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Thankful Thursday | mostly for you! (updated)

Well, hi there guys! 

I’m typing this up super quick from my kitchen table before I leave for clinical.

Kristen with a surprised expression.

current typing situation!

My coffee is brewing, I’m waiting for my skillet to heat up for my scrambled eggs, my lunch is packed, my clinical bag is packed, and I’m showered and dressed with 20 minutes to spare. 

I’ll make a proper thankful list later this afternoon when I get home, but I’m putting this up at least so you guys have a spot to put your own lists. And I’ll join you later! 

This week, I’m thankful:

that school eases up after today

By the time I get home from  clinical this afternoon, the majority of my work will be DONE.

At that point, I will only have my ATI remediation to do, plus my final exam, which is not until this coming Wednesday.

I am going to have time to breathe. And sleep a little more. And catch up on general life stuff. Yay! 

that my friend reminded me to do a care plan

Last night I thought I was all done with paperwork and I could go to bed….and then I was texting with one of my clinical group mates and she mentioned care plans and I was like OH NO I COMPLETELY FORGOT.

So I stayed up a little longer and got that knocked out. It is probably not my best care plan ever but I did get it done and submitted. 

that I have such a lovely clinical group

We all get along very well, even after spending so much time together these last eight weeks, and I do not take that for granted! 

Ok that’s it for now from me.


I’m back! Clinical is done, my group presentation is done, and I have SO much less on my mind now.

I look way lighter than I did earlier.

Kristen with chiquita.

Ok, so, to add to my list, I’m thankful:

that I have so little work left for this class

By tomorrow, it’ll just be: studying for Wednesday’s exam. Yay!

that I have so little pressure about this exam

I can fail hard on the final and still pass the class, so that makes me feel chilled out. 🙂

Of course, I am still going to try my best on it, but I like the feeling of having margin. It is always my goal to be able to fail the final!


that I can do both of my required October work shifts before Peds starts

I’m knocking both of them out in the next week and a half before pediatrics starts, so that way I don’t have to think about my tech hours again for a bit. Yay!

for a clean bill of health for Miss Shelley

I keep expecting her to develop some kind of geriatric cat problems, but so far, all of her systems check out fine.

cat on a vet table.

They even did a blood sugar check, and she’s not diabetic so yay!

All right…I’m off to finish off my paperwork. See ya tomorrow for a WIS, WWA post!

What are you thankful for this week?

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Monday 14th of October 2024

By the grace of God, we survived Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton in Florida !


Monday 14th of October 2024


Heather Mar

Saturday 12th of October 2024

I'm thankful: -That Kristen is crushing it in nursing school and that she will be a great nurse! -That I was able to take a walk every evening this week, even if a little shorter sometimes. -For my knowledge of good nutrition and the fact that I like a wide variety of foods. It feels good to be able to nourish myself well, mostly frugally, and with a few convenience foods when they make sense (helloooo Rx bars, and those are thanks to Kristen. I usually would have just passed these by, assuming they were way too expensive. But at Walmart, for 12g of protein, they're not bad!) -That I have the best cat (no offense to Shelley and Chiquita lol). My husband has taught him tricks. My cat is technically geriatric but also acts like a teenager. And he is so tolerant/flexible when there are changes in routine, guests, just...whatever! He is unflappable. -For safe driving to my appointments this week despite a lot of traffic.


Saturday 12th of October 2024

- thankful for thoughtful friends gifting books! My friend gave me a couple Rosemary Gladstar books so I can learn about herbal remedies

- thankful for palliative care; one of my aunts is going to be starting it soon and hopefully it will help the situation

- for neighbors with all the things: this week I borrowed a hot glue gun to repair a purse, I borrowed a variety of baby carriers to try on for form/function, a neighbor is downsizing baby items and I will be able to purchase severely discounted!

- thankful for a good co-op store where I can purchase herbal items and choose how much I want of each. This week I will start making tinctures & tea blends in time for winter

- thankful for good friends, new & old!

- thankful for sunshine, yesterday we had a beautiful bike ride on an air line trail

Kim S.

Friday 11th of October 2024

I'm always happy to see Shelley. I'm glad she's doing well. And Chiquita -- what a vibrant, strong, little soul. She likely feels your lightness and joy after returning from your day and is happy with you. Love them!


Friday 11th of October 2024

I’m thankful that all of our Florida families are safe, even though they all live in and around Sarasota. Even my sister in law’s 30 year old single-wide made it through unscathed! She just had a new baby, so I’m particularly grateful that her home is ok. Hopefully everyone will get power back soon.

DH and my kids came to my work to have a picnic lunch with me yesterday and we went on a walk afterwards. It was such a beautiful day. We saw some graffiti that read “All things are difficult before they are easy.” It was a good reminder!

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