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The things I obsess over (and the Amazon winner!)

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I post a photo and just a few words.

snowflake cookie cutter

I was at a craft store at the beginning of this month, buying some gifts, when I saw this snowflake cookie cutter.

I’d never had a snowflake cookie cutter before, but I could see that this had the potential for some fun decorating.

So what was the problem?

Well, I’ve never bought a Christmas cookie cutter before Christmas. Every single one of mine have been purchased at after-Christmas clearance sales.

For a minute or two, I felt pretty sure I should just wait and see if I could get this on clearance after December 25th.

And then I was like, “Kristen, this is ridiculous. This cutter costs $3, and if you wait until after Christmas, you’ll only save $1.50, and then you’ll have to wait a whole ‘nother year to use it.”

So, I bought the cookie cutter.

And it was just as fun to use as I imagined it would be. 😉

snowflake cookie

(This is not to say that I’m down on post-Christmas clearance sales, because I’m totally not. But sometimes, frugality can get a little out of control, and I think it’s good to recognize that every now and then, saving $1.50 isn’t worth the wait.)
About the Amazon gift card from the Coinstar post….

Holy moly, you guys! I don’t think there have ever been more comments on a single post.

(and I’ll have you know that I read every single one.)

I wish I could give a gift card to all of you, but that would kind of bankrupt me.

So! Amanda is the winner of the Amazon card…congrats, Amanda! You’ve been emailed.

Also, just because a few people were confused:

If you redeem your coins for a gift certificate through Coinstar, there is NO fee. It’s free! So, Coinstar is a lovely frugal option if you don’t have a bank near you that offers free coin counting.


PSA: The Frugal Girl is migrating to new, improved (read: faster!!) hosting. The move will happen in the next 24-48 hours, and nothing should change on your end…you’ll still visit the same web address and your email subscriptions will remain the same as well. But just in case something goes wonky, I thought I should give you guys a heads up.

I hope that this move vastly improves the speed of your reading experience. I’m also going to do a few other things to speed up the site, and I’m gonna get off my rear and update my theme, which means that my blog should behave better on your mobile devices.


Joshua’s 365 post: Just for fun


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    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    I obsess about things as well - I've wanted a veggie spiraliser for months now and still haven't managed to cough up the $5 to buy one on ebay! Good on you for buying the cookie cutter - if you actually use it (and you did), it's definitely worth $3!

    Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion)

    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    I think frugality works best if you can occasionally treat yourself to small rewards/investments which do not have a significant impact on the bottom line. You bought an inexpensive but well made tool which will bring lots of enjoyment to your family. Win/win! Just one gal's opinion :)

    Deborah C. Williams

    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    Just think of the money saved making your own cookies and the fun making them with your children priceless!! Thanks for all your wonderful posts! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!


    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    Well, we are always hearing how its the little things that add up. But I'm with you and would have bought it if I wanted. You will get lots of use from that purchase so its a good buy.

    I just had this same thing happen to me. I found an old cross pen in a drawer. I really liked using it until it ran out of ink. I didn't toss it and for years its has laid around. Last week I looked it up and bought 2 refills from Amazon for $4. I could have bought a box of pens for that price but I decided I wanted to use this one again. Was it a good buy? Who knows, but I'm happy with the purchase.


    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    And that is very true...that little things add up. But my error is that I sometimes think that means I should never buy ANY little things!


    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    Just curious, which Amanda won? Seeing this post got me excited, so I checked my email. There wasn't a message from you. Looking at all the comments from people named Amanda made me remember why I hated my name in elementary school. :)


    Thursday 19th of December 2013

    It's the Amanda S., who happens to blog here: She was commenter 300-something.

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