This week, I am thankful:
for some green leaves
I went for a walk earlier this week and it seems like almost overnight, some baby green leaves have popped up in the brush on my trails.
that my cold is getting better
I don’t even know how this is possible, but at the very end of my ski trip, I came down with a bad cold.
It had been a number of days since I’d been in the airport (longer than the rhinovirus incubation period), and after arriving, I was solely spending time with my (non-sick) family, in the condo or out on the slopes.
I am MYSTIFIED. Where did this virus come from??
(It’s not the flu or the ‘vid; I got tested!)
Anyway, I am super-duper happy to be improving now.
And I am grateful to have gotten sick at the tail end of my trip and not at the beginning.
for the comforts of being home
I felt really crappy the whole day that I traveled home, and being sick in an airport/airplane is just, ugh, extra bad.
I was so, so happy to get home because home is the best place to feel miserable. Ha.

at least at home, a cat can snuggle me
that we have a water heater now
It has been such a process to get switched from the oil boiler to an electric water heater; my poor landlords have had to pay for quite a bit of labor!
But at long last, we have a functioning water heater and OHHHH it is so nice to have plenty of hot water for showers now.
that the plumbing break this week was not too bad
While the plumber was here, he was fixing something on the toilet, and while he was working on it, the very, very old pipe in the wall broke.
It was terribly corroded and probably could have broken at any time, so I’m glad it broke while he was here.
He shut the water off right away, but still, there was quite a flood both upstairs and downstairs…water was leaking through Zoe’s ceiling and dripping out through her smoke detector!
The plumber was able to repair the pipe right away, and I worked on mopping up all the water, and now we are back in business with a fresh copper pipe.
I was just grateful we got to have our water turned back on in the same day. Whew.
for the flowers my friend Mia sent to me
She’s a fellow single mom, so she sent me some Galentine’s flowers, which was very sweet.
One of the flowers broke off during shipping, so I clipped the end and stuck it in a little jar, where it happily perked up!
for the delightful chaos Lisey brings to our house
When Lisey comes home from school each day, she brings a lot of chaotic energy with her, and Zoe and I both love it.
She’s always got crazy stories from her days at trade school and we love to hear them; I feel like I know all of her classmates, even though I’ve never met them!
for a warm day today
It’s supposed to be in the 70s today. That makes me feel a little weird, but since the temperature of the planet is beyond my personal control, I’m just gonna bask in the warm air. 😉
Fru-gal Lisa
Saturday 25th of February 2023
I'm thankful: 1. That my new oncologist told me there's a less than 5% chance of cancer recurring in me. Then he said 0.5%. Even better! (Thank you, Jesus! By your stripes I AM healed!) 2. My write-up in the little daily devotional magazine will run on my grandmother's birthday. Its subject? Respecting the elderly! 3. For signs of life in my English ivy patch: very small new green leaves poking up from the ground. I was afraid the sudden freeze had ruined the whole thing, and was dreading having to replant that large of an area. 4. Because my upcoming CT scan will be done in my town, not 30 miles away and not 100 miles away. Also because they will do an IV line instead of having me drink that contrast liquid. 5. That I was able to substitute teach in the ISS (In School Suspension) room without incident; in fact, the kids in there behaved better than kids in most regular classrooms. Also thankful that the fight in the halls that day happened after school was out, so the combatants were not sent up to the ISS classroom where I subbed.
Sunday 26th of February 2023
What wonderful news from your oncologist. Yay!!
Central Calif. Artist
Saturday 25th of February 2023
Thankfuls: 1. Having so much work that I forgot to check this blog (not thankful to miss the post, but thankful for the work) 2. Husband took on a project and I only have to occasionally offer a pat on the back 3. Snow! (happens every few years around here) 4. Daffodils in bloom (they'll pop back up off the mud when the snow/rain stops) 5. Yarn (that I don't need) on sale
Central Calif. Artist
Saturday 25th of February 2023
Kristen, almost everyone I know (including myself) has come down with a cold in a week or two after having the 'vid. And it is always a very rough cold. Just add it to the mysteries of that stupid plague. . . sigh.
Becca C
Friday 24th of February 2023
I am thankful for:
A parenting podcast that came to me at exactly the right time and has been super helpful.
A date night with my hubby. He got free tickets to a basketball game, we have a giftcard to a restaurant, and my parents agreed to watch the kiddos. Woo hoo!
A bright sun on a cold winter day. The sunshine makes a big difference when it is cold out.
Thursday 23rd of February 2023
You are very blessed you are renting and do not have to worry about repair bills and hot water heaters . Glad you are feeling better.
Friday 24th of February 2023
I know, right? I kinda pay for them in my rent, but still, it's nice to have a consistent amount to pay each month. No surprises!