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Thankful Thursday | some sun? for real??

This week, I am thankful:

that today, we are finally, finally promised some sunshine!

We have had rain and clouds for I think the last 11 or 12 days here.

clouds over a river.

And while I recognize this experience pales in comparison to the hurricane-related suffering elsewhere (understatement of the year!), I still have been feeling a little deflated by all the clouds.

And my deflated brain will be delighted to see the sun today.

that there are lots of sunny days in the forecast

Today is not just an isolated event; I see lots of sun icons in my 15-day forecast!

that I do not live in a place where cloudy weather is the norm

I seriously might develop a case of depression if clouds dominated my local weather; I do not think I am built for a life under cloudy skies.

for wet mosses

I am weary of the wet weather, yes, but I can appreciate how lush the moss gets with so much moisture.

line of green moss.

And I am always admiring the porcelain berries too.

porcelain berries.

for weather warm enough to wear my blue stripey dress again

I went to a symphony concert on Sunday (thank you, free student ticket!) and since it hasn’t felt very autumnal here at all, I decided to wear my blue and white striped Target dress one more time.

Kristen in a blue dress.

I’m sure this breaks some antiquated seasonal dressing rules, but I don’t care. 😉

that I’m getting faster at clinical paperwork

After each clinical day, we get sent home with paperwork assignments, and I must say, I am getting faster at them as compared to first semester. Yay me!

that I felt better in simulation lab

I think I told you last week that I am amazed to see how much more comfortable clinical rotations are for me now that I have worked as a tech.

Kristen in gray scrubs.


Well, this week we had simulation lab at school (we run through fake patient scenarios with actors as our patients) and whoa, I felt way, way more comfortable doing those than I did before.

I think the tech job just made me so much more confident and comfortable talking to patients, and that’s translating over even with patient actors in a sim lab.

that I have a quiet weekend to study

I have minimal plans this weekend, which is good because I have an exam on Monday AND on Tuesday of this coming week.

So, I’m gonna be spending 90% of my weekend studying.

for this funny picture of Lisey’s cat

She sent us this picture of Piper and it made us giggle. She looks so judgmental. Heh.

Liseys' cat Piper.

So of course I asked Lisey if I could share with you all!

What are you thankful for this week?

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Thursday 3rd of October 2024

I always love your snippets of nature! God's creation never ceases to amazing me! I'm thankful for: -Some packing and sorting getting done today. - ร€ nice walk. - Yummy foods, been enjoying curry. - Some new clothes I was able to buy for an upcoming trip. (mostly used clothes from the big clothes market, clothes get shipped in bales to West Africa where people resell them. Some still have thriftstore price tags on them).


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

Thankful: 1. That the husband and the quartet he sings were able to fly to Portland this weekend, geeking out with other barbershop singers at a regional contest. 2. that when our food bank ran out of carrier bags, which are essential to delivering food. they put out a FB call for plastic grocery bags and within a day were flooded with bags. It was somehow heartening to see so many people dropping off boxes full of bags they have been stockpiling, and also to know the bags are being recycled by the food bank instead of being thrown away. 3. that husband found a replacement seat for the van for a much more reasonable price than what the dealership offered. The current seat died by the mouth of the Dane. 4. that we are done with the garden and with mowing the yard until May. The clean up every fall is a pain so we are happy to see it completed for the year. 5. for the husband, always the husband.

NOT thankful that the dog figured out how to open the window where he sits in the van. He sits in a seat behind the driving husband and used to tap his shoulder with his paw when he wanted the window opened. Sometimes it was okay but other times it is too cold or we are going too fast, so his request was denied. The last few days it was in the 20s when we were out running errands, so too cold. Dog kept tapping insistently, to no avail. He barked in the husband's ear, still no. So he started pawing at the buttons by his side and damn if he didn't open the window. Husband closed it and we thought it was just a coincidence. Nope. Now the dog opens and shuts the window as he sees fit. We are searching out how to use the child proofing that will stop him from being able to mess with the controls.


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

@Lindsey, if you figure out how to dog proof the power windows, please do share. Rescue dogs accidentally open windows occasionally but usually when jumping around when first begin traveling in vehicle, not on purpose.

A. Marie

Thursday 3rd of October 2024

@Lindsey, you may need to change "child proofing" to "Dane proofing." Clobber Paws is too %&$!! smart for his own good.

I'm also delighted to learn that the group your husband sings with is a barbershop quartet. In goofing around on YouTube a few nights ago, I came up with several Buffalo Bills (the quartet, not the NFL team) gems from the 1962 film of The Music Man, including "How Can There Be Any Sin in Sincere?" and "Goodnight, Ladies."

And as a coda, DH had a wonderful speaking voice (more than one friend mentioned it last year in their condolence notes after he died), but he absolutely could not sing a lick. However, since his high school girlfriend was playing Marian the Librarian in their senior class production of The Music Man, he got the role of the conductor on the train in the first scene: "River City, next station stop! River City, next!"


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

-Thankful that our area of NC had only minimal/moderate damage from Helene. Several power outages due to trees down, but our power flickered several times and never stayed off. Now we are trying to help those who suffered such devastating losses. -Thankful our granddaughter who has been very ill with bacterial pneumonia is finally on the mend. -Saw my surgeon on Tuesday and he is very pleased with my knee replacement recovery. Had my last PT appointment today and am released from care until the second knee gets replaced in November. Whoo hoo!! - Thankful for some upcoming cooler weather!

Blue Gate Farmgirl

Thursday 3rd of October 2024

Miss Piper looks like she is saying "you're going to do whaaat??" I'm thankful for crisp nights for good sleep. Crisp blue skies and gentle breezes and a strong leaf blower. Cleaning up the summer garden, taking care of the fall garden. Field guy who brought his newly acquired smaller tractor w/rototiller and other nifty attachments to play. I pay for his diesel, to which I picked up 50 gallons yesterday at a ridiculously frugal price. We filled 2 large box trucks with medical equipment, generators, bedding, clothes, OTC stuff for a group heading to ravaged North Carolina & Virginia. God Speed.


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

Stop admiring porcelain berry as it is highly invasive!


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

@Kristen, I think that I recently read somewhere that you can eat those berries even though invasive plants. Please double check before if planning on eating. I was quite surprised when I read that. For some reason when I think of invasive plants I automatically assume not good things.


Thursday 3rd of October 2024

Me admiring it or not has no effect on its existence. ;)

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