I’m writing this from the Las Vegas airport on my way back from my trip, so this will be pretty ski-related!
And since I am on west coast time right now, I’m also getting this out quite late for all you east-coasters.
This week, I’m thankful:
for a healthy body that can ski
I am really thankful that my body can handle skiing! So many things need to be working properly for a speedy trip down the mountain; being able to do this is certainly something to appreciate.
for healthy parents and siblings that can ski
My dad’s health is particularly impressive; he’s 77 and my goodness, he is often getting down the mountain faster than I am!
for an injury-free ski trip
When I was on ski trips as a kid, I never really worried about getting hurt.
But now that I’m in my mid-40s…well, I do feel a little bit concerned about that.
So, whenever I finish a ski trip with no injuries, I feel extremely thankful!
I didn’t fall down one single time in all four days of skiing; not even one of those tip-over-after-getting-off-the-lift type of falls.
for the privilege of learning to ski as a kid
When we were kids, my parents took my siblings and me skiing once a year for a week, so I had plenty of practice at this before I was an adult.
I think things like this are easier to learn when you are young.
for a great last day of weather on this trip
My last day of skiing was Wednesday, and we had a sunny, not-too-cold day, with freshly groomed ski runs.
I love to go super fast down the mountain, and when the sunlight is good and the run is groomed, I can be speedy without being afraid of catching an edge and falling down.
On my last trip, I clocked 59 mph at my fastest, but this time I only got to 51 mph. Still, that’s plenty fast to make me happy!
for family
What would my life be like without my family?? They make my life richer and fuller.
for the hilarity my younger brother provides
My younger brother is the baby of the family, and let me tell you, he is a delight.
He is funny and unflappable and I just love him.
One of the very lovable things about him is his obsession with pepper. He seriously just takes the lid off the pepper shaker and goes for it. It makes me laugh every time.

I sent this photo to my girls and Zoe said, “That is an ungodly amount of pepper.” Heh.
Saturday 19th of February 2022
I am thankful that although two of my kids and I all have some long covid symptoms, they are generally mild and will hopefully resolve on their own with time. I am also thankful for my military brat upbringing which taught me to be on top of my own health care and to be politely and patiently persistent when it comes to asking for what you need. If I hadn't insisted she check the "area of pain" as well as the requested organs, the ultrasound tech would not have discovered the source of my seven-year-old's stomach pain. I am also thankful that his organs are all fine and that his swollen lymph nodes should eventually get better without any invasive treatment. I am thankful for my doctor and my son's pediatrician who both listen to me even when I sound crazy. Finally, I am thankful for how easy it is to find health information on the internet.
I am also thankful for some work things, but frankly the health stuff is top of my mind these days.
Friday 18th of February 2022
I’m thankful for my husband. He keeps me grounded and makes us a great team. I’m thankful that my adult kids are doing all right it’s been a very rough couple of years for all of them but they are making it work. I’m thankful for all the Covid vaccines and the people that care enough to get them. I’m thankful it’s close to the end of February which means we are very close to spring. I’m thankful for the brilliant blue sky and bright sunshine. It makes things so much better feeling.
Friday 18th of February 2022
I am thankful to be feeling human today after my first hour of vertigo. WAH! I am thankful for health insurance. I am thankful for payday today. I am thankful for a helpful caring husband. I am thankful for caring coworkers.
Friday 18th of February 2022
@Stephanie, first bout of vertigo
I need to edit better!
Friday 18th of February 2022
Kristen, your dad looks much younger than 77. Clearly being so active is very good for him. Your brother's pepper salad is just ... ACHOO! :-D
We had a tremendous rain storm last night with high winds, followed by a little surprise snow this morning. I am thankful that our neighbor's huge oak tree held onto all its limbs. Part of the tree overhangs our front yard and we always keep an uneasy eye on it.
Today I am thankful for wool knee socks, yummy leftovers, calmer days at work, and the patch of daffodils that suddenly appeared around a mailbox post at the top of the hill in our neighborhood, a spot that gets sun all day. Spring is coming!
Friday 18th of February 2022
Good to hear you enjoyed yourself, and that you all came home without broken bones too! Cross country skiing, is that langlaufen? Next week, the covid restrictions will be lifted and I am particularly grateful that we have not lost anyone in our circle to that disease, although some friends have been seriously ill. As We are looking forward to some months of get togethers and normal activities and perhaps even a real holiday again. Yesterday and today we have storms. All utilities are up and running and we do not need to go out. Something to be grateful for! And waterworks too. After all most of our country is below sea level. Beware of the water wolf!