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Thankful Thursday | polarizing toast

(see below for the toast issue)

This week, I am thankful:

for a clinical bag from a sweet reader

A blog reader messaged me letting me know she had a clinical bag that she no longer needed, and she offered to mail it to me. Yay!

So sweet of her.

cat on bag.

Chiquita approved of both the box and the bag. 😉

cat on box.

that I went to the board of nursing in person

If you saw my Instagram stories yesterday you already know this: I’ve been trying to get a license to get a student nursing job, but the process has been a little hiccup-y.

And the board of nursing does not answer phone calls, respond to phone messages, or respond to emails.

Soooo, I hauled myself there yesterday, in person, and I think the issue is resolved. Yay!

I am very thankful I made the trip in person because who knows how long my application would have been stuck otherwise.

for “we’ll call you back” systems

I had to call the IRS yesterday to get an address to send a form to, and I was so happy that they have one of those systems that will call you back when it’s your turn in line!

That’s miles better than sitting on hold, especially when the wait is forecast to be 30-60 minutes.

that I finally was able to make a state tax payment

A glass jar of coins.

My state has a new website for making business tax payments, and it has been so glitchy that I have not been able to make any payments the last few times I’ve tried.

But yesterday, it worked! Woohoo!!!

(Did you notice how many un-fun tasks I did yesterday? I was very ready to be done with government systems by the time I went to bed. Ha.)

that we’re almost down to three weeks of school left

Today’s the very last lecture of the semester!

And then here’s what’s between me and summer break:

  • 5 exams
  • 2 group presentations
  • 1 solo presentation
  • 1 clinical day

There’s also a third-semester orientation, and a mandatory convocation (a graduation for the fourth-semester students), but I’m not even counting those because all I have to do is show up!

for a reliable car

Yesterday as I was making the drive to the nursing board, I thought, once again, about how grateful I am to have reliable transportation.

My minivan doesn’t earn me any cool points, but it does get me from point A to point B, always.

for peanut butter toast

This has probably been on one of my lists before. 😉

peanut butter toast.

Some people think this is impossibly gross, but Lisey and I both love it: toasted whole grain bread (this would not at ALL be the same on white bread), spread with peanut butter, with sliced cold butter on top of the peanut butter.

It makes a lovely mid-afternoon snack, in my opinion.

for cute cats

tuxedo cat.

They make us laugh every day.

calico cat sleeping.

And they’re both very good snuggle cats.
cat sleeping on lap.

black cat in Kristen's lap.

What are you thankful for this week?

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Monday 29th of April 2024

    Peanut butter and butter sandwich was my favorite growing up. I need to have that now I think...I also like my grandpa's favorite, peanut butter and bologna (it's not as gross as it sounds, lol)

    Chris b

    Sunday 28th of April 2024

    I am thankful for the book to art club at the library. I loved all the art projects for Still Life by Louise Penny....a puzzle picture of Three Pines, made with 4 different puzzles, pictures made with markers, etc. I enjoy my volunteering for days for girls making liners and Lutheran World Relief making quilts. Thankful for the time I have to do this. My husband's diabetes medicine prices have skyrocketed. Thankful we have funds to pay for them. Medicare pays some. Thankful my husband is a bargain shopper so we get the deals. We have a huge garden and help others.


    Saturday 27th of April 2024

    I love banana bread toasted with butter then peanut butter on top of the butter. Yum!


    Saturday 27th of April 2024

    How good are cats?! I currently have one curled up on my chest and it never fails to make me smile.


    Friday 26th of April 2024

    Oh I love peanut butter with cold butter.

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