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The No-Brainer Blog (a review and giveaway)

This giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Ruth B. and Rachel W., the winners of the two copies of The No-Brainer Blog!

The No-Brainer Blog is the latest ebook put out by Hayley, who writes at The Tiny Twig. You might remember her from her other ebook, The No-Brainer Wardrobe.

I got a review copy of this ebook, and I’ve got a couple of copies to give away to you guys too (more on that in a minute.)

Who might want to read this book?

Well, the No-Brainer Blog would be a great read for you if:

  • You’ve been blogging for a while and feel like you don’t have a purpose or sense of direction.
  • You’d like to earn some money from your blog.
  • You’re just starting out as a blogger and aren’t sure what to do or where to go.

Hayley’s book is not a technical manual (Blogging with Amy is your place for technical help!), but rather a guide to finding your blog’s vision, networking with other bloggers, designing a visually pleasing page, using social media, and preventing blogging from taking over your life.

If they’re poorly designed, ebooks are a sometimes a little painful to read (they feel like a really long Word document then!) But The No-Brainer Blog isn’t at all like that…I found it very easy to read on my computer screen.

The ideas that Hayley shares aren’t overwhelming or confusing, and at the end of the book, there are several worksheets to help you work through the process of things like figuring out your vision and choosing some streams of revenue. So, it feels nice and do-able.


You can buy a copy of The No-Brainer Blog for $7.99, which is a small price to pay if it helps you make your blog profitable.

But two of you won’t even need to buy a copy, because I’m giving two away! You don’t have to have an e-reader to participate, since the book is a PDF and can be read right on your computer.

To enter, just leave a comment on this post. And international readers, you’ll be pleased to know that this giveaway is indeed open to you. (Woo!)

We’ll make this a quick giveaway, so I’ll close the comments tomorrow night at midnight EST.


disclosure: I received a review copy of this ebook, but this giveaway was not sponsored and all text and opinions are mine. Purchases made through links in this post help to support The Frugal Girl.

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    Amy W

    Sunday 16th of December 2012

    Please add my name to the drawing. Sounds like a good read.


    Sunday 16th of December 2012

    I reallllly need some good practical tips for restarting a blog. I need to learn more and see how others are doing it.Love THIS blog by the way!!!!


    Sunday 16th of December 2012

    Great giveaway!!!!


    Sunday 16th of December 2012

    I'd love to read this too!


    Sunday 16th of December 2012

    This sounds like a great read! I've been thinking about starting a blog and would welcome helpful advise.

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