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The tree is out.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture (or two. or three.) and just a few words.

And all the decorations are stored away in their boxes.

I do like Christmas, but when January 1st rolls around, I am usually more than ready to put everything away.

So, I am over the moon that after spending some time yesterday working on un-decorating, my living room now looks like this.

clean living room

And that my dining room looks like this.

clean dining room

I am just trying not to think about the fact that Sonia and Zoe’s room currently looks like this in all directions.

messy bedroom

Are you a take-down-the-decorations-promptly sort? Or do you like to leave them up for a good long time?

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    Kim Kenny

    Monday 6th of January 2014

    We put our tree & decorations up on Dec 1st and take them all down on Jan 1st. While I'm storing all of the Christmas decorations, the grandkids go through all of their old toys. They donate one old toy for every new toy that they got for Christmas (we do this after their birthdays too).


    Monday 6th of January 2014

    I'm definitely a take it down on January 1st type of girl, this year we left a few things up later because we had visiting family but was fortunate enough to have said family take down the tree for us AND we sent the two early twenties boys out to take down ALL the outdoor stuff! Best. Gift. Ever.


    Sunday 5th of January 2014

    I love Christmas decorations. This year I left mine up until New Years because I had guests on New Years Eve but I typically take mine down a day or two before then because I love love love to start the year fresh with a clean, uncluttered house. I typically deep clean the house and then display fresh fruit and flowers for the new year. New years is always a time of great reflection for me. And I like that the hub bub and the pressures of the holidays are over and look forward to a fresh start to the new year.


    Saturday 4th of January 2014

    We usually keep our decorations up until Epiphany (or around then). We took our decorations down today since it's the weekend and hubby was home to help. I do try to not keep them up past Epiphany since my daughter's birthday is Jan 7th. So they usually come down the weekend before her birthday since we usually have her party the next weekend.

    Rebecca Rip

    Friday 3rd of January 2014

    Our family famously keeps the tree up for far longer than we care to publicly admit. I love it, though, and especially love reading by the glow of the Christmas lights late in the evening, armed with a novel and mug of hot cocoa.

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