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The Thrilling Flour Sale.

I mentioned in my grocery spending thread that I’d hit a lovely flour sale, and I promised to post about it. Since I bake so much, I go through a LOT of flour…10 pounds a week is really not unusual for me. For the past several years, I’ve tried to stock up when it goes on sale(between Thanksgiving and New Years, and then again at Easter). I can usually catch several sales where a 5 pound bag costs $.99.

Unfortunately, wheat prices have gone up this year, and so cheap flour has been hard to come by. My stash from Easter has long run out, and I’ve been settling for buying store-brand 5 pound bags of flour for $2.50. It pains me to pay that much for flour, but it’s still cheaper than buying bread and rolls.

I was pretty certain that I would never find a $.99 flour sale again, but I came wonderfully close this week. Five pound bags of Gold Medal flour were on sale for $2.50, and if you bought $30 worth of flour, you could get a $15 coupon to use on your next purchase. This effectively reduces the price of each bag of flour to $1.25! I bought twelve bags, and I now have $15 to spend at that store.

The sale is not over yet, so I’m hoping to stop back there this week and buy 12 more bags(I’ll use my $15 coupon, of course, so this next flour run will only cost me $15). This will save me $30 total on flour, and I am so, so happy. Not only did I pay $1.25 a bag, I also got to buy Gold Medal unbleached, which is my most favorite flour.

And I’m still sort of hoping that maybe, just maybe, I’ll see a $.99 flour sale this holiday season. 😉

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    The Frugal Girl » Oh yes! I’m a happy girl.

    Wednesday 1st of April 2009

    [...] a very typical Wednesday Baking post, but I just had to share my joy about something.  My $.99 and $1.25/5 pound flour stash has been getting a bit low…I have maybe 10 five-pound bags left, which [...]


    Wednesday 5th of November 2008

    I promise I will try to get something posted. I need to snag my husband and have him take some pictures of me kneading bread dough. My son failed miserably at that last time I had him try. lol


    Wednesday 5th of November 2008

    I love your blog!! I'm noticing my target prices are ALL out of whack because of fuel costs hitting the stores. It just kills me to pay as much as I have lately for everything. I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet to compare the brownies, lol. I have yet to make a successful loaf of bread, so I'm just dying for those posts. Just my two cents...


    Tuesday 4th of November 2008

    Yup, I do it all myself. I do use my Kitchen-Aid stand mixer to mix the dough initially, but then I knead it myself. I really need to get my rear in gear and do some posts about that.


    Tuesday 4th of November 2008

    Oh, once again you're making my mouth water! I MUST dig out my breadmaker soon! :-)

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