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Thankful Thursday | tired but happy

This week, I am thankful:

for how right my job feels to me

I know that when I started nursing school last fall I said something about how it felt very solidly right…like it is where I am supposed to be.

And as I work at my hospital PCT job, I keep feeling the same way. Yes, it’s a lot to learn, yes, it’s a little challenging, and yes, my feet hurt after days of consecutive shifts, but the work feels very, very right.

Kristen and chiquita on a couch.

I have lots of great co-workers, and I’ve had a lot of great patients (who have been very nice about me being new!)

that I have plenty of patience (at least for now)

I recognize that I might become less tolerant over time (ha), but for right now, I’m not really feeling bothered by patient behavior, even when some of my co-workers are ready to pull their hair out.

It’s not even like I’m having to try to be patient…I’m just not feeling mad about it. And I’ll take that for as long as it lasts!

that I’m getting better at my job every day

Every time I work a shift, I can see that things are getting easier.

I’m figuring out how to manage my day a little better (although at a hospital, there are always wrenches thrown into a routine, no matter how hard you try!), I know how to do more tasks, I know where more things are, and I am also getting better at documenting everything in the hospital system.

that I like talking to people

Despite being extremely homeschooled*(ha), I have always been a person who enjoys talking to other people. I love meeting new people, and I never have any problem thinking of questions to ask them or subjects to bring up.

This is coming in super handy at my job because I am forever meeting new patients and their families, and it makes the working relationship a lot better if we can establish a connection.

*In case you are not aware, there is a stereotype that homeschoolers are poorly socialized and awkward. My take is that whether or not someone is outgoing, talkative, and friendly has a lot more to do with genetics and personality than it does with where you go to school. Which is why some people have gone to public school for all of their schooling but are still labeled “awkward”, and why there are some homeschooled kids who are quite socially adept. I think I would have been my same social, friendly self no matter what my education was like.

I also have a totally-not-based-in-research theory: What if neurodivergent parents are more likely to choose to homeschool? If that’s the case, then homeschooled children would be more likely to be neurodivergent, which means that their social skills could be a bit off the beaten path largely because of their genetics, not because of their school environment.

But, I digress!  

for rotisserie chicken from Sam’s

These chickens are such an affordable help in my efforts to meet my protein goal. 🙂

chicken salad in a metal bowl.

that I got another scholarship awarded

This one was through my delegate’s office, and it’s $3000 for this upcoming school year ($1500 per semester). Woohoo!

I am so thankful for all the scholarships I have received.

(Here’s more info about how I got my scholarships.)

for a sweet gift from a reader

A local reader dropped off some cat magnets for Zoe and me, along with a cute little card. Thank you, Kim! <3

cat magnets.

that I haven’t been missing any good weather while I’m working

The weather outside this week has been hot, hot, hot, and very humid.



Even at 6:00 am yesterday, the heat index was 92 degrees.

That’s good weather for getting my steps in at the hospital vs. outside! 😉

(Also: I stand by my assertion that summer is vastly overrated. I would like to have school all summer and then have the fall off instead.)

for all the shady trees in my yard

On these scorchingly hot days in particular, I am grateful to have so much shade by my house.

view through a window.

Obviously, I still run my air-conditioning. But I am sure that the trees reduce the time the air conditioner needs to be on.

for my health

Two-fold appreciation related to my job: I am grateful to have a body that is healthy enough to work as a tech.

And also, being in a hospital reminds me on the regular that a healthy, functioning body is not something to take for granted.

My lungs work. My muscles work. I have good mobility. My organs are all doing their thing. My skin (ok yes, that’s also an organ) is all intact, even if I do have some poison ivy rash scars. 😉

What are you thankful for this week?

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Saturday 13th of July 2024

You are going to be an amazing nurse. You are incredibly kind, caring, generous, empathetic and the list goes on.

My mom spent a lot of her life in the hospital for months at a time and we really cherished the wonderful nurses when she had them as a lot of nurse were crochety and had awful bedside manner. Perhaps the weren't like that at the beginning of their careers, but this isn't a career to stay in if you hate going into work every day.


Saturday 13th of July 2024

Yes. Bedside manner is a huge, huge component of nursing. If you are technically competent but have no people skills, you are not gonna be a good nurse.

PNW Casey

Friday 12th of July 2024

Kristen … I seem to be in “pending” time-out.

PNW Casey

Monday 15th of July 2024

@Kristen, It’s good now.


Friday 12th of July 2024

Hmmm, I am seeing comments from you coming through! Do they still show pending on your end?


Thursday 11th of July 2024

@Karen A., is my go to for buying books. Just have to watch shipping cost as some sellers are not in the US.

Re-post as I am behinder than most on reading.


Thursday 11th of July 2024

Hate to inform you but heat index of 92 isn't all that bad. Heat, like cold, is all in your state of mind.


Thursday 11th of July 2024

I so enjoy this community! And congratulations on the scholarship! My thankfuls this week: 1) For our new air conditioner/furnace, installed on an emergency schedule last November. Works great. 2) For the savings that made it possible to research carefully and buy a new vacuum cleaner that will do a better job than the one that just died, and comes with a much better warranty. 3) For my friends at the soup kitchen. We cook together and have a great time. 4) For my sewing machines. They give me reliable performance and just the clothes I want! 5) For my affectionate cat, who adopted us last fall and purrs very loud, celebrating her increasingly voluptuous figure. I think she is eating at the neighbor's house as well as at ours, but she is so happy it is kind of infectious. We are taking her to the vet next week to see if she is chipped and we hope to discover that she is spayed.

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