Update: Trina was the first one to get all of the cookie guesses right! Congrats, Trina. You can see all the cookie artists identified here.
Yesterday, we had our annual cookie-decorating fest around the dining room table.
We made a large mess.
We might not get around to tons of Christmas traditions, but we DO faithfully decorate cookies together.
Zoe, the clown
No one in my family likes to decorate cookies in a very normal way, which makes our decorating sessions very entertaining.
Our cookies almost all have faces, which isn’t exactly traditional, but it IS tradition in our family.
This is what happens when you live with creative people. Left to myself, I’d probably still be decorating faceless cookies every year!

love the tie!
The guy in the white beaded jumpsuit there is Elvis Presley, by the way. 😉
And Lisey’s friend made this super cute Totoro cookie by using a bell and broken-off penguin flippers. 😉
Here’s the sugar cookie + frosting recipe that we always use. I buy the eyeball decorations from craft stores and I always pull up a 40% or 50% off coupon on my phone.
This year, Michael’s was out of the regular eyeballs so I had to buy a bigger pack, which included the small eyeballs we usually use, plus large eyeballs, tears, lips, mustaches and more.
But everyone had fun using the new decorating options, so it all worked out. And the set was only $5 after my 50% off coupon.
(I tried to find a link to the set I bought but I can’t manage to find it anywhere. It IS at Michael’s though.)
For some years running now, we’ve had a tradition of photographing six cookies and then letting you guys try to guess which one of us decorated which. The first person to get all six right wins a $50 Amazon gift card from me!
(delivered via email, so you’ll have it in plenty of time for Christmas shopping).
Here are our six cookies for 2017.
We have
- a mustached bell
- a star-fish wearing a crop-top glitter sweater and brown fake eyelashes on one eye with black on the other
- a crying penguin
- a marshmallow snowman on a bell background
- a white cat
- a wide-eyed star
To help you out, the six of us are:
Mr. FG
Joshua (18)
Lisey (16)
Sonia (13)
Zoe (11)
Leave your guess in the comments with the cookie number first and your cookie artist guess second.
- Kristen
- Mr. FG
and so on. That makes it simpler for me to figure out who’s got them all right.
Jem Horwood
Friday 15th of December 2017
Fabulous cookies!! We found some eyeball and other doodads packs at the dollar store so it will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with this year. Thanks for a great idea!
Debra Beeuwsaert
Thursday 14th of December 2017
1 - Joshua 2 - Mr FG 3 - Zoe 4 - Lisey 5 - Kristen 6 - Sonia
Tuesday 12th of December 2017
1. Lisey 2. Sonia 3. Joshua 4. Mr. FG 5. Zoe 6. Kristen
Tuesday 12th of December 2017
One of MY Christmas traditions is to patiently wait for the cookie guessing game! I've been reading for over 7 years now! :)
1. Kristen 2. Zoe 3. Joshua 4. Mr. FG 5.Sonia 6.Lisey
Tuesday 12th of December 2017
1. Joshua 2. Sonia 3. Kristen 4. Mr. FG 5. Zoe 6. Lisey