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This book is on its last leg.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I post a picture and just a few words. It’s kind of a 104 project instead of a 365 project.

I bought this Saxon 54 textbook used, as I do with most of our non-consumable curriculum, and it wasn’t in super great shape then.

(I think it was maybe rated “good” on, and that’s only one step above “acceptable”.)

saxon math 54

Now that it’s on its fourth user at our house (Zoe), the pages are wrinkled and the cover is held together with packing tape.

Even so, I’ll probably offer it up on freecycle when I’m done with it.   I bet some homeschooler somewhere will want it!

Slightly related thought: now that Zoe is doing fourth grade work, I find myself in the strange new position of getting rid of homeschool curriculum each spring.

Every year before this, I’ve been steadily accumulating; buying curriculum for Joshua, saving everything for the girls.

But when Zoe is done with something, we really are done with it and I get to pass it on rather than shelving it for future use.

P.S. In case you’re new to it, here’s how freecycle works.   And here’s more about, a great site for selling and buying used books.

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    Laura Vanderkam

    Wednesday 28th of January 2015

    I'd start getting rid of the baby stuff as kid #4 outgrows it, but I worry that's just tempting fate...


    Wednesday 28th of January 2015

    Well, yeah, I wouldn't have gotten rid of things if there weren't permanent measures in place to ensure Zoe's place as the last kid in the family. ;)


    Wednesday 28th of January 2015

    I'd love to own that well-loved Saxon book. I could send you $$ to ship it to WI when you're through with it. I don't remember how old Zoe is, but my #2 (of 3) is in 1st grade, but more like at 3rd grade for math - we're working with him more at home, since the school has limitations in that respect. We'd definitely get good use of the book.


    Wednesday 28th of January 2015

    Ok! I will give you a shoutout when we're done with it this spring. I have a solutions manual for it too.

    Liz @ Economies of Kale

    Tuesday 27th of January 2015

    Now that is a well-used textbook :)


    Tuesday 27th of January 2015

    I LOVE Saxon math and I'm using the 54 curriculum right now with one of my Deaf students. The repetition is wonderful.

    Emily @ Simple Cheap Mom

    Tuesday 27th of January 2015

    We're only planning on having one kid, so now that she's 2 we're already starting to think about getting rid of the baby stuff. It's kind of sad, but I'd like to get it out of my house!

    As long as you can still read it, I think someone will be able to get some use out of it!


    Tuesday 27th of January 2015

    By the time Zoe grew out of baby stuff, I was THRILLED to get it out of the house. So great to finally have the swing and the bouncy seat and stroller out of the way.

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