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The Ultimate DIY Bundle is here!

When I posted about making my own Soft Scrub on Monday, I mentioned that I got the recipe from a book in the Ultimate DIY ebook bundle, which is available to you as of 8:00 this morning.

The Ultimate DIY bundle contains 76 ebooks and ecourses (plus 6 bonus offers) for $34.95, so the price per book/course is slightly less than $0.46.

The bundle covers a lot of areas of DIY, such as sewing:


(my book is in this group!)


home decor:

home and garden:

(Clean and Simple is the book with the soft scrub recipe.)

and there are more books too!

(The bundle does not cover things like DIYing appliance repair.   Or building a house.   This is all smaller-scale DIY!)

You probably will not need/want/use every book and course in this bundle, but because you get so many books for the $34.95 price, it’s still a great deal even if you don’t use every single resource.

(Ebooks usually run about $5, and at that price, you could only get 7 books, whereas this bundle has 76 books and ecourses.)


There’s a 30 day money-back guarantee on the bundle, which means if you buy it and you don’t think you’re going to get your money’s worth out of it, you can ask for a refund.   So, it’s completely risk free.

(The people at Ultimate Bundles are lovely and they will give you no grief for asking for a refund.)



The Ultimate DIY Bundle will only be on sale for 6 days – from 8am EST on Wednesday, January 21 until 11:59pm EST on Monday, January 26, so go pick one up if the books look like they’d be helpful to you!


The Ultimate DIY Bundle comes with 4 bonuses, worth over $118. That’s 3x the price of the bundle alone!

These include…

This sale ends at midnight on Monday, January 26th, so if you want The Ultimate DIY Bundle, (76 eBooks and eCourses for just $34.95), buy yours before then!

This deal ends in just…
Pick up your copy right now, before it’s too late. Or, learn more here.



I know this is sort of an overwhelming amount of books to look through, so over the course of the sale, I’ll put together some posts listing the books that I think are the best, since I’ve already had a few days to look over the contents of the bundle.

P.S. You do NOT need a Kindle or other ereader to buy these books, as they are PDF downloads.   In fact, since a lot of them contain tons of photos (as opposed to a book that is mostly text), I think they work better on a computer or tablet anyway.

P.P.S. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Read the fine print about this bundle and read the answers to frequently asked questions about the bundle.

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    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    This was the first time ordering a bundle and I am very happy. From my perspective, the bundle paid for itself once I got a free 39 buck class on craftsy!! I was hesitant as I no longer have kids at home, but looking at the crafts business articles alone I am happy.

    to the other poster I plan to make files by topic on my desktop and I did not download them all.

    Now if I could just figure out how to transfer these to my tablet or kindle, I would be in hog heaven


    Sunday 25th of January 2015

    I would like to try the DIY Bundle, but whenever I click on the emails I receive from Stephanie in regards to it, I get a message warning me to not trust the website, as it's security certificate cannot be authenticated. Has anyone else received that message?


    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Did you write one of these ebooks?


    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Yes! Reuse, Refresh, Repurpose, in the crafts section, is my book. :)

    Hannah @ eat, drink, and save money

    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Congrats and good luck! I hope this does well. Let me know how I can help promote it, I'd love to help a fellow frugal living blogger!


    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Aww, that is so sweet of you! I would love it if you shared this post with your readers.

    Kelly Douglass

    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    I am wondering how you keep all the e-books organized? I'm kinda new to the e-book scene, I do use my ipad and iphone occasionally for book downloads but I find it hard to keep things organzined, they all just show up willy-nilly in the library. I think I would love some of these books but I worry about not being able to find what I need with so many titles :) Any advice?


    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Well, I only download the ones I want, and I have a folder on my desktop for ebooks. Since I put them there, they're easy to find!

    You can download them all as one huge file or you can download them individually. So maybe individual downloads would help to solve your problem?

    Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom

    Wednesday 21st of January 2015

    Wow! That's a lot of learning there! Thanks for sharing this great offer! Learning to sew would be pretty great...

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