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The Cookie-Guessing Answers!

We had lots of fun reading all of your guesses yesterday. There were over 130 comments, plus lots of emailed entries (which I kept track of.)

Interestingly enough, no one got all of the answers right!

(Probably because most of you couldn’t imagine that Lisey made the cannibal cookie. But she did, and she came up with that idea all on her own. 😉 )

cookie guessing contest answers

As a backup plan, I’m awarding the $50 Amazon gift card to the reader who got the closest the soonest. Yesterday morning, Kevin emailed his entry and got everything right except that he flip-flopped Sonia and Zoe.

So, Kevin, the $50 gift card is coming your way!

Thank you all for playing along! We’ll do it again next year.

By the way, don’t fret if you didn’t win this one…I have at least one more giveaway coming up this week (for another $50 Amazon gift card), and that one won’t require any guessing. 😉

(I’ll try to get that post up tomorrow morning so that the winner can still squeeze in some Amazon shopping before Christmas.)

I’m hoping to be back this afternoon to share a little something with you, but last time I promised a second post in a day, it didn’t happen.

So, I’ll say that maybe I’ll pop in this afternoon, if real life doesn’t get in the way. 😉


Joshua’s 365 post: When a Christmas tree gets an x-ray….

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Tuesday 17th of December 2013

    I've been reading your blog for about a year now and love your outlook on life and your thrifty tips. However, for the last long while (I'd be guessing on a time frame but it's been more than 3 months and probably less than 7 months) your blog is very slow to load. Very slow. And even when I clicked on the comment button to leave a comment, it was very slow to load too. I read a variety of blogs and don't have this issue with any other besides yours. Just thought you might like to know. :)


    Tuesday 17th of December 2013

    Hang in there-help is coming!! My site is currently being migrated to new! faster! web hosting, and things should be way better after that. Hopefully in a week or so you'll see some improvement.


    Tuesday 17th of December 2013

    Lisey has certainly surprised me. LOL It was fun seeing the cookies and guessing. Thanks!


    Tuesday 17th of December 2013

    I got ONE right! Yay for me! That was fun, but boy did I stink at the guessing.... Can't wait to try again next year. I'll be ready for it. Hee...


    Tuesday 17th of December 2013

    I got two right :)

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