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This is a Travelwee.

(My posting routine is all off this week! So we’ll have a Tuesday/Thursday-style photo post today, a regular post tomorrow, and then Food Waste Friday/Freezer Challenge Update on Friday.)

A travelwee is a small creature you make from craft fur, safety eyes, pipe cleaners, and a few other things.   The girls found the idea/pattern online, and Lisey thought they were so cute, she bought the pattern from Craftsy.


The idea behind them is sort of like the whole Flat Stanley thing…you take the Travelweee to various places and photograph him or her there.

They fit into an Altoid tin for easy travel and they carry a small map so they don’t get lost. 😉

travelwee in altoid tin

Mr. FG and Joshua recently went to CA for a week (Joshua’s 16th birthday gift!) and they took a red travelwee (his name is Shoo Bop) with them.

During their trip, they texted us photos of Shoo Bop on plane, at the beach, by the redwoods, at the Santa Monica Pier, at In n Out Burger, and more.

travelwee in CA

The girls and I had so much fun receiving the photos during the week, and I’m quite sure Mr. FG and Joshua enjoyed posing Shoo Bop for us too.

I plan to make a little photo book of Shoo Bop’s California adventures, but I think that’s gonna have to wait until my crazy month of May is over.

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    Sunday 10th of May 2015

    Adorable :)


    Thursday 7th of May 2015

    This reminds me of Clan McGonk:


    Wednesday 6th of May 2015

    Would you consider posting more on the trip--how you budgeted/frugal travel trips? Travel is a big part of our lives, and I'm always interested in others' ideas. Our kids are still at the younger end, but we've talked about a camping trip with Dad when they each turn ten, and a European trip with Mom at 16.


    Thursday 7th of May 2015

    Yep, I can!

    Crafty Ashley B

    Wednesday 6th of May 2015

    So fun!! I can just imagine waiting for the ting that another picture of his adventure had arrived!

    Laura Vanderkam

    Wednesday 6th of May 2015

    I want someone to take me on vacation and take photos of me in fabulous places. I probably won't fit in the Altoids box though :(


    Wednesday 6th of May 2015

    Yeah, the girls nor me either. ;) So we had to settle for texted photos of ShooBop in fabulous places.

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