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Thankful Thursday | overnight rain is the best

This week, I am thankful:

for the overnight rain on Tuesday 

rain on green leaves.

Overnight rain is my favorite: all the benefits of rain, and it doesn’t interfere with your day!

The rain made everything on the trail in the woods so green and lush.

Green moss on a dead log.

Remember how I was taking pictures of the ferns just as they were uncurling?

fiddleheads of ferns.

Well, they’re all spread out now and they make a wonderful green border for the trail.

A wooded path surrounded by ferns.

for sunshine

The next two days promise rain, so I am paying special attention to the sunshine today.

that I got to have my brows done

I used some of my birthday money from my parents to get my brows waxed. I don’t think I’ve ever done this except one time in 2018, so I am feeling pretty fancy right about now.

And now I have a good brow shape to work with when I tweeze my own brows (which is probably what I will do for about the next three years, until I get another waxing. Ha.)

for the way my kids made me see faces everywhere

This week, we had a worksheet for the hypothalamus, and these neurons just had dots inside the circles. But thanks to my kids’ influence, I saw one-eyed faces, so I added some mouths and eyebrows. 😉

A neuron worksheet.

that the semester is almost over

After today, I only have two more classes and two more exams. 

It has been quite a semester for me, and I’m feeling a little burnt out. I will be glad to have a summer break from classes!

that the arithmetic test is going to be easy for me

Before I apply to the nursing program, I have to take an arithmetic placement test, which is all manual calculations.

Some of my classmates, fresh out of high school, have struggled with this (they’ve been in calculator-world for years!), but since I have been a homeschooling mom for all these years, my manual calculation skills are nice and fresh.

So I am not remotely worried about this test.

that I don’t have to take a math class

The advisor I spoke to last week confirmed that the statistics class I took in 1996 still counts toward the nursing school prerequisites, so, yay! 

I’m glad to not have to spend time and money doing a class I already did.

that one of my classmates is letting me borrow her TEAS prep guide

The TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) is required before nursing school, and one of my classmates that already took it is letting me borrow her study guide and practice tests. Yay!

I hear that this test is not impossibly hard, but still, I’d rather get an idea of what to expect before I go take it, and the practice tests will be perfect for this. 

I am not going to work on TEAS prep until the semester is over, though. First things first: gotta finish strong in A&P 2!

What are you thankful for this week? 

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Friday 6th of May 2022

I am thankful for the country I live in. It might be hot and humid most of the time but I feel lucky to live here.

My granddaughters fill me with joy.

We went to see Frozen, the musical version last night. It is the first time I have been to live theatre in three years and it was pretty special to view it through the eyes of a four year old.

For modern technology. My son works as a contract chef. At present he is on an island in the Great Barrier Reef and has caught covid. He can call home so easily and cheaply. He has been on this island for two weeks so he can only have caught it there.


Thursday 5th of May 2022

I am so thankful the High School program at our school that I'm in charge of went well tonight and that is OFF the list. And now to focus on Graduation. I'm thankful for helpful co-workers and family big enough to help out and not mind "easy button" suppers on busy nights. And I'm thankful for Costco chickens for "easy button" suppers! :)


Friday 6th of May 2022

So nice to have a big program behind you!


Thursday 5th of May 2022

I'm forcing myself write my list because this week has been an emotional rollercoaster and to remind myself that not everything in my life is a mess right now. I am thankful for: The school bus driver that picks up my son in the mornings in front of our house so I don't have to worry about driving the morning rush to school. The rising sun that fills the house with a dim, soft light when I roll up the shades in the morning. A fridge full of leftovers after a long day at work and no energy left to make dinner. Having dental insurance so I can take care of my teeth and not worry about things like keeping up with fillings. For my sister for taking my son on a playdate so I could have a Saturday afternoon for myself. For recovering from COVID quickly and my kids not getting sick.


Thursday 5th of May 2022

My third grandchild arrived safely today! Magnolia Ruth, 8lb 6oz; Mom, Dad and baby girl are well. Born on Cinco de Mayo and the National Day of Prayer...taco parties for life! I am so thankful.

Loving all the foraging that comes with spring: dandelions, fiddleheads, ramps...fresh, free food.



Thursday 5th of May 2022

@Tricia, congratulations on the new little one!


Thursday 5th of May 2022

I'm thankful that our daughter finally got home from her European vacation with her husband's family. Two days before she was supposed to fly home she tested positive for Covid so she had to stay in quarantine for five days until she tested positive before she could enter the US. I'm thankful that our daughter only had cold symptoms from Covid while she was stuck in Switzerland. I'm thankful that my tooth extraction went as well as it could and I did not need a bone graft. I'm thankful for my DH who has taken such good care of me after the tooth extraction. I'm thankful for sunny days and warm temperatures.

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