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Thankful Thursday | Yay for contacts

New here? Thankful Thursday is something we’ve been doing in these COVID times; a (frugal and free) exercise to help us hunt for the good that is in our lives and in the world, even in the midst of a pandemic.

This week, I am thankful:

that I have contact lenses, not just glasses

I’ve inadvertently worn glasses to the grocery store a few times and my word, that is SO annoying with a mask.

teal glasses

Every exhale coats the lenses with fog, and no amount of adjusting my mask/glasses placement helps.

So, I am grateful that I can choose to put in my contacts and shop fog-free. Easy-peasy.

that Mr. FG patched the wall holes

I was REALLY not feeling like tackling this project, so I am thankful that he took the initiative to get it going.

drywall patches

I’ve done plenty of drywall patching before (and the spackling and sanding that comes afterward!), so I know how to do it. 

I just really didn’t want to do it.

that we had the money to pay for new brakes

One of our cars needed new front brakes a little unexpectedly, and I am grateful we had the money saved for the job.

that there are so many ways to sell things online

Yesterday I made some listings on Facebook and on eBay, and I thought about how much easier it is to sell things now than it was before the internet.

that I’ve gotten through a lot of my apples

This is what’s left from the 48 pounds I bought. The rest are now applesauce, in the freezer.

bruised apples

that I was able to give away our old blinds

We did an inside mount set of blinds for the new windows, and to help make things match, we got a new set for the original windows to change those to an inside mount as well.

inside mount blinds

I listed the old blinds for free on Facebook, and someone came to pick them up within a few hours.

Incidentally, the white faux wood blinds that Home Depot sells are really great; we’ve used them for years in our windows.

that my dad is going to help us match the window trim

The original dining room windows are not framed like the new ones, and my dad is going to bring his nailer over to help us put up trim to match.

Between this and the matching blinds, I think the windows will look like they belong together.

that COVID is not surging too badly here

Stats are up some from two months ago, but nothing like what I’m hearing about in a lot of other states.

that I already liked staying home before all of this

I’ve been a homebody for eons, and that’s a bonus in a time like this.

It does not solve the problem of my housemates being non-homebodies, but at least I personally am not dying to go all sorts of places. 

for the many ways skies are beautiful

There’s such an array of beautiful ways that the sky presents itself!

blue sky with clouds

that I don’t have much formal stuff on my schedule today

It’s not that I have nothing to DO, of course.

But the only formal thing is that Sonia and I have to go feed the rescue cats this evening.

So that means the order of the rest of my day is largely up to me and I like that.

What are you thankful for this week? 

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    Saturday 31st of October 2020

    I am thankful my COVID test came back negative! I just had a sore throat and thought maybe somehow (how?) I'd gotten strep, but my doc suggested both tests, as a precaution...I was very fortunate to get both done at the same time and found fairly quickly that both tests were negative. Apparently it was just a viral sore throat OR it could have been because of the dry air since we've turned on the heater.

    I am so grateful to be able to work from home, and that any client meetings can be done over Zoom. We're having a huge spike in cases here so the less I have to go out, the better.

    I'm, as always, thankful to my Mom for my cooking skills. I've been cooking up a storm lately, trying new things, making favorites, improvising...and while today is a "fend for yourself for dinner because I'm tired of cooking" day, mostly I really enjoy cooking.

    I'm also super thankful for the local CSA we joined in January. It's easy to customize my weekly produce box and I love getting new things to try! This past week we had watermelon radishes that were delish in our salads! They are so accommodating, if you need to add on something like coffee or bread, and everything is so good!

    Last, this week I'm very grateful to my SO for putting up with my moodiness and anxiety as I awaited those test results. He's a keeper ;)

    Diane C

    Friday 30th of October 2020

    I was wondering why the trim didn't match the other window and I was biting my tongue to keep from asking about it. I am so glad your dad is going to help you make everything symmetrical! I know this exuberance I'm feeling is irrational, but now I really, really love your new window!


    Friday 30th of October 2020

    The simplest thing would have been to make the new trim match the old one. BUT. We decided not to have them put a ledge below the new windows since it would be easy to catch your hip on the ledge edge if you walk by there to go sit on the bench.

    It's just not a good spot for a ledge!

    So now neither set of windows will have a ledge, and I think that'll look better overall anyway. There's really no reason to have a ledge in the dining room like that.


    Friday 30th of October 2020

    Right now I'm thankful that most days are not like yesterday.


    Friday 30th of October 2020

    Oof. I'm sorry you had a rough day.

    Here's hoping for better!


    Friday 30th of October 2020

    I'm very thankful that Tropical Storm Zeta, let all 14 trees fall away from our home. I'm also thankful after 9 hours we have power!


    Thursday 29th of October 2020

    I'm thankful for my eye doctor's office getting me in for a cancellation appointment when my glasses unexpectedly broke a few weeks ago. (Otherwise, it would have been a 2+ month wait.)

    I'm thankful that my new glasses are progressive lenses and that the adjustment has been going really well. I can read with my glasses on again instead of having to take them off and on all day!

    I am thankful my classroom of students have been so enthusiastic about everything we are doing. They seem to be an especially easy class to get interested in learning this year, in spite of changes because of COVID-19.

    I am thankful that even though we have already had two huge dumps of snow, we are getting some warmer weather and roads and parking lots are melting off. This is just too early in the year to be dealing with ice buildup.

    I'm thankful my parent teacher conferences went well, and I was able to connect with some new families.

    I'm thankful that God's mercies are new every day, and even when I don't know what to do, He things all figured out ahead of time.

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