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Thankful Thursday | not a juror yet

This week, I am thankful:

that my jury duty got officially postponed!

I submitted the paperwork they asked for, and I got a letter saying I am officially excused until next June. Whew.

jury duty letter.

I am very grateful I don’t have to deal with this until after nursing school.

that I passed all my competency skills

I thought for sure I had accidentally skipped over one of my safety med checks, but apparently, I didn’t (or they gave me grace!) because I passed all my skills on the first try.

So now I am completely past all the high-stakes stuff and can move on to the more normal assignments and exams.

an office with papers on the floor.

what my office often looks like during school

that I got a good cantaloupe

A cut-open half of a cantaloupe melon.

Remember how I made it through a rather flavorless one recently?

Well, my Hungry Harvest box sent me a very delicious cantaloupe last week, so that has compensated nicely for the boring one I bought before (which was not from Hungry Harvest).

that the first day of mental health clinicals went better than I expected

I went into this rotation mainly feeling worried that I was ill-equipped to be helpful to these patients. But the first day went a lot more smoothly than I imagined it would, and I am thankful.

Also I am grateful that the patients there were so willing to talk to me, since I am just a student!

for the lovely weather this week

YOU GUYS. Some cool, dry air moved in and oh my word, I am so happy about it!

My windows are open, it’s been down to the 60s at nighttime, and I am a happy camper.

It will get humid again sometime this month I know, but for now, I am soaking in the lovely air. Ahhhhhhh.

that the yellow jacket didn’t sting me

Kristen in the woods.

I walked to school earlier this week, and on my way back, a yellow jacket landed on my hand.

Did I scream? MAYBE.

I am just a little traumatized from the horrors of my previous few yellow jacket stings.

Luckily, no one else was around to hear me scream. 😉

for sunrises and sunsets

When it’s nice weather out, I like to chase the sun!

I got to see the sun set last night at a park.

sunset over water.

And I saw it rise out across the water (obviously at a different spot!) this morning.



that I’m still finding time to exercise during school

Yesterday I had mental health clinicals for the first part of the day, and the start time is early enough to preclude any pre-clinical exercising! Then I came home and did paperwork.

Kristen and chiquita.


And then I headed out for a walk in the woods.

path in the woods.

Today I have labs at school until 3:00 pm, but I did roll out of bed this morning in time to get in a three-mile walk to go see the sunrise.

sunrise over the water.

And I will probably get in a weights workout after labs are over today.

I prefer to get all my exercising done first thing in the morning, but as long as I am flexible in my thinking about when it can get done, I think I can keep this up even with the different-every-week schedule of nursing school.

What are you thankful for this week?

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Chris b

Friday 6th of September 2024

All the cucumber,tomato, potato, basil and parsley harvested. Muskmelon and watermelon too. Lots of corn. Mmmmm.


Friday 6th of September 2024

Lots of grateful feelings today but I will only list a few. For my childโ€™s grandparents, she is SO loved For the different perks my job gives me For the fact that parsnips are in season again YAY For getting to eat out with a friend (and being able to afford that) For the friends baby looking up at me and smiling and chuckling (is there anything better than a baby smiling at you??)


Friday 6th of September 2024

I am thankful thatโ€ฆ.

1) I GOT THREE JOB OFFERS!!!! Well, two and a half. One is a multiple interview situation but they will probably definitely (maybe?) hire me.

I was laid off at the end of June and searching for work as an older woman with a huge career gap and very little work experience has been downright demoralizing.

2) My husband really wants me to take the lowest paid lowest hour most interesting position even though it is literally half the salary and itโ€™s not like weโ€™re allergic to money or anything.

3) Because Iโ€™m still out of work at the moment, I get to chaperone my younger sonโ€™s field trip today, which I have never been able to do for him before due to work.

4) It is a beautiful day!!!


Friday 6th of September 2024

Yayyyyyy! So happy for you!


Friday 6th of September 2024

Hi, Kristen, I love your blog so much but I'm a fairly new reader. Have you ever written a post about how you did your kids Halloween costumes? It seems like you always had cool costumes but somehow I can't imagine you going to the Halloween Adevnture store and buying full price costumes each year... what have been your frugal hacks?


Thursday 5th of September 2024

While it may sound trite, I'm thankful the feral (dumped) cat is still going strong almost 28 months after he first appeared. I have not-safe-for-posting feelings/actions for those who dump/mistreat/neglect animals. No "cat protective services" for them. As to jury duty, better half has found that that self-employed people as well as college kiddos don't get push back for deferring until a better time. In my state, once you get "so old", you can "get out of the prospective pool". Which used to *only* be registered voters but has since changed. First time I got summoned - March mind you - a number of people had lame excuses for serving. The judge asked them "would you prefer to be summoned in June, July, or August?". It was truly amazing how many people decided they could serve in March. That first time I served, in no way was it a jury of the defendants peers. 10 of the 12 jurors as well as the two alternates were age 65 or over. Of the two of us under age 65, one woman was in her 40s, I was 25. Fall/winter is coming. And coming fast.

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