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Thankful Thursday | on Christmas Eve

New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; a (frugal and free) exercise to help us hunt for the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.

Christmas lights

It’s Christmas Eve today.

And maybe that seems like an odd day to do a thankfulness exercise. Like, it’s Christmas Eve! Wouldn’t we all be feeling pretty naturally happy today?

But…it IS 2020, still, which means this Christmas season has not quite been the usual.

So, I thought we could still probably use the practice.

Today, I am thankful:

that my new dishwasher is supposed to arrive today

I am really thankful for that!

I can be content without a dishwasher, but I will still be super happy to have a functioning one again.

that Mr. FG was able to get a new shower head yesterday

The little spray heads/nozzles on ours were made of some kind of plasticky rubber, and several of them gave up the ghost and started spraying water in very random directions.

This was not a fixable problem, so he picked up a new one, and it’s nice to have all the water heading in the same direction now!

that our water heater is working

It has felt like a lot of things have been breaking at our house lately, and that is making me extra thankful for things that ARE working, such as our water heater.

A broken dishwasher isn’t too bad to live without, but no hot water? That would be terrible in the winter.

for all the smart people who have worked on the vaccine

I wouldn’t have the faintest idea about how to make something to stop this virus, and I am very thankful for the people out there who are smarter than me.

for the teensy bit of extra daylight we are getting now

The internet tells me it’s mere seconds of improvement every day at this point, but I am still counting it as something to be thankful for.

for friends who check in on me

I have been in friendships where it was mainly me doing all the checking in on the other person, and so I can seriously appreciate a friendship where there is give and take on both sides.

for people who encourage me

This week, several people have written to me to tell me how my work here on this blog has helped them, and man, that always makes me so happy. I really think that being able to help people is one of the greatest privileges we have in life, and I am thankful I can do that even from this keyboard!

that life will probably not be like this next Christmas

I feel extremely optimistic about the odds of next Christmas being much more like normal, and that is a happy thought.

for the ability to hope

Sometimes I think about the hoping ability we humans have; in the midst of difficulty, we are able to look forward and envision something better. And that vision helps us to hang in there while things are really hard.

Imagine how much tougher times like these would be if we didn’t have the capacity to hope!

that we can’t see the future

I was thinking about how in March, when we first started lockdowns, I had no idea how long this pandemic would go on for.

And I am grateful that we didn’t, because I might have been really discouraged!

Maybe in some senses, it would be nice to the see the future (we could see the end of the pandemic, then), but most of the time, I think it’s nicer to not know what’s coming.

What are you thankful for today?

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Sunday 27th of December 2020

1. My family is low key about gifts. We do minimal gifts on my side and on my husband’s side no gifts and I really appreciate it. I have so little gift buying to do and can enjoy the holidays! Also not so much plastic junk for my kids to break and me to have to organize.

2. I am also grateful to all the scientists who worked on this vaccine and brought it to fruition. I never thought it could be done that quickly and I am amazed by what people can do. I got my first dose a few days ago and get my next one in a couple weeks.

3. I am thankful for our gym. Everyone does a really good job of staying far apart and wearing masks and cleaning everything and I am thankful to be able to exercise even in winter in WI. It is much easier to be able to just stop at the gym with daycare than to have to bundle the kids and i up in all the winter gear to go for a walk or hike. Also it’s a nice kid free “date” for my husband & I.

4. Our jobs. Both my company and my husband’s have been largely unaffected by this pandemic and I am very grateful. Having to worry about money at the holidays would be so difficult.

5. My kids at the holidays. They are 2 and 5 right now and Christmas has been just magical. These are the prefect ages for all the fun activities of Christmas time and advent. From reading the nativity story to decorating cookies to elf on the shelf to driving through Christmas lights, this season has been absolutely joyful.


Sunday 27th of December 2020

Just wondering how you got the vaccine. My son who is in the medical field got his last week.


Sunday 27th of December 2020

Christmas has always been my least favorite holiday 100% due to the stress of gift giving. Because our respective families cancelled all get togethers it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I only gave gifts to my kids who supplied a list. I had already bought for the grand baby but she is too small to recall this Christmas. Thankful we were able to spend time with the baby. Work gave us 2 weeks off paid vacation. The biggest YAY possible for that.


Saturday 26th of December 2020

I’m late to this post but grateful non the less for:

1. Being able to “visit” with all our parents albeit through glass. Us standing in the rain outside with our phones talking to our parents through the window glass. We were able to deliver their Christmas presents, and share a few words and song. A very different Christmas Eve. 2. A lovely Christmas Eve takeout meal prepared by our neighborhood family owned Italian restaurant eaten at our beautifully decorated and candle lit table. 3. For funny Christmas movies to watch as a family 4. That our son who has autism did not have to go inpatient this holiday. The excitement of Christmas often proves too much for him. This year with its much slower pace proved to be a good fit for him. 5. That we are all healthy. 6. For the joy and fun all our crazy critters bring to us.


Friday 25th of December 2020

I am thankful for a beautiful Christmas Eve service last night with two of my family members along, and our now traditional meal at a certain Mexican restaurant before the service.

I am thankful for the deep meaning of this holy day.

I am thankful for the plentiful but not difficult to make meal today with family.

I am thankful that one gift I received was a food vacuum sealer. I needed one but wouldn’t spend the money on myself.

I am thankful for some cold weather! It makes it feel more like Christmas to this former upper South girl living in Florida.

I am thankful that my husband should be able to get the vaccine soon.

I’m thankful for my 40+ year old wedding china that still sets a pretty table for holiday meals.

I’m thankful for the days off of work. I really like my job but being home a few days is very welcome.


Friday 25th of December 2020

Honestly, I’m thankful for a quiet Christmas where we don’t have to run around and drag our little kids to a thousand different events.


Friday 25th of December 2020

Amen! I think this was the most relaxing Christmas I've had since becoming a parent! Love all my extended family members, but it was actually very nice to not have to manage anyone else's expectations other than those of my little people.

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