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The mushrooms, they were bad.

I thought they might just be dry, but nope! They’d stayed a little too moist in the veggie drawer, and so instead of drying out, they got slimy and stinky.

So I did as I promised I would, and took a photo.

Far be it from me to compost some produce without showing you. 😉

And now I’ll leave you with a nicer scene so that visions of slimy mushrooms won’t be dancing through your head.

Today’s 365 post: Getting down

Joshua’s 365 post: Spring is springing!

Don't throw your bread away!

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    Tuesday 5th of April 2011

    I usually buy my mushrooms bulk, and that way I can choose exactly how much to purchase, especially if I'm only planning on using them for one meal. Also, I find mushrooms keep really well in a paper bag. If I do leave some in the fridge too long they are usually dry and not slimy!

    Tina (Tightwad Mom)

    Sunday 3rd of April 2011

    Stink (literally) for icky mushrooms!!! I found a shriveled up sweet potato with a full head of hair (and a mustache) when I cleaned out the veggie drawer, yesterday! :P


    Sunday 3rd of April 2011

    I've got some almost going that way... going to saute them tonight to put on baked potatoes.


    Sunday 3rd of April 2011

    Oh the rebellion of mushrooms!!!!

    Karin in Canada

    Sunday 3rd of April 2011

    Kristen, you're too funny! Visions of slimy mushrooms instead of sugar plums :)

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