procedure for my hip.With ROBOTIC ASSIST! My incision will not disrupt the big muscles of the butt or thigh..(anterior approach for those techies and nurses out there.) SOOOo very grateful..this means a much easier recovery!
I am grateful for WINCO and TRADER JOE.Those 2 places are fun to shop and give me the ability to bring delicious nutritious meals to my table every single night.I like my own cooking and of course, much easier on the pocketbook.
I am thankful I am one of those people who loves to cook.. and menu plan,. it is a hobby so not so hard for me. I do keep a few “convenience” foods in refrig like TJ’s tempura shrimp and a frozen bag of theirr veggie rice, and a their meat lasagna,so if I am too tired or uninspired, I don’t have to do greasy expensive takeout.
Feeling grateful for family who is ready to help me out during my recovery in late April.
Am very thankful I am going INTO this surgery in very good health.Not sure how this happened, but I guess my hip got arthritis over time and it hit “critical mass” about 8 months ago (PAIN!!!!!! and immobility) soo.. I expect a quick and full recovery. (ONE YEAR AGO almost to the day I was actually on a retreat, hiking the jungle in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala…that’s how fast this hit the fan!!)
Cherie Moore
Friday 28th of February 2025
It’s been a long haul but you are almost through nursing school! It’s soooo close I can understand needing extra pep-talks but you can and will do it with your best effort…..and flying colors! Cheering you to the finish line
Friday 28th of February 2025
I am writing my response on Friday. I am thankful for the day I had on Thursday. Kristen, I was thinking about you yesterday, starting out on your nursing career. I attended an alzheimer's advocacy day at our state house. Five of us attended from our senior center. The outreach coordinator, who helps seniors find the help they need, a gentleman who is currently caring for his wife, two women who had cared for their mothers, and me. The current bill before the legislature includes training for hospital personnel and first responders. The gentleman with us said he had taken his wife to the hospital one time. He also spoke to me about the loneliness that happens. Each time their nurse came in, his wife (a prior nurse) asked what school she went to. The fourth time, the nurse said--Do you have dementia? That did not settle well with the husband. They talked about how hospitals can be upsetting to people with dementia, how the patient cannot comprehend a simple thing as choosing food to eat. It was a very empowering day listening to stories and meeting new people.
Thursday 27th of February 2025
Senioritis is real! Soon you'll be planning graduation and NCLEX, then launch your career. It has seemed to go quickly for those of us who don't have to do all the work you do ;o)
Thursday 27th of February 2025
I wouldn't have even thought about being thankful for eggs. I like how you see the positive even when there's the negative. I've postponed buying eggs since they're so high.
I'm thankful for/that ... 1) My husband got 3 out of 4 days off while on call. He definitely needed the break. 2) Sleep and rest I got last night. My sleeping habits have been pretty bad for a while now. Hoping for better results in the future. 3) Chance to catch up on my to do lists. 4) Fun crafts generously given to us from my sister in law and free art events at the library that I've done with the girls like diamond painting and mosaic art. 5) Warmer weather in the 30s and 40s, brighter mornings and clear skies. It's a definite improvement over the negative degree temps we've had.