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Thankful Thursday (on Thanksgiving)

Well, hello there, friends! You must have some space in your day (maybe you’re not in the U.S.! Or maybe Thanksgiving is a quiet day for you), and I’m glad you’re here. 🙂

This week, I am thankful:

that the days will get longer in just over three weeks

You guys, we are already very close to the winter solstice! The shortest day of the year is December 21st, and that’s three weeks from Saturday.

a foggy sunrise.

for fun dinnertime phone convos with Lisey

Her schedule works out so that when calls me after work, Zoe and I are often eating dinner at the time. So we have a little three-person conversation while we eat our dinner, and it almost feels like Lisey is not all the way over there in the middle of the ocean. 😉

that I ended up not having to be scheduled for two night shifts

My goodness, I am delighted about this. I was originally scheduled for both Wednesday and Thursday night.

But as it turns out, I only have to work overnight tonight. Yay! So I will take it easy today and maybe even try to get in a nap before I go in overnight tonight.

Zero night shifts is really my ideal number, but one is way way better than two!

that my UPS driver’s got jokes

Our Halloween skeleton had fallen off the bench, and when the UPS man delivered a package, he set it up like this:

skeleton holding a box.

It made me giggle and I wish I could find him and express my appreciation.

I love when people bring some personality to their jobs!

for the hilarity of cats and laser pointers

I always laugh when I see a cat skidding across the floor in pursuit of the little red light.

chiquita looking at a laser pointer dot.

for wooly bear caterpillars

I have loved these since I was a kid. They are just so fuzzy!

wooly bear caterpillar.

And their coloring is very good camouflage; at first glance you would not notice the caterpillar in this picture:

caterpillar in leaves.

for the way water makes the cold months look less bleak

There’s not much out there in the way of leaves these days, but the water views are still pretty!

Also: mosses and evergreens help.

And a bay view looks mostly the same year-round.

view out over open water.

for my cozy little office

I am very lucky to have a room where I can spread out all of my school mess during the semester.

messy office.

Even in this highly digital age, nursing school still does involve a lot of paper.

I will get it all cleaned up after my final exam. 🙂

that a trip to Starbucks helped me get my brochure project done

We had an assignment to make a teaching tool for parents of pediatric patients, and most people make a brochure.

I was having a very hard time getting going on this project, so I hauled myself to Starbucks again to force myself to focus. And it worked! I got it done in one afternoon.

laptop at starbucks.

that Canva makes it easy to produce something quasi-professional

Their free templates are so much better than anything I’d come up with from scratch, and I am grateful!

canva screenshot.

for the way Lisey and I share a sense of humor

When one of us sees a meme or a joke that makes us dissolve into giggles, it is almost guaranteed that the other person will also have the same reaction.

For example, this one made us both laugh so hard this week:

cleaning tip screenshot.

I can’t even explain quite why it is so funny, but as soon as I saw it, I knew Lisey would feel the same. And she did. 😉

for all of you

Thank you so much for being here; I am grateful!

What are you thankful for this week?

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Monday 2nd of December 2024

Family…family…family! They have my heart.

Kristina M.

Monday 2nd of December 2024

Kristen, maybe someone already mentioned this, but for Amazon deliveries I try to give positive feedback to the UPS drivers via the delivery confirmation in the app. It's a hard job I know, so I try to make sure they are acknowledged.


Saturday 30th of November 2024

I want you to know that I thought that meme was HILARIOUS! I saw it a few days ago and laughed out loud!


Saturday 30th of November 2024

Well, you must share the same sense of humor that Lisey and I do!


Saturday 30th of November 2024

I love Thankful Thursdays! Thank you for doing this and helping us remember the blessings we have.

I’m thankful for/that … 1) We had family to spend Thanksgiving with and the pressure to host/make the meal off our shoulders. It was a fun and relaxing time together. 2) That God answered my prayer and seem to mend a broken relationship between my nephew in law and his mom. 3) For the ability to have a 3 to 4 way video call on my phone with with Mom in TX, Sis in NY and brother in CA. Also, that iPhone gave me the chance to use FaceTime with my brother who has an Android phone which was not possible until recently a few years ago. So helpful since my mom already has an iPhone and finds it hard to use other chatting services. 4) Time together as a family sledding, drinking hot coco, and playing scrabble together at home on Black Friday. 5) For old and new traditions and our memories of fun times together.


Friday 29th of November 2024

Thankful here for: --that my husband actually went to the dr where he was told his cough was actually pneumonia, so... --also thankful for the meds that are now working to make him well --that our daughter has two fulltime jobs that she loves and can balance both of them --that we're finally past the heat of late autumn and well on our way to winter --the happy flexibility that our family has to not worry about thanksgiving (the holiday), and instead just give thanks and be happy to get together whenever we can and help each other out (especially helpful being that the holiday is delayed ((see article 1: pneumonia)))

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